

  • Thank you so much for your replies everybody!
  • Considering that your body is 70% water and your BRAIN is over 80% water, you need to stay hydrated to function properly physically AND mentally. 8 glasses a day is outdated. Half your body weight is more accurate.
  • Hi Everybody! :) I'm so happy to have gotten such a huge response here!!! You are all more than welcome to join our group. Is everybody on facebook?? I would like to just keep it in one place to make it a bit easier on me since there are so many now that are interested. The group I started on facebook is called…
  • I refuse to give up milk!! It is my absolute all time favorite drink although I know it's not good for me. I've cut down considerably. I've switched from 2% to skim in my protein drinks and I'll have 2% about every once in a great while now.
  • I'm almost at my goal. I'm happy with where I am and have been hovering here for a while now. I think the key is to just never stop moving and exercising.
  • I LOVED Insanity and I did X2 this January. I just completed that actually and now I'm doing Les Mills Pump. I'm REALLY loving this one too! I'm hoping to see my abs this year. ;) lol Yeah, I'm 42 and I'm gonna see my abs!!! lol We are in our 40's and we are awesome!! :) Have fun doing JMBR. It sounds fun from what I've…
  • Congratulations!! You look great! I went from 145 to 116 doing Insanity & P90X last year. Are you going to do another round now?
  • Maybe try one of those heal inserts for the shoes.
  • I use Shakeology daily ( which I think gives me huge amounts of energy, detoxes my body, and really helped me reach my weight loss goal. I also use Eas Soy Protein ( which you can get at Walmart pretty cheap. I chose it because it's a soy…
  • lol I was thinking the same thing exacly! I'm 42, female and short (5'2"). I think this is actually good advice but I keep my meals to about 200-300 calories. It's been working great for me. You do need to exercise at least 5-6 times a week to lose weight. Tracking each and every calorie is important. I also do weigh my…
  • My bane is milk. I stay away from that the rest of the month but when I get those cravings, I'll have a glass of milk and 4 squares of 85% Lindt Excellence dark chocolate. They don't set you back too bad and it's actually good for you. I can be good all day but around 8 pm exactly is when the cravings come. My . comes…
  • How can ANYbody hate milk?? lol I love it so much! It's my bane. lol The only supplement I take is a daily Shakeology...the healthiest meal of the day...and my absolute favorite meal of the day. It's got everything I need so nothing besides that.
  •, is this a joke? I'm not sure exactly what to make of the ingredient list. lol click on the nutrition link here. It contains spirulina which is really good for you but it still is…
  • I love them, personally. I eat them on crackers as a snack. I especially love the ones in tomato sauce. Whenever I eat something that tastes bad or that I don't like, I usually just hold my nose and eat it anyway. I think of it as medicine for my body and remind myself that food is fuel and doesn't necessarily have to…
  • I think evening time is a difficult time for a lot of people. If you're too tired to exercise at night, would it be possible for you to get up earlier in the morning and get your exercise in first thing in the day? That will totally help you feel great throughout the day! It would not only increase your energy for the day,…
  • 5' 21/2" :) SW: 145 GW: 110 Right now I'm stuck at 115 but I'm doing P90X2 and I'm fine with the extra muscle weight. I'm actually fine with where I'm at now I would just like to get rid of that last little pouch on my belly. :)
  • If you do your cardio first, you will spend b/w 15 to 20 minutes burning your glucose reserves (and even more if you’re not fit). Your body is now ready to burn fat for energy but, by the time you get to the weight lifting you might feel too tired because of lack of glucose and end up burning less fat. Therefore, starting…
  • Hi Everybody! :) I'm new as of today. I don't have any friends here. I'm not looking to lose much more. I lost most of my weight last year and I'm within 5-10 pounds of my goal weight. Please add me cuz I don't know how to add any of you yet! LOL Still figuring all this out too. :)