I should be dropping pounds a week



  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    could be, but without knowing what you currently eat / what it recommended you eat / age / height / weight etc then cant really help much!

    generally if you add exercise cals back to MFP cal goal, it should come out within a few hundred of fat2fit. The difference is usually because MFP doesnt include body fat % in BMR calcs.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    What I try and do is burn as much calories as I can and only eat 1200 calories a day or a little more no more then 1300 and my net calories at the end of the day after burning calories is anywhere between 100 to 500 calories at most and it is working for me I;ve lost 28 lbs in almost three months. there is a week a month that I seem to gain about two lbs back and stay at a stand still for five days but then I start losing again. It all is based on what you are eating if it is high in fat at night and how much your are working out. I use the Active personal trainer and the free step on the wii fit on the Wii at night and it seems to help me out a lot. I hope this helps

    I am really sad for you :( your going to hit a wall and its going to be extremely hard for you to build your metabolism up and lose weight the correct way. the ^^^^^quote is horrid advice do not fallow this
  • well..I was there too. I gained 2 lbs instead of loosing...when looked back, I noticed I was drinking only 6-7 glasses of water a day as it was cold water and not eating enough I guess. I started drinking more water (at room temperature) and have lost those 2 pounds..and am on my way to loose more. Hope it works !
  • Sonnie124
    Sonnie124 Posts: 96 Member
    You have to eat or your body will fight back. 5-6 small meals a day. Get your caloric intake and go with it. I have never been told to eat back my exercise calories, what is the sense in doing that? Drink water. It takes 12 weeks to see a difference.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    when looked back, I noticed I was drinking only 6-7 glasses of water a day as it was cold water and not eating enough I guess. I started drinking more water (at room temperature) and have lost those 2 pounds..and am on my way to loose more. Hope it works !

    Does it matter that it's cold water or room temp???
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    This is bad advice. If you keep your body guessing, then your body will constantly stay in storage mode, because it will never know if food is plentiful enough or not. This keeps cortisol levels high and prevents fat burning. You need to consistently average around your BMR in order for your body to recognize that food is plentiful and it will readily enter fat burning mode, because it knows that if it burns too much and fat levels get too low, there is enough food available to store more.

    Do you have any studies to back that up? That switching calorie levels daily causes your body to "stay in storage mode"? Because I can show several studies that show the opposite. Just because you eat at a big deficit one day and not the next doesn't mean that you're not averaging a good amount of calories. I am not paleo but it makes sense that we didn't evolve with McDonalds on every corner and unlimited food supplies like we have now, we are certainly capable of fluctuating calorie levels... and in fact research shows that it DOES actually help in fat loss.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    You have to eat or your body will fight back. 5-6 small meals a day. Get your caloric intake and go with it. I have never been told to eat back my exercise calories, what is the sense in doing that? Drink water. It takes 12 weeks to see a difference.

    5-6 small meals a day is not true, it's the kind of thing that people repeat but has no scientific basis.
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    You have to eat or your body will fight back. 5-6 small meals a day. Get your caloric intake and go with it. I have never been told to eat back my exercise calories, what is the sense in doing that? Drink water. It takes 12 weeks to see a difference.

    Wow, basically every sentence in this post is asinine.
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    What I try and do is burn as much calories as I can and only eat 1200 calories a day or a little more no more then 1300 and my net calories at the end of the day after burning calories is anywhere between 100 to 500 calories at most and it is working for me I;ve lost 28 lbs in almost three months. there is a week a month that I seem to gain about two lbs back and stay at a stand still for five days but then I start losing again. It all is based on what you are eating if it is high in fat at night and how much your are working out. I use the Active personal trainer and the free step on the wii fit on the Wii at night and it seems to help me out a lot. I hope this helps

    Sorry, that IS really really bad advice. A net of 100-500 calories? That's almost an eating disorder. That's craziness!
    You're going to hit a wall soon and I hope when you do you read up on this a little you realise that you should be aiming to net around 1200 (minimum). Slow and steady wins this race, every time.

  • NKelly234
    NKelly234 Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly take it from me...it takes time! You body is adjusting to the change. Mine is 100+ pounds later! I went from losing 2-5 pounds a week to maybe one now. If you worry about the scale so much, it will discourage you! I used to be so excited to get on the scale each week...anymore...I kind of forget to weigh in! As long as you're under daily calories, or right at them you'll be fine! Also, after 47 minutes in the gym your body shuts down. You can spend all those extra hours if you're having fun, but you working out for 1.5 hours, and me for a hour is pretty much doing the same thing. (that info was from a trained prof. with a proven track record) if you're eating all natural healthy food, the weight will come off! Everything in life worth having is worth waiting for! You took time putting it on...it takes 10 times longer taking it off!!!

