mjbself Member


  • Lyndahh75 sorry you are getting so much slack on this forum where people are suppose to be supportive. Food may not be considered an "addiction", but there are many articles on the debilitating effects of emotional eating and the chemical cravings that some people get from sugar and other ingredients in some non-natural…
  • Congrats on your goal to be healthy and lose weight. Small steps ar ethe best way to go. Making small changes will help the change stick because it is not a diet, its a lifestyle. One big step - cut out soda. Doesn't matter if it is diet or regular, its all bad and you can lose 7-10 pounds just dropping it. Try fresh…
    in Hey y'all Comment by mjbself May 2014
  • Hang in there - It happens to all of us from time to time. Life gets stressful or birthdays pop up and you really want a piece of that yummy cake. Its OK!!! Everything in moderation. So the next day you add 10 minutes to your exercise routine or say no chocolate today, I splurged yesterday. Congrats on the upcoming…
  • Congrats on your goal to eat better!! I would ask - How do you feel through out the day? Are your meals satisfying enough? Just curious on your percentages for Carbs, fat, and protien - Did you choose them or are you using the default provided by MFP? You might want to shift some of the carbs you are eating to more veggies…
  • I work in Finance and I struggle with lunch ideas. I am the person with a candy dish on my desk, but I put all the things I won't eat in it! I love to bake, but I am kucky that no one in my area really eats sweets. I get bored with food easily and don't really care for sandwiches. After two days of salads, they are out the…
  • Steve - You can do it!!! Small steps. No results that are worth it come easy. Start with small things - no more soda or sugary drinks! You would be surprised how much weight you can lose just dropping that. Substitute with water. If you hate plain water like me, add lemon, lime, or orange slices. I even add berries in the…
  • I am new to running as well and have read all the websites - enough to be dangerous as they say. I have a small yogurt or banana about an hour before I run (usually in the evening) and then some chocolate milk on my drive home. I also make sure that I am fully hydrated before running, so I usually drink 16-24 oz of water…
  • Hi Fay! Good Luck - Don't think of it as a diet, but a change to eat healthier. Simple food swaps help me start to eat healthier and get rid of some of those pesky cravings - not all of them :). I still love food and wine! Small steps - big changes. Unfortunately - exercise is important, so now that the weather is getting…
  • I just don't want to be eating pounds of nuts everyday. I need variety or I get bored and resort back to junky food.
  • Thanks for the information!! I know 1200 seems low, but right now I am just starting to do exercise like running and cardio in total 3 days a week. I was using 1200 because my resting calories was around 1150. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, I am trying to get healthier and maintain a weight between 120 -125,…
  • Maybe make jerky out of it. That is what my dad does with the cuts he doesn't prefer.
  • My favorite from Nutribullet that is all veggies is: 1c kale 1/2 c sweet potato (steamed or boiled with skin) 1 tsp chai seed 1 tsp Cinnamon (reduce to a 1/2 if you are not fond if the taste) 1" of ginger with skins 1/4 avocado 1 c almond milk 1/2 c H20 Its 298 calories and is pretty good. Sometimes I throw in a few baby…
  • Depends. There are many detox and juicing diets out there, but people forget that once you do the detox, you can't just go back to your old dieting habits of eating large amounts of refined sugars, processed foods, and modified grains. A detox is an opportunity to restart your body. It gives your organs time to get rid of…
  • I can't do a large breakfast in the morning especially because I am up a 5am. I usually have a smoothie that starts with Kale or spinach since I have an Iron Deficiency. I change it up each day depending on what is the fridge, but try to do 50% veggie and 50% fruit or higher on the veggies because fruit has alot of sugar…