ilesol Member


  • No photos yet, but I´m also losing weight before my wedding, at the end of this year! I´ve lost almost 15 kg (32 lb), 10 of them (21 lb),here on MFP. It is such an amazing tool!!!! :)
  • Well done, fellow Imgurian! Now, to the cat pics!!!! :happy:
  • Why would you want an alternative? Just HAVE a piece of chocolate! I eat chocolate almost every day, but only about 100-150 cal of it. I think deprivation is bad, we have to lose weight but also live life! Enjoy your chocolate, especially dark, it´s been proven it lifts one´s mood! :)
  • Dr Oz is an ENTERTAINER. He is on TV for the money. If he wanted to REALLY help people, he wouldn´t be saying there´s a miracle pill or whatever... Overweight people like us, are an easy target for those scams. Just move more, eat sensibly, and be PATIENT. It took me 2 years to put on this weight, I KNOW it won´t go away…
  • Totally agree. Always, ALWAYS use weight, not volume.
    in Measuring Cup Comment by ilesol May 2012
  • I think that the doctor should take a look at your knees, and then you can ask him about vitamin intake, proper shoes, etc. Make a list of all your doubts beforehand (sometimes we forget some questions when we are there!). But in the meantime, I guess the lowest impact activity is swimming... Good luck!
  • There´s nothing wrong with naps! In many, many cultures, napping is normal (Mediterranean countries, Latin America). It is true that sleep deprivation produces weight gain ( Enjoy your siestas, let go the guilt!