chuckleswk Member


  • Feel free to add me as well. I have a Fitbit Force.
  • So, should I disconnect my RunKeeper from MFP so that MFP doesn't double count my total calories? Should I be eating back those calories burned? How many calories less than my TDEE should I be eating?
  • I was 127lbs and swimming 5 days a week for 2 hours a day.
  • I saw in there several times that you are eating out. Those meals are going to severally kill your diet....even if it's just one. It also doesn't list your water intake. If I were you, I would lower your caloric intake to close to 1600 and keep exercising and then go from there. The worst thing for your diet is McDonalds…
  • Absolutely, add me as a friend and I'll take a look at it.
  • You can make your goal if you keep at it. I too am new here and am going to be here every day so that I can get down for my brother's wedding. I have 1.5 months until his wedding and just want to get under 200. I'll be around if you want the motivation.
  • Welcome, I'm 6 days old here and loving every second of it. Feel free to add me if you need the support.
  • You need a friend, feel free to add me. I have 60lbs to loose and have yo-yo-ed the same 25lbs for the last 10 years. I don't remember the last time that I was under 200lbs and didn't have a big waist. I'm ready to loose the weight of one of my kids and could use all the motivation that I could get. Not to mention friends…
  • Feel free to add me. I have tried the dieting thing several times and would start to loose weight and then would get bored or quit. I'm on here to find people to help hold me accountable so that I can loose this extra tire I'm wearing around. Let's motivate each other. SW: 146 CW: 142 GW: 165
  • I'm 5'9 and trying to lose close to 50 lbs. I just started counting calories a few days ago, but we have been watching what we eat closely for the past few months. We have decided to goto the "if we can't pronounce it, it's not going into our bodies" theory. We are eating a lot of vegetables and lean meats. Let's motivate…
  • We just left Japan. We were stationed there and loved every second of it. It was hard being an overweight American in the land of skinny people. Feel free to add me as a friend. 47 lbs is amazing. Keep it going!