    Do you mind if I ask how many calories you were eating to lose that much? I have over-read myself into fear that I am going to go into "starvation mode" or stall out and I don't want to do that. I also don't want to increase my calories (currently at a 1200 limit, generally not eating back exercise calories) and gain weight for a couple of weeks and ditch it out of frustration. But if it REALLY will help me in the long run, and I can see that it's working for other people, then I will increase my calories. I do not feel starved or under nourished or stressed at the 1200 cal thing, I think because most days I'm not eating any empty calories, it's all good stuff. Again, most days, that is. I just want to do this right, lose weight, adapt to a new lifestyle, and NOT screw up my metabolism.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    This is bad advice. If you keep your body guessing, then your body will constantly stay in storage mode, because it will never know if food is plentiful enough or not. This keeps cortisol levels high and prevents fat burning. You need to consistently average around your BMR in order for your body to recognize that food is plentiful and it will readily enter fat burning mode, because it knows that if it burns too much and fat levels get too low, there is enough food available to store more.

    Do you have any studies to back that up? That switching calorie levels daily causes your body to "stay in storage mode"? Because I can show several studies that show the opposite. Just because you eat at a big deficit one day and not the next doesn't mean that you're not averaging a good amount of calories. I am not paleo but it makes sense that we didn't evolve with McDonalds on every corner and unlimited food supplies like we have now, we are certainly capable of fluctuating calorie levels... and in fact research shows that it DOES actually help in fat loss.
    There's a difference between zig-zagging calories and holding to a weekly average, and just constantly randomly changing things. Also, I haven't seen anything to show that zig-zagging calories has any actual advantage in fat burning than any other method of dieting. The body doesn't work on a daily schedule when it comes to fat burning, it works on averages and trends. Several days of no food at all is a bad thing. 7 days of varying calorie amounts that averages to the same on a weekly basis is not. Eating 1500 calories a day one week, and then 1000 calories a day the next week, and then 1200 calories a day the week after that is also a bad thing. It stresses the body, which raises cortisol, which reduces fat burning. Again, zig-zagging calories is a completely different concept than "constantly changing things to confuse the body." You can't "confuse" the body.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    What were we talking about?
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    This is not the worse advice ever. I am eating healthy and exercising. I'm not starving myself and I will not be gaining the weight back. You do not know what you are talking about. Different things work for different people. If you are expecting to lose wrought you need to burn off he calories that you eat or you will not lose the weight

    It is very bad advice, which you will find out for yourself eventually. You can be eating the healthiest food on the planet, but if by the end of it you're netting 100-500 calories then the diet itself is not healthy even if the food is.

    And yes, everyone is different and people need to fine-tune eating and exercise habits to their own lifestyles, but your method is not an acceptable one to pursue, much less encourage others to follow.

    Also: "You will not lose the weight by eating back calories"? My body must've missed that memo then, because I've lost a steady 1lb every week since starting MFP. MFP works. Why can't people just trust the system and follow it?
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    try to eat your 5-10 serving of veggies and fruit....And up your dairy a little.....Maybe put in some cheese and yogurt
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Can you give examples of fat blockers,etc?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    This is not the worse advice ever. I am eating healthy and exercising. I'm not starving myself and I will not be gaining the weight back. You do not know what you are talking about. Different things work for different people. If you are expecting to lose wrought you need to burn off he calories that you eat or you will not lose the weight
    It really is not good advice to NET between 100-500 day after day. You'll learn this soon enough. I hope you're okay when you do.:frown:
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    You have to eat or your body will fight back. 5-6 small meals a day. Get your caloric intake and go with it. I have never been told to eat back my exercise calories, what is the sense in doing that? Drink water. It takes 12 weeks to see a difference.

    everyone on MFP has been told to eat back their exercise calories, its here on your goal page. Nobody seems to understand that the allowance given by MFP is NET therefore you must eat back exercise to achieve this!!!!!!

    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 1,850 calories/ day
    Daily Calorie Deficit 540 calories
    Projected Weight Loss 1.1 lbs/ week

    * Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    This is literally the scariest thread I have ever been in.

    Sorry OP. I would tell you to do a search and check out some other threads. Yours took a wonky turn.
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    I know how you feel! I've been stuck for over a year now losing lots of inches but the scale only goes up not down! I've gone from a size 20 women's jean to a 16 women's jean and a 2x top to a 14/16 top! I've decided to just throw my scale out the window because every time I step on it, it discourages me and makes me want to eat! Good luck to you! Hang in there!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Can you give examples of fat blockers,etc?

    Sure (since I pretty much eat them everyday or I make about 0 progress). The fat blockers I eat are almonds, oatmeal (not the packet kind, but the real deal), apples (granny smith and figi are what are listed on my diabetic chart as lowest sugar), strawberries and other seasonal berries.

    Check out this site, it list the fat burners I eat and then some http://www.healthyweightforum.org/eng/weight-loss/fat-burning-foods.asp . It also lists why they are fat burners :smile: