Eating healthy help



  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Be careful when selecting MFP database entries - some of them are inaccurate.

    I can only really speak to what I do... I try to find a balance between what I like vs what I need. My overall calorie goal is usually 1400-1600, though about 2-3 times a month I'll go higher (maintenance calories or a little over, nothing extreme) when I enjoy things I might not 'fit in' to a reduced level. Like having a few drinks, or chicken wings for dinner. An extremely active day can be a good combination with a bigger than normal meal, like chips & salsa & fish tacos at a local Mexican restaurant. And still meet my 500 calorie deficit.

    I aim to get a decent amount of protein each day. I eat a lot of chicken, some dairy. Ham, eggs, other meats occasionally. When I drink milk its usually fat free. When I eat cheese its low fat or regular. I don't like fat free cheese and there is no need to eliminate ALL fat of course. Salad dressing is either low fat ranch or some variety of light or fat free Italian. I make sure to eat fruits/veggies at least 5 times a day. (Weekends are harder for me on this goal.) I don't pay major attention to the macros unless I seem to be really high or low on one. It tends to work out. Also I drink more water - 4-6 cups a day or more. (I know this isn't a lot but its a work in progress!)

    I'm working to expand my foods. For fruits I mostly eat grapefruit, bananas, apples, watermelon. Sometimes mango or pineapple. For veggies, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes (I know, some argue its not a veggie), cauliflower, spinach, various salad greens & ingredients. Trying foods in new ways is a great thing and has helped me a lot as I was the picky kid who didn't like veggies. Now one of my favorite foods is baked broccoli. Can't get enough.

    I do enjoy snacks. But I pay attention to them and how they fit into my overall calorie goals. If I find myself with 400 calories for dinner, and that's not enough, then I move more to 'earn' more. Typically though I still fall in the 1400-1600 range.

    There is no right or wrong as to how many calories to have per meal/snack. It works out differently for everyone.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?
  • dying_2b_skin3
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?

    I have a vague recollection of upping my calories as someone told me to? I think =s
  • mjbself
    mjbself Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats on your goal to eat better!!

    I would ask - How do you feel through out the day? Are your meals satisfying enough? Just curious on your percentages for Carbs, fat, and protien - Did you choose them or are you using the default provided by MFP?

    You might want to shift some of the carbs you are eating to more veggies and fruit.

    I am not a nutritionist, just based on my experiences and opinions. I can't stand eating the same meals everyday. I enjoy variety. Even my breakfast smoothies are different every day.

    Feel free to look at my diary and a friend request. Try to ignore the Peanut M&M's, they are a weakness!!
  • dying_2b_skin3
    Thank you StaciMarie197 for the advice x
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?

    I have a vague recollection of upping my calories as someone told me to? I think =s

    If you upped your calories, you need to up your macro goals as well. They should just about add up to your calorie goal using 9 cal per fat 4 cal per carb 4 cal per protein
  • dying_2b_skin3
    Congrats on your goal to eat better!!

    I would ask - How do you feel through out the day? Are your meals satisfying enough? Just curious on your percentages for Carbs, fat, and protien - Did you choose them or are you using the default provided by MFP?

    You might want to shift some of the carbs you are eating to more veggies and fruit.

    I am not a nutritionist, just based on my experiences and opinions. I can't stand eating the same meals everyday. I enjoy variety. Even my breakfast smoothies are different every day.

    Feel free to look at my diary and a friend request. Try to ignore the Peanut M&M's, they are a weakness!!
    I'm sure there set through mfp but i think i changed my cals. and I have felt okay today but I havent done too much. and I was stuffed after meals. x
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Ps-my food diary is open if you want to browse.

    I do weigh on a digital scale at home & use a postage scale at work. some things I estimate - like I'll make a salad of lettuce/spinach/cucumbers/cherry tomatoes at the local grocery store salad bar. I don't weigh the ingredients because the only option is a produce scale and its not good for detail like spinach in grams. But I figure those things are fairly low cal so whether I have 7-kcal of spinach vs 10kcal its not a big deal. But then I keep shredded cheese & salad dressing at the office, and do weigh them by using the postage scale.

    When out & about I try to buy/order things that are well portion controlled or from chains that should control their portions. Such as the nutritional info provided by Long Horn for their 6 oz steak, salad (with light dressing, no cheese, no croutons), mixed veggies: I figure should be accurate.

    I scan alot of labels into the food diary log, and adjust quantities based on actual weight of food that I consume.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It seems like you are a little confused on how to log accurately, so I'll throw this in. It's long, but it helps with picking the best entries and whatnot.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I should have said my breakfast bar was this minus the coconut and I used quinoa instead of quinoa flakes -

    and my salad was: 1 cup of lettuce, half a cup of spinach, 4 cherry tomatos, 28g of walnuts and 1 boiled egg.

