

  • I just recently started spinach smoothies. Sounds a little wierd but the spinach has no flavor really up against whatever kind of fruit you use. This is what I do, 1 handful baby spinach 1 banana 1/2 cup of any other frozen fruit- stawberries, blueberries, mangos, peaches etc. 1/2 cup greek yogurt 1 cup water ( or enough…
  • I too started P90X last summer , did pretty good but then"life" took over. But seeing your video as well as others, it's time to start again. I remember how great I felt after the workouts! Great job!
  • I'd have to say when I sweat too because normally I don't but also when I finished a power walk or run and I look at the mileage and see that I went a mile further than planned always lets me know I have exceeded and suceeded :-)
  • I agree the Couch to 5K is pretty good..Hal Higdon has some good training schedules too..he might be the one who does the Couch ..one. Also from recent experience, I was training for my first half marathon but I wasn't stretching enough and I developed that PAINFUL Plantars Fasciatis.( spell..?) Anyways went to the dr. and…
  • Hello! It sounds like you don't have any support at work. Don't let your coworkers who eat crap, buy you crap that you don't ask for and thenget offended if you don't eat it! you are making the right choices for you and your body and stay proud of that! If going to the bathroom is actually affecting your work then you may…
  • Staty at home mom and school volunteer..So I have no excuses:-)