

  • Me too! Friends and encouragement welcome :)
  • Wow, incredible! :)
  • I had this problem too and what helped me is a foam roller and yoga. If you don't want to do all out yoga, try standing and crossing one ankle over the other then bending over, hold then switch. Also, sitting with your legs straight out in front of you, reach your left hand out to grab the outside of your right foot and…
  • Yes, all of this. I say this all the time, but your body doesn't know the difference between a concentration camp and a diet. You're feeding it enough to survive, but not much else so its clinging onto every last pound. Also, I follow this and it works:…
  • Basically I'm just going to reiterate what a couple of other posters have said: Find some calorie dense foods like nut butters or nuts Maybe try to add another stress relieving activity to mix in with the exercise because, sure exercise is great for you, but overtraining is not. You could definitely hit a wall (speaking…
  • Squats and lunges are full, compound leg exercises and the most effective. You can also do leg lefts my laying on the floor on your side with your bottom leg extended and your top leg bent with your foot on the floor in front of the other leg. Then lift the bottom leg for how many ever reps. That being said, these…
  • This times a billion. Your trainer is that, a trainer. Your body thinks it has to hold onto every pound because it's being subjected to starvation and copius amounts of exercise. For all your body knows, you could be in a Nazi death camp fighting for survival and it's reacting accordingly.
  • I kind of just said something about this on the derby post, but I'll add a little more detail here. I started out eating 1400 calories a day (I was netting like 700-800 cals a day) and I dropped 15lbs pretty quickly, but then I hit a wall. I even "gained" a couple pounds, which is really impossible when you do the math, so…
  • Nice to meet you! I'm with you, losing weight has already helped me so much on the track and it's made losing weight *exciting* - never thought I would ever utter anything close to that. At first I didn't eat my exercise calories back, but then I hit a plateau so I started to. After a lot of failed diets, I've learned that…
  • Hey AA... I assume that MFPs calculations are based on constant performance of whatever activity you select. As we all know, derby practice is seldom constant skating. I typically put in about 20 minutes on MFP for every hour of practice (way less if I am leading) and so far it seems to be working. I sometimes adjust…
  • I agree with everything Helloitsdan is saying. Unfortunately there are so few really good trainers our there with real knowledge - I've found ONE in the six or so I've hired over the years. I don't claim to be a nutrition expert, but I treat one calorie just like any other calorie and it works for me.
  • Plain yogurt (Greek or otherwise) with a little mustard is delicious. There is also this stuff I found called lemonaise that is fabulous.
  • Wow, basically every sentence in this post is asinine.
  • Had to have been the best first date ever! :)
  • I started eating less meat (I'm not completely off, but I don't eat much) about 6 months ago and this is what an average day in my diet looks like: Breakfast: greek yogurt or cereal and some fruit Snack: (one or 2 of these) string cheese, trail mix, fruit, yogurt Lunch: Refried beans on a tortilla with cheese or soup or…
  • I'm do glad you joined AA!
  • Can you be more specific? Also, you might want to post this in a different section for more responses.
  • I know you're skeptical, I was too. Look at my diary and see how much I eat. I was plateaued and broke it by eating 1800. Edit: 1800 is 200 above my BMR.
  • I agree with the other posters who say you should incorporate strength training, but that doesn't discount every DVD. The BL ones use a lot of compound movements which will build strength. You don't necessarily need a weight room for that. Stay away from any that are pure cardio.
  • It's been my experience that workout DVDs are a matter of personal preference. A few that seem to be universally popular are the Leslie Sansone miles and the ones by Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser. I have personally done a couple of the BL ones and I like them because they are challenging, but not…
  • This is the worst advice ever and I would not be surprised if this poster gained every pound back. This is not a lifestyle change, this is starvation, probably on top of over training and is not sustainable. Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it again. Also the high fat thing at night is BS.
  • OP, if it's been a while that the scale hasn't moved, try eating at maintenance or close to it for a week. I know this has worked for a lot of people.
  • The general advice seems to be that its a better idea to keep your body guessing is better than having it know what to expect. I've switched my calories up a lot and experimented with what works for *my* body. I think for women, that is even more important since we seem to stall out much more than the guys.
  • Every single one of these posts should be telling you to eat more. Right now your body is getting enough calories to get by, but they're so low that it thinks it needs to hold onto every last pound to survive. I eat 1800 calories a day and have lost 25 pounds since February. Eat more! And make sure you're eating your…
  • Practice ends at 10 for me and I usually have refried beans on a tortilla or Greek yogurt. MMmm!
  • I wouldn't really say that I eat that healthy. I don't eat a lot of meat, so I generally end up spending those calories nonsense. I've lost 22lbs in about 6 weeks. This was yesterday: Breakfast: 1 c. mixed fruit 1 wheat bagel 1 oz Philly cream cheese Lunch: Chicken Parm Lean Pocket 2nd Lunch: Spicy Chicken Sandwich from…
  • Unless you had some huge flush of water weight, maybe the scale was wrong *prior* to your last weigh-in? Either way, I'm sure you were happy to see 245. Every loss, even an inexplicable one, is awesome imo :)
  • This is a guess, but I think it might have some accuracy to it... You're already at a pretty healthy weight and now you're putting this decent deficit into your calories and so your body is holding on to every ounce thinking there is a food shortage, on top of the exercise you're doing. I think adjusting to .5lb/week makes…