nmb92883 Member


  • I had read or heard something awhile ago called the 3 bite rule When it comes to snacks like that.... take 3 bites then leave it be. (kinda like the poison ivy rule.... leaves of 3 leave it be.....) The problem is stopping after 3 bites. But if u have the will power then ur good. But if not & its easier to not touch it at…
    in Game Plan Comment by nmb92883 June 2013
  • I tell myself when i'm on the elliptical.... "Sweat is your fat crying"
  • I'm 29. I've been on my weight loss journey since February of 2012. Although I have lost a lot of weight I never reached my goal weight. Since winter I have slowly packed on more pounds. A lot of it had to do w/ the season, holidays and the unexpected death of my mother. I recently got married in March 2013 & since then…
  • So i haven't been posting everyday BUT i have been doing the workout and i am right on schedule =) Today was a very long day for busy busy busy but luckily i decided to do it shortly after waking up. =) after 20 mins of finishing it i got a phone call and its been non stop since... Now its time to relax and prepare myself…
  • FInished lvl 1 day 1.... I made it threw better this time then i did 2 yrs ago. so that was a plus. it was still a bit of a struggle though. i have an issue w/ the side lunges & arm lifts as well...there was something else that i was struggling w/ but i forgot what it was. lol i'll have to post it tomorrow after i finish…
  • took my measurements and sent them in along w/ my weight..... haven't decided if i really wanna post my pics yet but i did take them. =) Getting ready to start my 1st day right now!!!
  • I wasn't gonna do before and after pics but i guess since everyone else is i suppose i will too lol.
  • My name is Nicole. I'm 28 yrs old and a mother of 2. After i found myself weighing the same amount I did when i was 9 months pregnant w/ my son (who is now 5) I decided it was time for a change. My goal is to look good by my 30th birthday that is creepin' up quickly!! I haven't actually decided on a goal weight.... i have…
  • I do my measurements every monday also
  • My name is Nicole. I've done the 30 day Shred before about 2 yrs ago i think it was. I actually completed all 30 days but then never did anything after i was done. =( When I did it before i was doing it w/ a friend this time i'm on my own which is why i joined this group. I know i'll be needing some motivation. I plan on…
  • My story is the same as everyone else's... This is my 2nd go round w/ mfp :( although i do plan to use it more seriously this time! My goal is to lose 50+ lbs and I'm looking for ppl to chat w/ and make my journey fun and easy going while trying to give the same back. Please add me as a friend =)