
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    JB- Congratulations on the scale moving down
    Janice- Enjoy you "Welcome to Colorado Party"
    Nancy- Deer are considered a nuisance here as well often destroying gardens and shrubs. There are also alot of car/deer accidents around here. I see them al ot on my way to work in the morning. One of my coworkers hit on on the way to work and then went into a guard rail. She broke a few ribs and was out of work for awhile
    Mimi- A mountain lion? And you weren't scared? You are a braver woman than I am.

    Lots of nice merchandise coming into the store when I worked yesterday. I have to be careful that I don't spend more than I earn. I did well yesterday and didn't buy anything, though I do have my eye on a few things.
    I can't believe how busy the airport was this morning. Usually after the early morning rush, we don't have any long lines. Today it just didn't let up. When I was looking at boarding passes, it seemed that most were going to Ft Lauderdale. I think Florida is going to sink.
    DH and I went to another mall for our walking this evening.At least it was a little different scenery. We went out for dinner after and I had a side salad and 1/4 of his burger. Oh! I also had 3 drinks of his beer.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,275 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm a good (I hope!) friend of Nancy's from another board here on MFP, and have been looking for one more community group to follow along as I go forward. This one sounds good. I have dipped in a couple of times in the past, but somehow it did not "stick".

    I am doing well since the beginning of December, and hope to keep on -- in no small part because of partnering up with Nancy on a February challenge in a group for those of us who are rather, umm, short. It has been great to work with her, and I look forward to getting to know more folks here in the over 50 gang.

    I am 58, in the part of Quebec where we had something like 15" of snow in the last 24 hours, and I had the best time snowshoeing today. It has been a rather snow-less winter up until today, so it was more than welcome. I have steadily lost 1 pound per week since early December, and hope to continue. It takes a lot of effort, but I recently left 10 years of rather heavy administrative posts at work, and have 6 months off before going back to a regular university teaching load. It is heaven to have time for exercise, recuperation from stress, and nothing time. I am loving it.

    So, hoping to learn more about all the regulars in this group --

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome to the new people....enjoy!

    Good to read everyone's post tonight. Had a busy day. I tutored and then went to help my sister and brother-in-law. They are breaking up his dad's apartment because he had to move into a nursing home. I got lots of exercise going up and down the two flights of stairs with stuff. Lots of people helped so we had some good laughs. My sister brought pizza for everyone for lunch but I didn't want to go there. I have started Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet again and I wanted to eat clean. I really planned for today. I had a snack of an apple and string cheese before we left. When we got home from the move I had planned for fish tacos (in romaine lettuce leaves) so it was easy to have a great cup of coffee while everyone had their pizza. (A lot easier than I thought it would be). I am really working at planning meals that I really will enjoy....maybe it helps not to feel deprived. WE also got to go see a movie. We saw Iron Lady later in the afternoon. A great day.

    I think it was Nancy than commented on the dancing while waiting for dinner to cook....and yes, tonight my husband did join in. I am doing a Shape Up Rhode Island program and they give you a pedometer...just moving for 20 minutes while my veggies were roasted used up almost 600 calories!! I might have to do that every night!!!

    Have a good night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Welcome, Liselyn :bigsmile:

    I've read some of your posts on vertical challengers and have admired all the exercise you do.........you will be a great addition to this thread...if you are looking for support and encouragement, you've come to the right place.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, I love my pedometer and I love dancing as a way to stay active.:bigsmile: I've discovered that my pedometer doesn't count a lot of the steps I take while dancing so I use my heart rate monitor to figure out how many calories I burn while dancing.

    It's early but I'm ready for bed :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am glad to find this group of 50+. I am 53 and have been on MFP for a few years, although most of that time I only used the site on my iPod touch. I have been at a plateau and I know it is because I have been cheating and eating too much. I need to get back to loosing weight like I know I can.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I can use some encouragement right now.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Suz - thanks for the black bean recipe. I hope I remember where it was since I can't print it out here, I'll have to do that when I get home.

