vicshawwill Member


  • Hello, Are you still doing low fodmap? I have been following a low fodmap diet for about 6 months and I would love to share recipes with you if you are still following it. Thank you! Victoria
  • Hello, I am new to the community board, and would really love to connect with people who do Paleo and low fodmap. I have been doing paleo for a year, and started low fodmap in June 2017 because of my IBS. I also no longer egg eggs since they seem to trigger the IBS too. While eating only low fodmap foods have helped, I…
  • Mo2go I really believe that you can do it if you surround yourself with a supportive community so that you can think about what makes you feel good other than food. This has been the one thing that has helped me with my journey of fitness. I think that MFP is great, I love the community aspect. We are here to support…
  • Hello, I am on low fodmap as well and it's challenging but well worth it. Don't give up, it's going to help you!
  • Hi Dana, I have been on the low fodmap diet for several months and it has been helping my symptoms. Here are a couple of things that helped me with the transition: 1. Cutting out onion and garlic was the hardest, but using scallion greens, chives and garlic flavored oil. Also, I cook with Asafoetida powder (also known as…
  • Did losing weight help make the GERD go away or was it other things too? I am down to 20mg of omeprazole but I am worried about lack of bone density, one of the side effects of being on omeprazole long term. :smile:
  • I have GERD too and have just switched from 40mg daily of omeprazole (generic form of Nessium) to 20mg daily (which is equivalent to prisolsec). I would like to get to the point where I no longer need any medication at all, since the long term side effects of omeprazole include lack of bone density. I don't think it's…