Check in

AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
Check in and let everyone know how you're doing. Check in daily, weekly, however often you'd like! I plan on weighing-in every Friday and checking my measurements every 10 days.


  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    Yay! I weigh in fridays too usually so PERFECT. I will be measuring myself on the 29th probably. So i'll have that to go off of! :)
  • Just posting my first work out. I don't do 30 straight days. I started today so that I can (hopefully) finish the same day as the group
    Workout #1 Level one I used 3 and 5 lb weights.....I still hate the dreaded side lung arm raise. My goal is to be able to move up to 5 lbs for the entire level one workout by workout 10.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Yesterday I did the first day (I know I'm a little ahead, I won't be doing it everyday though). My goodness am I sore!!! I was planning on doing it again today and taking a break Monday. Now I'm wondering if I can do it today though.
  • I like the idea of weigh in on fridays. To be honest i am pretty scared about doing the 3ds cuz it seems pretty hard but with support and accountability i will get through it. I am going to do it everyday but i dont know if i will finish with everybody i might spend a little longer moving up the levels. P.s Amber your photo i gorgeous, youre glowing in it.
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    I like the idea of weigh in on fridays. To be honest i am pretty scared about doing the 3ds cuz it seems pretty hard but with support and accountability i will get through it. I am going to do it everyday but i dont know if i will finish with everybody i might spend a little longer moving up the levels. P.s Amber your photo i gorgeous, youre glowing in it.

    Thank you so much! It is a tough program, but it's only 20ish minutes long. You feel like you're going to die sometimes, and then it's over before you know it :) As far as spending longer on each level....that is completely fine and actually suggested if you feel that you aren't ready! If you finish level 1 and think there is no way you can continue yet, stay for a few more days. You should still take pictures and measurements after 30 days to see what you've accomplished :)
  • Thanks Amber :). I feel a lot better after reading that. Youre right its only 20 mins! I will def take measurements after 30 days though :)
  • eleslie1989
    eleslie1989 Posts: 57 Member
    i started 5 days ago. iv took before pics and will take them again at the end of the 30 days. dont know how i will get them on here but im sure someone can help nearer the time. so far in 5 days i have lost an inch and a half from waist but iv also been using a stationary bike 30-40 mins a day
  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    I weigh in on Mondays

    But here are my stats as they stand now

    SW: 233lbs
    CW: 230lbs
    MG: 225lbs by March31

    Measurements as of 2/28
    hips: 51 in
    Chest: 47 in
    Thigh: 28 in

    Good luck everyone and have fun!!!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    just about to go for level 1 day 3. really feeling it all over today but just telling myself its only 20 mins. think from memory things got easier the first time around after about day 5 or 6.

    let's get shredded!
  • kiwi1003
    kiwi1003 Posts: 54 Member
    Just did Level 1, Day 1! It was hard, but I liked it! Makes me realize that all the running I've been doing definitely doesn't cover everything!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Got my DVD in the mail yesterday so ready to start tomorrow! It'll probably take me more than 30 days but I'm really excited about this. Good luck everyone!
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    I'll post all my stats every friday!

    I was playing on zumba for the wii today and i've hurt my ankle! :( but hopefully after sleeping on it tonight ill be up for the 30ds tomorrow, ill let everyone know how i go. I can't believe it, just when i was about to start something! booooo!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Just got mine today! So excited to see some results!!!
  • nmb92883
    nmb92883 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh in on Mondays

    But here are my stats as they stand now

    SW: 233lbs
    CW: 230lbs
    MG: 225lbs by March31

    Measurements as of 2/28
    hips: 51 in
    Chest: 47 in
    Thigh: 28 in

    Good luck everyone and have fun!!!

    I do my measurements every monday also
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone! I am checking in! Starting tonight I am doing the shred. I am taking 1 night (saturdays) off a week. Good luck everyone!!!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    Is everyone ready to get started (if you haven't already)??
    JRRCLR Posts: 338 Member
    I started Tuesday and today was day 2. Same muscle aches as last time. Was hard to stand to do dishes today! But the aches should only last 2 more days!
    This time around instead of doing it after work I'm doing it in the morning before my elliptical (I have a shorter time on the elliptical but I get more calories burned this way). I had a hard time trying to bring myself to do it at night...hopefully this is the way to keep me on task!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    Y'all, don't forget to check the other threads. One is for weigh-ins and measurement updates; weigh in on whatever day you'd like and update your measurements however often you'd like. Another is called "Motivation"...check for a daily motivational post from me :)
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    Day one down! Not particularily happy with the effort I put in. I think it is going to be harder doing this the second time round because I know what is install for me. :tongue:
  • kerrberw
    kerrberw Posts: 7
    Just completed Day One, yeah it was hard I do a lot of cardio but the weight section was tough but I did complete it! Just hoping that I don't ache too much tomorrow! I weighed in yesterday & am 156lbs so will probably weigh in once a week and do measurements after 10 days before I move up a level. Good luck to everyone else!