    You are welcome. Look to the left where my profile photo is. Click on the number after Posts beside any entry you see from me and it will take you to a list of everything I posted. You should be able to easily scan them to find the recipe.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I just wanted to remind everyone that I will be once again posting the birthday list when the March thread comes around, so if I don't have your birthday and you want to be included, please send me a message.

    I bought quinoa for the first time today. They haven't ever carried it in our store, but today, there it was! Anyway, please tell me a good way to try it for the first time so that my picky husband might give it a whirl.

    Sunday School lesson prepared, Children's Sermon ready, dessert and vegetable ready for pot luck tomorrow, steel cut oatmeal in the crock pot for Sunday School breakfast, and grandsons (ages 3 and 6) gone home after a 24 hour stay. This tired Grandma is headed for bed, with no way to know how many calories she burned. Good night and good weekend to all! Mary
  • Hello everyone !!!:flowerforyou:

    It has been a busy week and I'm trying to catch up!! :tongue:
    Well, my experiment work for this week!! Cut back on my carbs to between 25& 40, kept within my calories, did not use my extra cals from exercise, walked 6 miles most every day, mowed my back yard, which took almost 2 hours by push mower and lost 2.5 pounds!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    On Tuesday I completed my " 100 miles in February" Challenge and I'll just keep on walking and see how many miles I'll do this months!!:laugh:
    I can see that I will cut back because my gardening is calling me and there is lots of work to be done!!:flowerforyou:

    I hope everybody has a wonderful and enjoyable weekend!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I finally got out of the house for my walk and and managed just 4-1/2 miles instead of the 5-1/2 I'd planned but...I walked faster! 3.6 mph instead of 2.75. The cool weather helped. Bode (the big dog) kept me moving. Izzy manages to keep up somehow but those short legs have to move fast.

    Mary, be sure to rinse the quinoa well before cooking. It has natural saponins - basically, soap. If you don't rinse it really well, it can taste soapy. My daughter makes a delicious salad with it, similar to a cous cous salad. It has dried cranberries, toasted nuts, etc. (I don't have her recipe but I'll ask her for it.) Quinoa is also good hot. I like it a lot.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Jane – Yippee on the hubby getting a job! Hope the knee is mending well.

    Michelle – You could copy the recipe, paste it to your email and mail it to yourself.

    It has been windy up here in the north of Florida too. I was out this afternoon picking up branches and raking pine straw. DH had to grub out the stump of a small tree that snapped in the wind. It had a weak spot and gave way in the gusty winds.

    Mimi – A mountain lion crossed the road while you were walking!! :noway: Whoa, I would have to think a while about walking in your neck of the woods. Then again, it just may be what you get used to. When I walk in the woods there are wild pigs, rattlesnakes or the occasional alligator, if I'm near the river. They, however, usually try to avoid people.

    Jeannie – So glad to hear you got the medical bills paid off! I love having a big freezer too. It's handy for sales, garden excess, and for us, hunting season.

    Mary - The white quinoa has the mildest taste. The red and black have a more pronounced flavor, which I like best. I cook it and use it like rice using either water or chicken broth, but to start your DH out maybe add a bit of the cooked quinoa to any casserole that he likes or add a bit of it to a soup. I have also added it to cold salads.

    Someone asked about salad ideas. I didn't have an extra tab open to respond as I read, so I don't recall who asked. I have been enjoying a salad most every day for quite a while now. Lately I changed to a greek yogurt based dressing and love it – but you need to like tangy to enjoy the one I made up.

    I chop up a pile of veggies, add some meat or chick peas and dress it with plain Greek yogurt to which I add a dash of balsamic vinegar, garlic powder, garlic pepper, cayenne pepper and garlic mesquite seasoning. I don't measure, so I can't tell you how much of anything I add. Yes, I DO like garlic. It makes a very satisfying meal.