    Thank you dmenchac. I do feel full today. Not sure if it is because I'm in the rite mindset tho. We'll see how long it lasts!

    And Thank you SnicciFit. There was spinach in my salad (sorry I should have said) but I know i need to up it. ANd I'm not sure what macro nutrients are but I'm assumin i have gone over mainly due to the breakfast bars and salad contents? What should the carbs level be? I'm assumin I ave gone way over then? Are some carbs better then others tho? I will only be eating one bar tomorrow just miscalculated today x

    Macro nutrients are Fat, Carbs & Protein. Micro nutrients are things like calcium, vitamin D, Vitamin C...etc.

    Everyone is different on what Macro ratios work for them. As a general rule, if you have a sedentary job & lifestyle, I would recommend lower carbs. Personally, I try to eat about the same number of grams for each (so, for example: 100g fat, 100g protein, 100g of carbs). It's just whatever fits in your calorie goal. You may find that you do better with less fat and more carbs, or more carbs and less fat. It really depends on your activity level...etc. I find that if I don't let carbs dominate, I don't feel hungry all the time. Good luck!
  • dying_2b_skin3
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?

    I have a vague recollection of upping my calories as someone told me to? I think =s

    If you upped your calories, you need to up your macro goals as well. They should just about add up to your calorie goal using 9 cal per fat 4 cal per carb 4 cal per protein
    I am very confused if im honest so have calculated i should have had 1428 cals today so thats way off =/
  • dying_2b_skin3
    I should have said my breakfast bar was this minus the coconut and I used quinoa instead of quinoa flakes -

    and my salad was: 1 cup of lettuce, half a cup of spinach, 4 cherry tomatos, 28g of walnuts and 1 boiled egg.

    Thank you dmenchac. I do feel full today. Not sure if it is because I'm in the rite mindset tho. We'll see how long it lasts!

    And Thank you SnicciFit. There was spinach in my salad (sorry I should have said) but I know i need to up it. ANd I'm not sure what macro nutrients are but I'm assumin i have gone over mainly due to the breakfast bars and salad contents? What should the carbs level be? I'm assumin I ave gone way over then? Are some carbs better then others tho? I will only be eating one bar tomorrow just miscalculated today x

    Macro nutrients are Fat, Carbs & Protein. Micro nutrients are things like calcium, vitamin D, Vitamin C...etc.

    Everyone is different on what Macro ratios work for them. As a general rule, if you have a sedentary job & lifestyle, I would recommend lower carbs. Personally, I try to eat about the same number of grams for each (so, for example: 100g fat, 100g protein, 100g of carbs). It's just whatever fits in your calorie goal. You may find that you do better with less fat and more carbs, or more carbs and less fat. It really depends on your activity level...etc. I find that if I don't let carbs dominate, I don't feel hungry all the time. Good luck!
    I think i'm going to need that luck figuring this out haha
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?

    I have a vague recollection of upping my calories as someone told me to? I think =s

    If you upped your calories, you need to up your macro goals as well. They should just about add up to your calorie goal using 9 cal per fat 4 cal per carb 4 cal per protein
    I am very confused if im honest so have calculated i should have had 1428 cals today so thats way off =/

    Or your macros are off.

    But you should adjust your macros, they are set to only eat 1200 calories but your goal is 13xx
  • dying_2b_skin3
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?

    I have a vague recollection of upping my calories as someone told me to? I think =s

    If you upped your calories, you need to up your macro goals as well. They should just about add up to your calorie goal using 9 cal per fat 4 cal per carb 4 cal per protein
    I am very confused if im honest so have calculated i should have had 1428 cals today so thats way off =/

    Or your macros are off.

    But you should adjust your macros, they are set to only eat 1200 calories but your goal is 13xx

    ah okay have now adjusted back to default 1200 is that now rite?
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Your protein/carb/fat macros do not add up to your total daily calories.

    According to your macro goals, you should be eating 1200

    But you are on 1350

    Did you adjust something?

    I have a vague recollection of upping my calories as someone told me to? I think =s

    If you upped your calories, you need to up your macro goals as well. They should just about add up to your calorie goal using 9 cal per fat 4 cal per carb 4 cal per protein
    I am very confused if im honest so have calculated i should have had 1428 cals today so thats way off =/

    Or your macros are off.

    But you should adjust your macros, they are set to only eat 1200 calories but your goal is 13xx

    ah okay have now adjusted back to default 1200 is tat now rite?

