klutzydreamer Member


  • I'm so glad to see so many new people in one day! Welcome everyone! :)
  • I just started a group entitled "social workers." I figured it was something to get us going for now!
  • Hello! I'm Megan and I've been getting back into shape and trying to get healthy. I just graduated last year with my BSW and I'm heading back in the fall to work on my MSW while working at a local nursing home. I'm trying to get into a working routine because when I start school I want to be sure I maintain my health all…
  • I generally have limited options there due to my vegetarianism. I get their Southwest Salad with the dressing, no chicken on it. For protein I generally get a fruit and yogurt parfait and drink water. Their southwest salad is delicious!
  • I had an iron problem when I first went vegetarian. There are two types of iron. Heme iron is found in meats and poultry and non-heme iron is found in plant sources. Heme iron is absorbed easier into the body than plant sources. However if you eat vitamin C rich foods along with non-heme iron, then you are able to absorb…
  • I like mine thick but if you adjust the water levels this controls how it comes out. It might take a few trial and error tries to figure out what you like. Hope it helps!
  • I generally use the unsweetened almond milk in my cereal every morning. It's not bad to drink plain either (I prefer the chocolate kind for drinking straight), but I prefer to cook/bake with regular milk.