    Yesterday I went to a different gym with a friend. They had an ARC trainer and I really liked it. Today I had a slightly sore bum and different leg muscles felt it as well. It would be great to have access to all the classes and equipment they had. I am grateful for the little gym I go to but a girl can dream. Actually, we're lucky to have one at all; it's a one stop light town.

    Today I planted arugula and a few hills of zucchini. I should have started some Japanese eggplant and cherokee purple tomatoes from seed in January. As it is now, I will have to scour the nurseries to find the sets when I need them. I think I will still start the tomato seeds and maybe I can get a later crop of tomatoes too. Usually the heat and the bugs get too bad for them to thrive by mid-July, but I may as well try. I could get lucky.

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I chose to buy the red quinoa, seeing as that was the one that they had. :smile: My husband doesn' like rice, so I hope that it's not similar to that.
  • Hello ladies~

    I just joined, found this thread and hope to meet new friends w/same weight lost goals.

    I watched kgw8 news the other night and they introduced a member of myfitnesspal. I sure wish I had known about this website sooner! It is great to see that this website has helped so many people to loose weight and have a great support group within their fingers reach.

    I look forward to spring coming and getting over some major health issues that have been quite challenging for me for the past few years. Anyone from Gresham OR? Email me if you need a friend...I am disabled and not able to get out much right now, but would enjoy email pal, occassional lunch, farmers market trips on Saturday and support system buddy. I am a recycle artist and enjoy painting, jewelry making, sewing, and etc.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :heart: Salad Sistas! :heart:

    We must get busy and make plans for some new and different salads this week! Boring salads are not allowed :laugh:

    Below are some popular combinations from a list of salad toppings by type of salad dressing:

    Balsamic, raspberry, apple cider, blackberry, orange or strawberry viniagrettes:
    •strawberries, bleu cheese and walnuts/pecans
    •chicken, strawberries/grapes/apples and pecans
    •apples/pear, dried cranberries, feta and almonds/pecans
    •blueberries, chevre and pecans
    •black olive, kidney beans, cucumber, romano (I'm definitely making this one) :wink:

    Red wine, roast pepper and roast shallot, cucumber or cilantro viniagrettes:
    •greek olive (kalamata), cucumber, tomato and feta
    •marinated italian olive (black or green pitted), mushroom, artichoke
    •chicken, artichoke, roasted red pepper and feta (Mmmm!) :wink:

    Here's something very different, "Sharp and Sweet" salad using Bibb lettuce, cucumber, bok choy, watercress and kiwi. Haven't tried it but it sure sounds good.
    Dress with Lime-pepper Dressing:
    1/3 cup rice vinegar
    1/2 Anaheim pepper (1/4 cup), or 1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
    3 T. olive oil
    1 t. lime peel, finely shredded
    1/2 t. sugar
    1/4 t. salt
    1/4 t. freshly ground black pepper
    1 - 2 tablespoons chopped fresh herb (cilantro, basil, mint, or parsley)
    Shake all ingredients (except fresh herbs) in a jar, refrigerate until using. Add herbs just before serving.

    And one more dressing recipe, just for kicks and giggles. :tongue:

    Ginger-Pineapple Dressing
    1/4 c. low-fat mayo (or yogurt?)
    1/4 c. unsweetened pineapple juice
    1 t. honey-mustard
    1 t. grated fresh ginger

    Nancy, hope this helps. And no, I didn't get my bike out of the shed the other day since I was busy digging in the garden. Now the weather's cold and crappy, brrrrrr, think I'll wimp-out and wait for spring.

    Happy Sunday everyone, hope it's a beauty! Let's get ready for a whopping week of whopping salads. :flowerforyou:

    :^) jb
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning

    Goal check:
    log calories and in budget - yes
    aerobic exercise - yes - walk
    strength - no
    procrastination list - yes - made some phone calls
    steps - 9046 - short
    water - 5 glasses!
  • Faye, wild pigs, rattlesnakes and the occasional alligator? Yikes. I prefer mountain lions (at a distance). We do have rattlesnakes of course but I haven't seen on. I'm walking more in Folsom these days, which is lower in the foothills. There are a lot of rattlesnakes there. Some of the parks have signs warning people not to walk in the tall grass. I'd as soon not encounter any up close!