    Yes, but if you were at 1350 and losing, I would stick with that. The more you can eat while losing is better. I would just adjust the macros to total 1350.
  • dying_2b_skin3
    I'm going to try sticking to the 1200 and adjust from there. Thank you for all your help. would it be okay to add you as a friend? =)
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I'm going to try sticking to the 1200 and adjust from there. Thank you for all your help. would it be okay to add you as a friend? =)

    Of course

    You could go back to 1350 and just manually enter like 168g carbs, 45g fat, and 68g protein that will put you very close to 1350

    Then from there I would cut more carbs and add in more protein :D
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Just because I think the comments you've received on the macronutrients and database entries are correct, but may be a little confusing, here's a summary:

    Macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) are the breakdown of where your calories come from. All calories will be one of these. A gram of protein has 4 calories, one of carbs has 4 calories, and one of fat has 9 calories. What this means is that if the entries are correct you can't go over all four macronutrients and be under your calories--if that happens you are either overcounting one or more of the macros or undercounting the calories, and you need to look at the specific entries you've used and see what's up. This is not your fault, it's because the entries you used may have been incorrect. Unfortunately, there are lots of incorrect entries in the database, so one trick for new users is learning how to avoid them.

    Setting aside this problem with logging, it's fine to go over on particular macros and is probably easiest to get your calories consistent first and then start playing with the best macro ratio for you. MFP's recommendation is very generic, and there's a lot more flexibility in what's okay and people differ on what works for them. The one exception to this is that the protein is on the low side in MFP's recommendation and often helps dieters, so I'd treat that one as a minimum. I'd also avoid trying to cut fat--the goal is fine as a start. But don't stress about it.

    It seems from the discussion that you may have changed your chicken entry, but I noticed a couple of issues with that entry, with the apple, and with the salad. (All good foods to be eating.)

    First, the calories in the chicken entry are possibly off because it doesn't say what kind of meat it is (breast, leg, etc.). Also, it's best to weigh it raw if possible and if so you should use a raw entry. There are ones without asterisks and one's from the USDA that can be checked. The ones without asterisks were put in by MFP and are generally correct. The ones with asterisks were put in by users and may not be, although if there are lots of confirmations, especially for a USDA one, it's a pretty safe bet. 100 grams of raw chicken breast is about 110 calories, if memory serves. The cooked vs. raw indicates the state when you weighed it, not when you eat it, as what happens is the calories stay the same but the weight shrinks, because it loses water. If you weighed the cooked chicken, the count per weight will be higher, if you use skin-on chicken the calorie count will be higher, and don't weigh it with bones--I use the cooked entries when I roast bone-in chicken and can't weigh it raw. Anyway, the count may be about right here, but the lack of information makes the entry suspect. You'd want to find one that says, for example, chicken breast, cooked, dry heat, no skin, meat only, or some such. Also, if you add some kind of oil for cooking you'd want to add that.

    Second, the salad is one of the places where your macros aren't adding up, and it's also a suspect entry because salad can be almost anything. Better to log the pieces separately unless it's a bought salad in the database. Also make sure to log dressing if you use it.

    Third, the apple is just one example where the entry seems off because the macros don't add up again. I think it's usually easier just to use the standard MFP in-put entries for fruits and veggies--apple, raw--and then of course the weight in grams, even if there are slight differences in the sugar content in a Gala vs. a Macintosh. The size is probably going to be the main difference, and those entries are more trustworthy.

    This all sounds a lot more complicated than it is--once you do it for a while it gets really simple and second-nature.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member

    Macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) are the breakdown of where your calories come from. All calories will be one of these. A gram of protein has 4 calories, one of carbs has 4 calories, and one of fat has 9 calories. What this means is that if the entries are correct you can't go over all four macronutrients and be under your calories--if that happens you are either overcounting one or more of the macros or undercounting the calories, and you need to look at the specific entries you've used and see what's up. This is not your fault, it's because the entries you used may have been incorrect. Unfortunately, there are lots of incorrect entries in the database, so one trick for new users is learning how to avoid them.

    This all sounds a lot more complicated than it is--once you do it for a while it gets really simple and second-nature.

    Unless you drink alcohol, in which case you may also need to do the math on those, alcohol contains calories that are not required by the body and therefore are not considered by many to be a macronutrient. They are also not logged seperately by mfp. If you log wine/beer/alcohol then they will probably just have calories.

    so your quick check using:
    Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
    Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
    Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories

    should balance

    beware that these are for g of the macronutrient not g of the macro source

    so each gram of chicken does not contain one gram of protein
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    The defaults are good and easy, As long as you set your height, weight, activity level, and goals accurately.