roddi7997 Member


  • check out fitness its a free site and has a lot of different levels of workouts, many don't require any equipment at all.
  • It depends on how long / intense you are working out and also how you feel while working out with or without snacking. Everyone has different preferences. An apple or another small fruit is usually good before working out if you need a little boost.
  • You are correct. You should only record exercise on top of that since your activity level is already taken into consideration for your daily calorie allowance.
  • While walking at this pace isn't going to burn a ton of calories, it will be better than not exercising at all. If you want to burn more calories you could try picking up the pace or walking on hills. If you really want to pick things up do a google search for the Couch to 5k program. It's a great program for someone that…
  • MFPs numbers are way too low..i more than double the recommended protein every day. If you want to get leaner you need to up your protein intake...saying extra protein will cause you to gain weight is like saying that if you drink more than your recommended 8 glasses of water will cause you to gain weight
  • I don't think there is any one specific way to do it. You try different things and see what works best for you. If you do eat before working out I would do it at least an hour before to avoid burpin it up
  • Great write up..some people are way to strict and don't allow thenselves to splurge, which usually doesn't work long term. You need to treat yourself every now and then.
  • I'm with you..I enjoy my coffee with cream and sugar and am not willing to change that. There are plenty of other areas where you can cut calories or just exercise a little more. You have to still be able to enjoy some things and unless you are using a ton of cream and sugar it's not that many calories.
  • I would eat back those exercise calories. If you don't want to eat all of them back you don't have to, but I'd at least eat most of them back. Not sure how much water you are drinking, but if you aren't drinking at least the 8 glasses I'd start with that as a minimum.
  • I'd cut out the processed foods..Use real butter, sugar or whatever when you eat or drink something and it will bump up your calories and is actually healthier. Nuts and peanut butter is also a great way to get in some additional calories that are still good for you. You can eat anything you want, the key is moderation and…
  • MFP is free and is better...both are really the same concept. track what you eat and don't go over your daily allowance and you will lose weight. It's really just counting Points vs Calories. Either way you have to count what you eat. Another plus with MFP is that you don't have to covert what you are eating into the…
  • I used to get them all the time when I first started running...concentrate on your breathing and slow down a bit until you can run comfortably without pain
  • You need to increase how much you are eating...I would also stopped eating so much processed foods..switch out some of those snack items with fruits and vegetables. I would eat more high protein food like eggs, chicken, etc.
  • Losing inches over pounds any day...although doing both together is ideal