I'm a chocaholic, need an alternative that tastes as good?

Anah291 Posts: 16 Member
Any sweet tooths out there? Need some suggestions to replace chocolate that tastes just as good if that's possible, or something to satisfy the craving abit? lol


  • ilesol
    ilesol Posts: 8 Member
    Why would you want an alternative? Just HAVE a piece of chocolate! I eat chocolate almost every day, but only about 100-150 cal of it. I think deprivation is bad, we have to lose weight but also live life! Enjoy your chocolate, especially dark, it´s been proven it lifts one´s mood! :)
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I eat chocolate every day, and I have lost three pounds less of a stone.

    You can have it, just in moderation :D

    I don't think I could resist if I tried haha.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I eat Odwalla chocolate protein bars. Also when I make a protein shake I specifically bought chocolate whey protein. So like a couple other ppl on here, I basically eat chocolate everyday.
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    Can you portion it out in ziplocs? I have my husband hide things like that in the house so I cant go back for more than one serving. You could try sugar free chocolate milk? I hear chocolate milk is a great post workout snack. ALso, it can be your little "reward" for working out.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    There isn't one! Dark chocolate i guess...i love chocolate very dark chocolate
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Why would you want an alternative? Just HAVE a piece of chocolate! I eat chocolate almost every day, but only about 100-150 cal of it. I think deprivation is bad, we have to lose weight but also live life! Enjoy your chocolate, especially dark, it´s been proven it lifts one´s mood! :)

    I have one square (square not bar) of quality dark chocolate everyday. I fit it into my diet, it's 53 calories and worth every one! I have given up almost everything else high cal/fat that I used to eat, but I won't deny myself this. The way I see it, totally denying yourself means that when you give in to the temptation, you will go hog wild- this way, I have a little of what I love and don't need to binge.

  • Make a hot chocolate instead, it's always enough for me and it's less calories if you make it right or buy a low cal one :) The alternative is, you could get some dark chocolate. I know after one or two pieces I don't need anymore
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    If you like it, eat it! Make it part of your day. I am almost at goal and have eaten chocolate every single day. I have 2 dove promises every night before bed and I eat a chocolate-peanut butter protein bar every day with coffee as a snack between lunch and dinner. If you deprive yourself of things you like, you will end up cheating to eat them, so it's got to be a life change, not a temporary deprivation to reach a weight goal
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    There is nothing like chocolate but chocolate. Before coming here I used to eat some type of chocolate each and everyday, but I no longer do. I haven't had chocolate since April 14th 2012 and I have to say that I don't miss it. I guess we can get use to anything.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    I drink hot cocoa, it's hot and filling and you drink it slowly.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    Just buy high quality dark chocolate. I buy a 72% cacao dark chocolate bar once every two weeks. Whenever I have a craving, I eat a square of it with a cup of coffee. I nibble at it. It more than satisfies any craving and the antioxidants are great.
  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    A friend of mine keeps a bag of dark chocolate chips in her freezer. Whenever she needs a fix, she can just grab a few cause knows exactly how many she can have and stay on track.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    There isn't one! Dark chocolate i guess...i love chocolate very dark chocolate

    Exactly. Even following a low carb diet, I still have room for a square of 85-90% cacao chocolate if I'm craving it. It's good for your peace of mind, and it'll knock out any cravings.
  • wheels5894
    wheels5894 Posts: 26 Member
    here in the Uk the supermarket chain Aldi do packs of chocolate consisting of 5 small bars of about 150 Kcal each. the 70% chocolate ones are wonderful.

    Again, one can get low calorie hot chocolate drinks (I have Options Chocolate) which are around 40Kcal per drink.

    Either of these should fit in with the rest of the diet. I can get them in on 1,200 Kcal / day
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i used to almost obsessively crave chocolate like alllllll the time..and one day i was telling (whining) to my doctor about it and he told me that chocolate cravings can be due to having a magnesium deficiency and told me to start taking a magnesium supplement and it was like the best thing i ever did because now i dont crave chocolate any more! so now whenever i see these threads i always try to mention it to other people cause i know it made a big difference for me lol

    when i NEED chocolate though i always try to either buy a fin size candy bar or i keep a regular size bar in the freezer that way i can break a chunk off and put the rest away. when its frozen it takes longer to melt so it takes longer to eat and i feel like im eating more than i am without blowing my day.
  • dq_diva
    dq_diva Posts: 66
    mmmm....chocolate :)

    I like the Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters for a choclately/carmely treat. One pouch of 5 clusters = 120 cal
  • dq_diva
    dq_diva Posts: 66
    i used to almost obsessively crave chocolate like alllllll the time..and one day i was telling (whining) to my doctor about it and he told me that chocolate cravings can be due to having a magnesium deficiency and told me to start taking a magnesium supplement and it was like the best thing i ever did because now i dont crave chocolate any more! so now whenever i see these threads i always try to mention it to other people cause i know it made a big difference for me lol

    Really?? How interesting! Thanks for sharing!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I didn't really read all the responses but I think we're all saying the same thing -- just eat a square of dark chocolate!! There is always a bar in my house... right now we are on a Lindnt 85% bar, one square satisfies the chcolate need! (even Jilliam Michaels says she eats chocolate everyday!!)
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    like other people here, I have chocolate regularly. I do not like dark chocolate (sadly), but I add chocolate by making sure I have tasty chocolate protein shakes when i do buy shakes, I buy 100calorie packs of chocolate items (I think 100 calorie packs are otherwise a fairly annoying idea, but for a chocolate treat I enjoy them), and also sometimes pick up chocolate frozen yogurt, chocolate-based lower cal drinks at coffee shops, etc. I don't think you need to get rid of your love :), there are worse things to enjoy than chocolate that's for sure!
  • nanapapaof5
    nanapapaof5 Posts: 65 Member
    Try PB2 Chocolate. Its only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons. And it taste great to.