

  • AGREE! I notice it a lot. It makes me angry that people not only ignore there health, but their kids as well. There is always an excuse too. I know some people have real, genetic and physical issues that cause them to gain weight, but most people have control. We all make choices and it saddens me to see people choosing to…
  • Shaun Cassidy! :smile:
  • Good for you! Every guy I ever met says they love to get asked out by women. As long as you do it with sincerity and handle the rejection (for lack of a better word) with class, you are gold for a future date if there is any interest. :smile:
  • My sister has the exact same problem. It's been such a burden to her for years since everyone assumes she is doing it on purpose. I think it's more painful than dealing with being overweight because people can't understand it and the snide remarks are extremely hurtful. My suggestion is to see a nutritionist. My sister has…
  • Don't worry about vitamins. I've had this discussion with a number of nutritionists and my preventative doctor, and you just don't need anything more than what you eat. Calcium and Vit. D are the exception unless your doctor has identified other issues. One thing you might want to try are Digestive Enzymes. You take them…
  • it's easy to fall into the trap when you've succeeded after putting so much effort into improving your life. I find it can be annoying to see other people not caring about themselves the way they should, but we've all been there before and we need to put it in perspective. It's a constant battle. Don't beat yourself up…
  • I'm giving up being judgmental (or at least that's the plan!)
  • probably depends on the place. My gym has almost 30 to 50% men in yoga and pilates classes. I think a lot of men would take the classes of they knew others would. Good for you!
  • I log everything primarily for the nutritional value. I don't have a lot to lose, but the nutrition is where we all tend to get hung up. The more you track the "good" calories, the better you can manage your overall health.