birdslikearms Member


  • I started to get these pretty bad when I started to run, after I hadn't for a few years. The best thing for this, is to stretch your shins... before and after you run, and any time you feel your shins need it. To stretch your shins, rise up on your toes and lower back down several times. Lean or hold onto something if you…
  • This will be my 3rd homebirth! My first was delivered on my bed and my second was delivered in water, in a tub we rented. Oddly enough I met my first midwife when we were on our honeymoon 2 years before we first got pregnant. She happened to live in the same town as my DH parents, where we lived at the time. We didn't…
  • Me too! Me too! :c) I got my BFP last Monday... after 3 weeks of no weight loss, I am now 5weeks2days preggo. I guess I did see it coming, but didn't want to admit it. I am still kind of not admitting it just yet. I am on Week #9/10 of Jillian Micheals Body Revolution and let me tell you, 4 more weeks and I would have…
  • Yes, this is my 3rd and I feel all kinds of "not pregnant" or different symptoms. I told my DH today, "I don't feel very pregnant, expect when I'm having nausea or having back cramps". So I guess I am pregnant, just having a whole new experience this time around. I am way more active this time around than the other 2, so…
  • Thanks everyone for your quick & helpful responses! I was feeling very weird about it this morning, my mind is on a certain track for loosing weight and I was having a hard time thinking about adjusting it. I did want to have another baby, but wanted to reach my goal weight first! I've been wanting a heart monitor for…
  • I really love yoga, so I wouldn't mind only doing that for a while. I am okay with not jumping around a lot, because those are the hardest moves, but if I am preggo I've been so for a few weeks and I've been doing high stamina that entire time. I know Netflix has some pregnant exercise videos I looked at a bit ago to just…