    Everyone have a nice day. I'm going to a book club today rather than on the 7 mile hike. It was a tough decision! I am planning to do the 5-1/2 mile hike along Lake Natomas in Folsom though. This time without my little dog. : ( It's a good chance to try out my trekking poles though.
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Sunday Afternoon friends...

    What an enjoyably relaxing weekend this has been after 4 weekends of working so hard on early spring cleaning, and the bathroom do-over. Just kind of "piddlin' around" as we call it...things to do, but nothing earth-shattering, so if it gets done fine, but if not fine too.

    I visited the shelter yesterday and met our "newbie dogs & cats". Oh my...2 weeks ago, someone dumped (literally...left them in a crate at the top of the driveway) a family of 7 of the most adorable pure-bred mutts! They appear to be spaniel/dachshund mixes, and 3 of them are 10-12 week old puppies. Absolutely too cute! Then there were 3 new young cats, and even though I told my hubby I didn't think I wanted another cat...one of them could change my mind...a beautiful calico with a great personality . I had taken some bubbles that I had received in a gift bag with me. The cats were quite entertaining to watch as they tried to figure out what to do with them, and where they went.

    Michele...yes, we have fostered in the past. Last year 2 german shepherds pups about 4 months old showed up at our house. We had them for nearly 3 weeks while I found a rescue group to take them. Then in September, 3 dachsy/heeler puppies showed up at our house, and we had them for 2 weeks until they went to rescue. I get so attached to them and am emotionally crushed when I have to give them up.:sad: We've decided that is one thing I am not meant to do in the rescue world. Foster failure of another variety.:

    After my shelter visit I did some shopping and bought my scale, and measuring cups, found My Happiness Project, purchased a new top (in a smaller size, AND on sale!), then came home and relaxed. Fixed a nice dinner of Alaskan Cod with a tomato/green onion salsa topping on it, and a Potato/Zucchini pancake (fried in Pam) that was pretty tasty and healthy. Hubby wanted some cookies, so I found a healthy recipe for Choc.Chip Cookies and made them this afternoon. I used the Ghirdelli's 60% Cacao Choc Chips..so that adds to healthy ... right? I calculated the points for these, and one cookie is 3 points, so I don't see these being in my lunch bag this week ;0)

    Our daughter and her boyfriend are bringing dinner for us tonight. Coq au Vin and "Rob's Killer Mashed Potatoes"! It's nice to know that dinner is planned, and I have nothing to do but enjoy it.

    Do you all realize that Daylight Savings Time starts 2 weeks from today?!? That is always such a treat with extra daylight hours in the evening to enjoy. Spring IS just around the corner.

    Off to get started on The Happiness Project...enjoy the rest of your weekend all.

  • Hi everybody.
    I am 54 and still have about 15 pounds to loose. I tried the Dukan diet and even though it worked pretty good the first several weeks I don't want to continue considering the fact that my cholesterol is pretty high. So now I modify and do my best.
  • linmartermarros
    linmartermarros Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All:

    A dreary day here in Florida, so it is nice to read all the nice postings from this group.

    Just came back from 50 minutes on my bike - but I could only go 61/2 miles with the wind.... Had a great dinner of Filet Mignon, I think I needed the extra protein.

    This was my second week on the plan and I look forward to weighing in tomorrow. I actually ride my bike to the Publix grocery store where the scale is in the entry - talk about motivation to lose weight!

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
  • jeslyn27
    jeslyn27 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you mark a spot? Just by replying?
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi All-
    Nice to read all salad suggestions and dressings...Thank you.:flowerforyou:
    Had a fair week - exercise still the most difficult to fit in my work schedule :cry:
    Stayed the same for two weeks now.....oh well, will NOT give up.

    Have a good week everybody!!!:glasses: