

  • brunsda
    Enjoyed reading all the posts. Have a great week everyone.

  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello all,
    Thanks for the new friends invites! It is good to help others, but lately I have been too high on my calories and need to get back on track. I guess I need to get back on my old schedule where I walked the treadmill every morning or did a video work out. It seems if I start out right, the whole day goes better. If I sleep until the last minute to get ready for work, the whole day is off. With that being said, I guess I better get to bed at a good time.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did an hour of yoga today. So far the news said that it doesn't look good for the race to start on time.

    Welcome murfee

    Laura - add each ingredient in your recipe individually and MFP will calculate the calories/fat/protein etc for you for a serving

    Suz - That's good that you see ALL of your posts. I also want to check out how you cook your beans. I'm thinking that I could get some dry beans, soak them overnight, and then cook them in the crockpot.

    Welcome yoyoung

    Well, we did go to the race today. I really like this step class here on Mon and Fri, and I know I won't be here Fri. But this is also important to Vince and I'd NEVER hear the end of it if I wasn't here at 10 to leave. (this was before they postponed the race until 7:00). So I did a yoga DVD here in the condo. I don't know if I can bring a Leslie Sansone walking DVD, it might be too loud early in the a.m. Anyway, sat around the condo most of the day, did a latch hook for a friend of mine, went to Lowes and a few few other stores, came back then went to the race. We left after the firey crash which red flagged it for 2 hours. I'm a bit surprised Vince didn't want to stay until the very end. We watched the end in the condo.

    Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable workout for the spin.

    Gotta get to bed. Will clean the condo tomorrow and then we will probably leave for home Wed.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Wow! Just finished catching up on 2 days worth of posts -- now it's time for bed! :yawn: :yawn:

    Will post tomorrow when I have more time.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Wow! Just finished catching up
    This time of month, I give up. I figure a new thread is coming soon. :laugh:

    I just read the last page and hope I don't miss anything too important.
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Weigh in today... down 1.3 lbs. Excited to be down over 8lbs... hopefully next week will hit my 10lb mark. Its gonna be a busy crazy week... My In-Laws fly in for a week. Mom is a bit nervous... because we live on a boat and she's not sure if she can handle it. I told not to worry, nothing to fear.... I exercise on a rocking boat........LOL

    Anyways hope you all have an amazing week.......... and keep :happy: :happy:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Marking my spot. Welcome to all the new faces. Congrats to all those who are watching the scale move or shopping for shorts for the NEW you! The birds and bunnies think it is Spring in VA so I think I'm going to go along with them. It is a whole month early.

    Tried Virginias 3x 32 oz of water yesterday and ............... my scale moved! After obsessing over food for the last 6 weeks, I've figured out what I can and CAN'T eat. So I'm excited that exercise and WATER might help. Guess there isn't a magic bullet, darn it! It does seem like toning and weights help a great deal.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Kackie, your ski picture looks fantastic. What a great sport skiing :heart: is.

    Thanks to all who commented on my Principal for the Day post. I was a principal for a long time, so picking up the threads for a day or two is no big deal. There's not much students (or parents) can do that scares me. Yesterday’s issues were all pretty minor – a grade 7 girl who hid under a table and would not come out, a couple of grade one boys in a fight on the playground and recess duty on a very cold and windy day. Acting principal doesn’t have to worry about the paperwork or the politics! Tomorrow the teacher’s union takes a strike vote and over the next week or two the job action will be resolved one way or another. Now that's politics! :grumble:

    So, no, Liselyn, I did not balance your end of the universe by having a hectic day. What kind of work are you taking a leave from?

    Realpure – god luck on your pantry overhaul, and thanks for the quote about smiling. I am going to share that one with my students in a math class - exponential returns!

    JB I envy you being able to walk by the ocean, I also sympathize with your reaction to sea lions. Yikes!

    My salad today has left over grilled red snapper, green peas, greens and lemon juice. :smile:

    Suz, your garden sounds amazing. I have pots with lavender in them around my patio and pots with rosemary in them around my outdoor dining area. That’s it for this not-so-green thumb. I like the idea of gardening, but that’s as far as it goes. :blushing:

    Virginia, have you looked at the Land’s End website for shorts? They have a huge range of styles and sizes. I tend to do a lot of on-line shopping because there is only one (yes one) women’s clothing store where I live. I’ve always found Land’s End to be good quality and true to their advertising. It’s the best place ever for bathing suits, they even have some styles they sell by bra size (very important to a well endowed woman such as I am!).

    Blissfundrake – I’m with you! I love the first warm day when I can open all the doors and windows and blow winter’s stale air away. I also love it when it gets warm enough so I don’t have to wear tights or nylons with my skirts. I hate that fiddly stuff! It would be great to live in a climate where I never had to wear socks! (Except when I went skiing, of course!)

    Mixdouble, I hope you got your walk in. I did three miles after supper, it wore out Buster the Poodle but I felt great. :happy: Your Oscar Show feast sounds delicious. I have some avocados and some red peppers in the fridge – that’ll be our first course tonight.

    Joyce, Westernjoy – Try “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” for a book on free weights. Nerd Fitness “How to Build Your Own Workout Routine” is good internet resource. Have fun! I also have “Strength Training for Women” by Joan Pagano (Barbie mentioned this one) and it’s a good starting place too. I could send it to you because I don’t use it anymore….

    Meg – tortillas in lettuce….I will do that. I usually just have the filling on a plate, skip the wrap all together in spite of how much I love them.

    Michelle – Safe driving on your way home!

    Yikes, it's already 7 am. I have to put the rest of the ingredients into the tagine in the slow cooker, wake up J'boy and get myself from pajamas to school clothes. Unfortunately, it's a day for wearing tights under my skirt. I think I'll wear the new skirt, the one I got in a size 8 a couple of weeks ago to replace the size 12 I bought last fall! :happy:

    New Rules of LIfting for Women workout B2 today :explode: includes lunges with weights. I hate lunges, they are such hard work!

    Hasta pronto,

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Day 2 of my recommittment. I did good yesterday. I ate well and stayed withing calories and got some exercise in. I feel so much better even after one day. The scales were down this morning 3 pounds. I know that is just water and changing my habits but I will take it. Oh I forgot to post yesterday that I plan to weigh myself every day for the rest of my life. Barbie you know how hard that will be for me but I am going to do it. Keep my honest with myself. I have a funny story from yesterday. I have not used my treadmill in quite a while so yesterday put it down(one of those fold up kind) and decided I was going to walk. So I plugged it in put the magnet on and nothing. Tried several times and still nothing. Called the warranty place to get service and discovered that warranty expired in Jan cause I forgot to renew. So son and son in law looked at it and nothing. Kenneth came home later after work and I went to take bath while he ate supper. When I came out of bath he asked me to come see. Treadmill was running. He joked at first and said it just came on by itself. Then he told me there is a switch on bottom that was off. I was so glad. Thought of getting rid of that thing and whether or not to get a new one was not a good thought. Since I had just had my bath I did not get on but will get on today. Anyway going to dentist in a while and will report back later. So good to be back. Have a wonderful day ladies.
    vicki m
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I'm entering crunch week at my house. Last week I got new tires, this week my first ever gps arrived so I need to become familiar with it. Next week I will get the car detailed and start packing. I leave next Thursday for a 3 wk long road trip driving myself, my Mother-in-law and her sister to Virginia and back for my son's marriage blessing. They got married in a private civil ceremony before he deployed 3 years ago when he realized a fiance had no legal rights, but a spouse did. He was stationed in Oregon, her folks live in Wisconsin and we live in West Texas. So this church vow renewal is a huge deal for both sets of families!

    Due to my MiLs and Aunt's health, we won't be driving more than 6 hours on any given day, so finding time to walk or hit the hotel gym shouldn't be too hard. They are both diabetic, but aren't the least discriminate about what they put in their mouth so staying "clean" on this trip will take lots of forethought and determination on my part. I don't own a laptop or tablet so logging food oe checking this thread MAY become tricky. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

    Yesterday didn't turn out to be as active as I had planned. Ended up riding with hubby to pick up parts for work 120 miles away. So today is catch up day on many fronts. On goes the pedometer and the Shape ups. Lets see how many steps I can take today :drinker:
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Good morning, all. Enjoyed reading all the posts, although I'm still having a hard time tracking everyone.

    Realpure, what is the 3 x 32 oz. water formula? I can't find it anywhere.

    I had a hearing last night and a very stressful day leading up to it. Missed lunch trying to get a motion finished and filed, but did grab a bottle of water and an apple, piece of string cheese and handful of pretzels to eat on the hour-long drive to the hearing. In the past it would have been pretzels only.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I see that we are nearing 500 posts, so just a reminder: if there is a padlock by the name of the thread, we have hit the magic number. Just go to the last post and click "continued at this topic" in the body of the post. We will be there waiting for you!

    The guy that cuts my hair had surgery and then has fallen several times. I thought that I was finally getting my hair cut today, but alas, he has rescheduled again to Friday. Maybe I can just wear a hat until then? My original appointment was for the 10th.

    Better get to work. See you on the other side! Mary
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello Tuesday Good-news day. Scale down 1.5 of the 3 (Ahem!) I was up yesterday morning. Goodness. Seems to happen every time I lose a pound - the next few days I go right back up - of course it couldn't be from overeating and too much wine over the weekend. Who, me? :laugh:

    Ate like a dreamgirl yesterday and planning a repeat performance today, tomorrow, the next day and the next. 1235 calories, seems to be a magic number. Large salad for lunch, but I was on "empty" by the time I got home from work. Had a tiny splash of wine before dinner, and even had room for a little piece of dark chocolate almond bark. Most delicious stuff on earth.

    Nancy, I don't live near the ocean - the 800 lb California sea lions are in the river! I go to the Willamette River (Portland) which is pretty darned big - not as big as the Columbia, but still big. The sea lions come from the ocean (about 50 miles away) to hunt for salmon. Pretty amazing. The river "beach" where I take the dogs is near the confluence of 2 rivers where the salmon are plentiful. Local fisherman are always trying to get a law passed to legalize shooting the sea lions, but I don't think it'll ever happen.

    Better get a move-on here. Have a great day, eat your salads, Sistas! :drinker:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Over cast Tuesday,

    Congrats to those of you that have lost:drinker:

    Too much work to do but will say I'm thinking of you today.

    Have a good day and don't forget to drink your water:drinker: and keep moving, it's what will help us reach our goals.

  • brunsda
    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    realpure-I really liked the quote about trying to make 1 person happy each day. What a great thing to strive for.

    Nancy-What a great accomplishment. Size 8. Woo Hoo! You have inspired me today-thanks.

    Mary-ooh I hope you are able to get your hair cut Friday. I don't know about you but when I get past the time for a cut things can start looking pretty sad. Have you tried any new styles while you have been waiting?

    AHealthierSuz-Drive carefully and Enjoy yourself.

    Vicki-I am looking forward to getting to know you.

    I have a new goal for my walking. My son is starting the spring soccer season. I thought while he is practicing is the perfect time for me to get in a good long walk. It is something I have really been struggling with. Have a great day.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    A lot of hotels now have a busines area and have computers to use free of charge. that way you can log on and keep track on the road. Hope this helps. be safe. If you drive through Louisiana stop and see me.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Good morning, all. Enjoyed reading all the posts, although I'm still having a hard time tracking everyone.

    Realpure, what is the 3 x 32 oz. water formula? I can't find it anywhere.

    I had a hearing last night and a very stressful day leading up to it. Missed lunch trying to get a motion finished and filed, but did grab a bottle of water and an apple, piece of string cheese and handful of pretzels to eat on the hour-long drive to the hearing. In the past it would have been pretzels only.


    Hi Eileen,
    Who knows with me and my speed reading....... I thought I read that Virginia drinks 3, 32 oz glasses of water a day. I had been drinking 8 glasses, not measuring. I tried drinking from measured water bottle yesterday with oz on it, and checking on a piece of paper each time I refilled it. So that I made sure I was drinking enough. VERY behind today. Hard to drink when I subing. I'm on it now.

    Glad you fit in some cheese. Protein always helps me. Straight carbs disaster. Good luck!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Well, we're leaving tomorrow. Lynette wants to come down in Sept. or Oct, I think we'll come in the middle of the month and spend a lot more time. I laid by the pool for the last time (boo hoo....until next time). Did an hour of a downloadable spinning workout. I'll probably do some yoga tomorrow a.m. Actually, the more I think about it, mid-Sept. is probably better for us. In Oct. Vince wants to get ready for Halloween.

    realpure - so glad you found what works for you. I know that eating at night always works for me (if I don't eat, I lose, regardless of what it is I'm eating)

    Need to finish up a sweet potato that I have and some green beans, so I'll have some tuna that I have here while Vince finishes up the ham. I need to finish up the one wedge of Laughing Cow so I'll have that tonight. Update: had ham since we need to finish that up and the tuna is in a pouch.

