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  • pinkydoodles
    pinkydoodles Posts: 6 Member
    just completed it. oooh theres alot of jumps in it - my back does like that, but i will keep going with it & hope to get better with them.
    need to get some proper weights tho, as dont think the tins of beans quite cut it.....

    good luck everyone :)
  • jackierenberg
    jackierenberg Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, everyone. well I got up at 6 so that I could do it before work! well that was a workout. haven't done exercises like that in a while. lol. hope I am not too sore tomorrow. but it feels good.

    good luck!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    just completed it. oooh theres alot of jumps in it - my back does like that, but i will keep going with it & hope to get better with them.
    need to get some proper weights tho, as dont think the tins of beans quite cut it.....

    good luck everyone :)

    Agreed! The bottles of wine I used the first day were too hard on my hands! It was much easier today with proper handweights. Easier on my hands, that is. So now that I have proper weights, I can drink the wine...
  • ckelferrante
    ckelferrante Posts: 6 Member
    Just finished... wow that was tough. Had to drop the weights half way through some of the moves. Guess that is my first goal - do all moves with the weights.
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Just finished now! I didt think it would be as challenging as it is, but I loved every second. I was swimming this morning and have bootcamp in two and a half hours! Tomorrow is going to hurt!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Level 1, day 4 done for me. aches and pains have died down a bit so i felt like i was able to put more effort in today - although still finding it an intense 20 mins!

    but its all worth it!
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Just finished now! I didt think it would be as challenging as it is, but I loved every second. I was swimming this morning and have bootcamp in two and a half hours! Tomorrow is going to hurt!

    Ok my thighs are hurting already! I love this! I just hope it doesn't prevent me
    From working as hard tomorrow!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I've done 2 days of Level 1 so far (Monday and Wednesday...Tues I went for a long walk and bike ride to give my sore muscles a little break!)
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    L1, D1 done. It was a little easier this time, but it was still REALLY tough! I used 3 lb weights for some things and 5 lb for some. That two lbs really makes a difference! Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    made my first workout and im dead.
    my weights are too heavy.
    Tomorrow is another day :)
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    I also had to reduce the weight for some exercises - 2kg weights are too much for the lunge/ arm raise combo!!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Made it through Day 1/Level 1. Whew. I almost put it off until tomorrow but thank goodness I didn't and started.

    Will definitely have to get some lighter weights. Overall, I actually kind of enjoyed it. May take a day off and try level 1 again this weekend.
    JRRCLR Posts: 338 Member
    Day 3 L1 done...getting easier. Love the fact that I don't have to do it when I get home from work either!
    198.8 today! Hopefully after this it will be a lot less!
  • LesleeAH
    LesleeAH Posts: 64
    I also had to reduce the weight for some exercises - 2kg weights are too much for the lunge/ arm raise combo!!

    I'm using 2kg weights and those side lunges are a killer! Hopefully it gets easier in the next couple of days.
    Good luck everyone!
  • SuelaCotton
    SuelaCotton Posts: 6 Member
    Very tough workout, but I'm actually looking forward to it tomorrow! So glad this group was started ... great way to stay motivated!
  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
    I kind of did it last night but I know I didn't do it hard enough since I was able to walk today. I do it at work and usually I woulds bring my weights back and forth but I forgot them last night and then again tonight.. I'm going shopping in the morning to pick up a set of weights just for me to leave at work.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I completed my 4th day of level one yesterday. I really would like to do it today for day 5. My original plan was for me to have a rest day today but I'm still debating. The soreness is definitely gone and no longer lasts after the workout. The moves have gotten better but it's still definitely a challenge. I want to take measurements again at day 10. I hope there is some improvement then! Cheers to everyone on doing the Shred! :drinker:
  • amara0118
    amara0118 Posts: 44 Member
    L1 D1 completed today! The goal is to to do it at least 5x a week. (I've done it before and muscle soreness doesn't let me do it with no rest.) I'm super excited to see everyone's results at the end of the month! I plan on weighing in and taking measurements every Monday.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    L1D1 Finished! Wow, I really let myself go. This was so much harder for me this time. Can't wait for it to get easier! Loved the idea of using wine as weights :drinker:
  • Bamagal25
    Bamagal25 Posts: 25 Member
    L1D5 done for me...only 25 more to go. I'm loving this workout and feeling great!