bad knees! need advice!

I thought after I lost 42lbs my knee pain would get better, but it actually feels worse! My main exercises are walking and elliptical. Both should be low impact on my knees. After 3ish days in a row working out, I have to take a break b/c one of my knees will swell up so I cant bend it all the way and the other will just feel unsteady and give me a sharp pain/shifting feel at any given moment. After not working out 2-3 days, im totally back to normal. Its very frustrating bc now Im at a point where I want to workout alot, but my knees hold me back.
Im looking for advice other than go to the doctor. Thats a given and I have an appt next month. Im hoping for more of ... maybe its my brand of gym shoe, knee strengthening exercises, any vitamin supplement, knee brace recommendations, etc.
Id really appreciate it and so would my body! thanks pals!


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Im hoping for more of ... maybe its my brand of gym shoe, knee strengthening exercises, any vitamin supplement, knee brace recommendations, etc.

    Those things should not cause noticeable swelling and limited ROM, especially on one side and not the other. Take some ibuprofen or Aleve. See the doctor. It could be an injury or even an auto immune disease such as RA.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I guess I'm aim at shoes, since buying a new pair actually helped my knees and shin splints a LOT. I was doing jumping jacks in a really crappy pair of shoes and ended up with pain in both knees and shins to the point where I'd wake up in the middle of the night from it. After looking into the possible causes for both, I ended up getting a pair of running Asics... and all that went away. Extra padding, arch support for my pronation... after two weeks of healing (bought my shoes at the end of that two weeks), no more pain. If you're getting pain from the elliptical, though, I wonder if that's it at all. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try it out!
  • I have some issues with my knees also. My physical therapists adviced me against the elliptical and told me to bicycle instead because it's easier on the knees. I did stop the elliptical (and I liked it alot :/ ) and now ride the bike instead (been almost a month) and my knees tend to not give out or give me as much pain.

    Hope it helps :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Im hoping for more of ... maybe its my brand of gym shoe, knee strengthening exercises, any vitamin supplement, knee brace recommendations, etc.

    Those things should not cause noticeable swelling and limited ROM, especially on one side and not the other. Take some ibuprofen or Aleve. See the doctor. It could be an injury or even an auto immune disease such as RA.

    All of this, and then once you get the all-clear start doing deep squats.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    My left knee is totally busted, as in there is no cartilage lining the joint. It's a 30-year-old problem and the only permanent solution is knee replacement, but I've adapted and worked around the persistent dull pain over the years. All three specialists I'd seen in the past told me the same thing: if I didn't want knee replacement right away, I'd have to keep my weight at a certain level and engage in zero-impact exercise to strengthen my quads and calf muscles. I used to swim and bike every day, which helped.

    When I joined MFP last Dec, I started off with the elliptical. After 2 weeks, though, increased resistances brought that familiar pain back so I switched to the stair climber (every step is controlled and never stomped). The only time I'm ever on the elliptical now is a one-mile warmup before my cardio and strength training. I also take calcium supplements every day.

    Hope this helps and your doc's appointment brings good news. :)
  • ilesol
    ilesol Posts: 8 Member
    I think that the doctor should take a look at your knees, and then you can ask him about vitamin intake, proper shoes, etc. Make a list of all your doubts beforehand (sometimes we forget some questions when we are there!). But in the meantime, I guess the lowest impact activity is swimming... Good luck!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    i have one bad knee and the opposite dodgy hip - just an age thing. i take cod liver or omega3 oil if i'm not having fish that day. i notice a big difference if i skip a day or two of these. also plenty anti-oxidants to get the benefit of the fish oil - blueberries are perfect. no need to buy expensive supplements just the supermarkets own brand is good. honestly try this for a week or so - you will notice a difference and if you don't you aren't doing any harm either - regular ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories are not good on the stomach.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    Bad knees here.

    Weight loss helped me, but so did good shoes, working on building up the muscles in my legs, and if i need it, knee brace.

    When my knee is bothering me, I ice it and rest it. Now usually only a pretty long eliptical workout or if I put the resistance to high do I have problems.

    I have had MRI's on my knees and my doctor told me that due to years of working retail on concrete floors and being overweight that I have multiple tears in the cartilage in my knees and that I have the knees of someone 20 years older then me.

    I would start with good quality shoes, I like New Balance (the more expensive ones) and K-Swiss.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    spectralmoon, cheers for the advice on shoes - i get awful shin splints - gonna invest a bit in new running shoes, see if it helps. thanks
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    I have had both of my acl's replaced so I know exactly how knee pain can effect your whole life. The only knee brace that has ever felt comfortable for me to use while exercising is one called Bioskin, however I received it from my ortho after my second surgery and I think it is pretty expensive but well worth it. A brace will definitely help with the swelling. After I had my surgeries I developed arthritis in both of my knees and I am only 31 years old. Weight loss has definitely helped but the pain is still there especially when it gets cold outside. Its good that you are going to see a doctor soon because your symptoms are something to take very seriously. If you do have a torn ligament then you want to get it looked at as soon as possible to figure out what you need to do next. I would suggest not using the elliptical or the treadmill for now. Maybe try the recumbent bike or stationary bike even. Walking on the treadmill or concrete is not low impact. I can not do either without it hurting my knees and my doctors told me to avoid both while exercising. The elliptical is much easier on my joints but you have to really watch what you do right now because if something is wrong internally then you do not want to do anything to further the injury. I hope everything works out for you. I know that losing weight and staying on track is important to you but you must take care of your health first and make sure that your knees don't get worse or it will hinder you more in the long run. Good Luck!
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    i have one bad knee and the opposite dodgy hip - just an age thing. i take cod liver or omega3 oil if i'm not having fish that day. i notice a big difference if i skip a day or two of these. also plenty anti-oxidants to get the benefit of the fish oil - blueberries are perfect. no need to buy expensive supplements just the supermarkets own brand is good. honestly try this for a week or so - you will notice a difference and if you don't you aren't doing any harm either - regular ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories are not good on the stomach.

