I saw it ,everything is about dead lifting,lol
Noted,I will try search that book
Thanks a lot for the informations.That day I went to measure my fats.My visceral fat was 9 and my body percentage 17.7%.My muscle mass was 65.1kg.So,you are trying to say I need to get my fats percentage lower and do more weighing ?
It said that I need build muscles.I did that for my man boobs.I did many chest workouts including push ups but then it keep on stay the same size
What do you mean by jack ?
Strength training will do :)
Thanks a lot :)
Thanks for sharing all these links,very helpful :)
Thanks a lot.Very helpful answers :)
Im put ice on it since yesterday and even now.But the pains is still there :(
I dont want that become like facebook but we just need the notifications notice
By using email also its actually hard because we need to go back and forth to check and Im tired of doing that
Yeah,your suggestions is very good and usefull,Should be like that :)
Yeah,totally true ! Sometimes I posted on my friend's wall .Then after few hours,I forgot which friends wall that I just posted
Yeah,they do sent notifications through email but its hard you know
Got it at YAHOO,just want to share with you all .Cheers :)
Thanks ! =D
I believe that if I get this scholarship, I will be enable to fulfill my desire to help others, to expand my knowledge base, and to travel. Throughout my life I have participated in extracurricular activities . I have striven for academic excellence, always wishing to make the most of my education. Education has always…
Thanks friends for the suggestions =D
I think I will use the cold spoon method.Thanks
Thanks for sharing your stories friends =D
One more thing,Most of the articles that i read just now ask to put a cold spoon on the swollen eyes.Do you think it will work ?
Do u think the cold tea bag will work ?
I dont have ice pack in my house now.I read some articles just now.they asked to put cold tea bag on the swollen eyes.Is it true ?
I burned 1500 calories ,I go jog in the morning ,evening and sometimes at night,I used to but now I stopped but Im wondering about the calorie
Yeah thats true my friends,even when i go jog with my family,i will always be the slowest
My cousin usually piss me off telling I have girls boobs , I know these will be funny for any one of you,but for certain people,it make people sad
LIPO ? no way,high risk of getting cancer,i will go for DIET first then !
Thanks friends,the different is 26 calories for brown rice and white rice,i will avoid oily foods now !
YES, usually it will be fried fish or fried chicken , thanks marie,and to compare noodles and rice,which have higher calories ?