

  • I guess I have a weird body because every kind of deodorant I've used works well for me? I generally stick to Degree Motion Sense simply because they smell the best in my opinion. But I hear Degree Clinical works best for most of my friends and cosplay buddies. Trust us, when you're in an expensive costume all weekend, you…
  • I use the OSU RPAC. It's expensive-ish for most, but my family gets a decent rate due to my father working for the uni, and it just comes out of his paycheck. So far I've only used the cardio machines, but hopefully going to be working lap swimming in soon.
  • SW: 157.2lb CW: 157.2lb GW: 150lb Goals this month: x. introduce more activity into my life x. reduce soda intake, replace with water, 100% vegetable and fruit juice, and tea x. start eating healthier x. hopefully fit into my jeans better! Weigh in Dates: 4/01 - 157.2lb 4/08 - 154.5lb 4/15 4/22 4/29 4/30-Final weight Total…
  • The key is limiting. I'm at home a lot of the time, too. Distract yourself, drink a glass of water, make yourself some tea. If you find you really are hungry, switch to healthier snacks, such as an apple or some fruit.
  • If I think I'm hungry, I've started sipping at water or making a cup of tea. If it ends up I actually am hungry, then I gauge how hungry I am, and either make a meal or grab a snack to tide me over. I also see if distracting myself, or entertaining myself, will help, because most of the time I would eat out of boredom.
  • Need all the motivation I can get! SW: 157.2lb CW: 157.2lb GW: 150lb Goals this month: x. introduce more activity into my life x. reduce soda intake, replace with water, 100% vegetable and fruit juice, and tea x. start eating healthier x. hopefully fit into my jeans better! Weigh in Dates: 4/01 - 157.2lb 4/08 4/15 4/22…
  • I'm trying to lose 20ish by the first weekend in June, so I'm totally with you. I need to lose the weight I gained back after I was able to eat solid food again.