    Awesome! thats what Im looking for! I will def try this out. I hope it helps. Ive accepted my knees will always be an issue. I just want to find ways around them prohibiting my workouts. Thanks very much!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I have a knee that swells up like crazy, just because it can. There isn't a reason for it that anyone can find, so I just deal with it. What has really helped me though, is cross-training with a lot of resistance exercises, like squats, dead-lifts, lunges, and anything else that really targets the muscles around my knees. I don't even do them with weights, and I don't always do them really low; just enough to work the muscles, and gradually increase when it feels good, backing off when it doesn't.

    What contributes to a lot of issues is exercising without having the proper support of the muscles in your legs, because it causes you to have excess strain and wear in places that shouldn't be taking that much impact. So I do lower-leg workouts at least 3 times a week, and really focus on strengthening all the muscles that support my knees. Don't know if that would help you out, but it makes a big difference with my knee.
  • Dailly_Efforts
    Dailly_Efforts Posts: 7 Member
    You may think I am a nut but, What kinds of foods are you eatting? White bread,white rice, flour? do you take multivitamins and a good fish oil?
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    I guess I'm aim at shoes, since buying a new pair actually helped my knees and shin splints a LOT. I was doing jumping jacks in a really crappy pair of shoes and ended up with pain in both knees and shins to the point where I'd wake up in the middle of the night from it. After looking into the possible causes for both, I ended up getting a pair of running Asics... and all that went away. Extra padding, arch support for my pronation... after two weeks of healing (bought my shoes at the end of that two weeks), no more pain. If you're getting pain from the elliptical, though, I wonder if that's it at all. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try it out!

    I will def look into these. thank you! I get shin splints sometimes as well. I would invest in any shoe that gave results so I appreciate an actual brand being named!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    similar situation here, minus the swelling. I talked to my doc, went to physical therapy and got some help, but still have issues, next step is MRI for me.
    In the meantime, until your appointment, do get a knee brace! The ones at Rite Aid 9or whatever pharmacy store) run about $20 and do help, but ****s Sporting Goods has nice ones for $50 or so.

    Good luck!
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I had bad pain in my left knee about 3 years ago. X-ray and MRI showed it was arthritis (at age 49??? WTH). I got off the elliptical and treadmill and went to the spinner/bike (very very low impact - also consider swimming). My knee is now at 95+%. I can't do deep lunges yet, but I can do regular ones and now running does not hurt if I keep under 45 minutes or so.
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    I have had both of my acl's replaced so I know exactly how knee pain can effect your whole life. The only knee brace that has ever felt comfortable for me to use while exercising is one called Bioskin, however I received it from my ortho after my second surgery and I think it is pretty expensive but well worth it. A brace will definitely help with the swelling. After I had my surgeries I developed arthritis in both of my knees and I am only 31 years old. Weight loss has definitely helped but the pain is still there especially when it gets cold outside. Its good that you are going to see a doctor soon because your symptoms are something to take very seriously. If you do have a torn ligament then you want to get it looked at as soon as possible to figure out what you need to do next. I would suggest not using the elliptical or the treadmill for now. Maybe try the recumbent bike or stationary bike even. Walking on the treadmill or concrete is not low impact. I can not do either without it hurting my knees and my doctors told me to avoid both while exercising. The elliptical is much easier on my joints but you have to really watch what you do right now because if something is wrong internally then you do not want to do anything to further the injury. I hope everything works out for you. I know that losing weight and staying on track is important to you but you must take care of your health first and make sure that your knees don't get worse or it will hinder you more in the long run. Good Luck!

    Thanks for the knee brace brand! I dont care about cost. Its more important I get a quality product that helps! Im very afraid of what the doc may say but its nice to have options in case its just something I have to deal with and not a significant problem!
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    I am a rehab therapist and have RA....If none of your other joints swell up then you probably don't have it. I would wait til you see the doctor so he/she can determine inflammation and possible damage to the joint. I suggest the bike and knee brace. Physical therapy is best for strengthening and pain relief strategies.
  • LauRoxx
    LauRoxx Posts: 115 Member
    Replace your sneakers every 6 months or so, maybe get some inserts as well?

    Personally back when I was dancing 20+ hours a week I took a Glucosamine supplement for my knee pain and it helped a TON!!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    How about water aerobics or swimming?