

  • I would love to do MORE cardio, but I am on oxygen, therefore, I am limited and it takes me a whole lot longer to get the exercise I need to loose what I need to loose. Maybe people think it isn't that important.
  • Yes, it has happened to me. That is why I am on this program and also going to the gymn. Now is the time to start working to get it off before it gets out of hand. I was gaining 10 pounds a month, got sick and went from 150 to 215 and my normal weight is 145. Hopefully, I can get down to that again. Best of luck. I feel if…
  • People do this for attention... They just got it... you are responding and so am I... DUH Sometimes they just need to see NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE... THEY EITHER LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE OR NOT... I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANY NAKED PEOPLE..
  • I just list my Vitamin Water, blueberry & pomagranit under my food and not under my water.. I also list my coffee under food for my breakfast. Water is under the cups of water I drink each day. Also, if I have a glass of wine, I put it under food. That way I am at least knowing what is going into my body.. Good, bad, or…
  • You didn't blow it... You have a set back. Something I learned was not to weigh myself everyday. I weigh and measure myself the after I have completed 24 work outs. That way, I am not stressing myself. I know I have lost weight because my clothes show it, but if I weigh myself, it might not say that. You may be loosing the…
  • I feel that fasting is for cleansing your body, but not for weight loss. You can get really sick if you follow your plan. I just do 5 light meals a day and it doesn't matter what time you work out... Just do it... It burns the fat... Thanks for asking our input before you do something not good for you.:smile:
  • Way to go nice guy. I am so proud of you for sticking to your guns. I hope I just get my weight down so I can fit into my clothes.:bigsmile:
  • I would say that because your day starts at 10am, I would suggest 3pm. I'm not sure what time you go to bed, but I'm sure you will eat your dinner 3 or 4 hours after your lunch time. Best of timing for you. But then again, if you are hungry at 11:30 after your work out then eat then, but my body would tell me 3.. Good luck…
  • I'm sandyandjesus... but sandy is my name
  • Josh, you can do it. Remember what you think about you bring about. You can do it because you started the program. You might think you want to be hounded, but it is thru love that you will make it. Good solid koodo's every day will make the weight fade away. Blessings to you my friend all all those who have joined us on…
  • Ladies, lets just loose the weight. I use a lot of energy when I walk because I need oxygen on occasions. My heart pumps a lot and if it tells me I am burning calories that will be great, otherwise I just do the best I can. God Bless and hope we all reach our goals.:smile:
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