    We were looking at the food that we need to take back with us. Vince was commenting about how his popcorn has an expiration date of a year ago. Big deal! really, popcorn doesn't go bad -- I've never had a problem and I'm sure my popcorn is more than a year old. That's what happens when he doesn't eat it!

    Nancy - what is Lands End's policy on returning clothing. As you know, I'm looking for a good bathing suit, but I'm very hesitant to buy clothing off the net. Oh, if I try something on in the store, see how it fits, but the store may not have my color, then I don't mind ordering off the net. What if the suit doesn't fit me, or looks great on a model but not so great on me?

    Vacuumed the condo, washed the floor. I'd forgotten how little time it takes to clean so I had time to sit by the pool. I also packed just about everything except what I'll wear tomorrow.

    Nancy - congrats on the size 8 skirt. Doesn't it feel good?

    Vicki - good luck at the dentist

    Suz - drive safely. I can just imagine what a big deal this is! Do you have a cell phone? I have a droid and there is an app that I downloaded. I can enter my foods, but I can't access the groups. Also, many hotels have a computer for use by it's visitors.

    We're packing the MiFi tonight so I won't be able to check in tomorrow until we get home, maybe even the next day.

    Wonder if we'll get locked out?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    How are you doing? Hope you all are okay. Please ask me who talked me into listing this house for sale?? I absolutely hate having all these people coming through the house, going through my cupboards, opening drawers, etc. I hate it; I know they have to, but I just hate it. Please, those of you that do, say a prayer for me that we get sold quickly :grumble:

    Barbie - I have to tell you, I love your picture, you looks gorgeous :love:

    murfee61 - your goals sound great :wink:

    realpure - how did you make our with trying to stock the pantry :ohwell:

    Vicki - so good to hear from you, you will be fine, we all need to fall off the wagon, only to fall back on sometimes; this only makes us stronger :laugh:

    Virginia - I never got a chance to tell you, your glamour shots were absolutely incredible, you are stunning :bigsmile:

    Mary/Mimi - you are right about the flabby skin, but that does not make it any less ugly :laugh: I have lots of it too and I know it is there for a really good reason, but I still hate it :laugh:

    jadeinecg - hi and welcome :flowerforyou:

    mixdouble - have a safe trip :smile:

    Marilyn - hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    yoyoung - hi and welcome to you too :flowerforyou:

    Michele - hope you are enjoying Daytona - that is my oldest son's dream, is to attend the Daytona 500 :laugh:

    frogmana - you are so close to you goal, good for you :wink:

    Well, Ladies, I hope you all stay well. Congrats to those of you who are losing, good for you. Hubby and I are to go on on Caribbean cruise on March 24th, so I hope we have the house sold by then for sure. But our winter has been so mild that we are not really escaping any bad weather, really :laugh: We have signed up for trips to see the Mayan ruins while we are away and I am looking forward to that.

    Anyway, my Friends, take care and I will talk to you again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Ladies...

    Just a quick check-in this evening. Was down 2.2 pounds on my WW weigh-in...so that is 7 .2 lbs total since starting with them on January 31st, and 14.5 since the start of Shedding Pounds for Hounds began on January 3rd. The support from this group of ladies has also been a blessing...thank you all.

    Feeling pretty positive about this lifestyle change to say the least. I'm enjoying my morning treadmill workouts, and have been adding intervals this week. This weekend I am going to buy some exercise videos to change up the pace. Hubby is down 10 pounds which will make his doctor happy! All in all a great start to 2012.

    Had a bit of a challenge today at work. We recently did a go-live with a huge project that has been underway for the last two years, and it went pretty smoothly...as big projects go, so the team was recognized with a Thank You Party. They had cake & soda, and a number of high-level managers to say thank you. I took a very small piece of cake, and left the frosting. Even at that I had such a sugar headache when I got home it wasn't funny. Fortunately, my points were under control, and I don't think I did too much damage. Regardless...if I did there is still plenty of time to make up for it.

    Off to finish up my food posts and then NCIS. I'm not much of a TV buff...but that show is a must see for me each week.

    Have a great evening, and tomorrow is hump day already!
