My Job is Ruining my weightloss...



  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    This might be the cowards way out, but start telling people you are developing food allergies and need to adopt a highly restrictive diet. So if they'd like to do something nice like bring you in a treat something like fruit or salads would be good. Maybe claim a gluten allergy?
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Drinking water or not drinking it won't effect your weightloss.

    It's dumb that your boss is offended that you don't want his food. Maybe sit down with him and explain that you'd simply rather he didn't buy you anything that way he didn't waste his money.

    Ive been told that NOT drinknig water will definitely affect your weightloss?????
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    From OSHA Website:

    "Medical studies show the importance of regular urination, with women generally needing to void more frequently than men. Adverse health effects that may result from voluntary urinary retention include increased frequency of urinary tract infections (UTIs), which can lead to more serious infections and, in rare situations, renal damage"

    Entire page here. My quote came from the section highlighted in yellow.
  • Novikay
    Novikay Posts: 62
    Do you take your phone or something to the bathroom? Maybe they think you're just going in to make a call or something and not actually need the trip to the bathroom....either way, it's ridiculous that they tell you that you can't go to the bathroom. I'd flip out if someone said that to me, I drink about a gallon a day at work and go a lot lol.
  • GlitterGoldJem
    GlitterGoldJem Posts: 73 Member
    YOU CANNOT BE DENIED trips to the bathroom especially since you are going to relive yourself. Now if you go in there and are on your phone or something else then maybe that sends the wrong message. (I'm not saying you are just using an example) If you do not get a reliable answers from your HR manager then go to whoever us above him/her. Explain to them you're in the process of making your life healthy and part of that is getting water into your system. Until your body becomes accustom to the extra water, you're going to pee a lot and they need to understand that. Also if your job is your health insurance provider tell them that by bettering your health you will less likely need to use your health insurance ... that will perk them up right away. If all else fails go to your Dr and have him write a note.

    As for the lunches ... my job is like that too ... constant ordering out, goodies being brought to snack on, etc. I simply deny it. People do get mad or turn their nose up at me from time to time but too bad. It's a free country and I can pick and choose what I want to eat. My boss always used to bring me hot chocolate which I loved but the 300+ calories weren't worth it. I told her that and she completely understood, now she asks first or gets me tea or something healthier.

    There's compromise in every situation regarding work and sometimes even tho it may seem scary you have to talk out things. It'll make your work a better place to be. Your boss and coworkers will see you care about your job and yourself and that's always a good face to show!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Only an idiot would buy someone unwanted lunches and then be offended that they weren't eaten. You work in a pretty weird environment it seems.

    i agree. it even seems inappropriate.
  • ara005
    ara005 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I am in the HR field and to limit the frequency of bathroom trips is ridiculous. It sounds like HR needs to have a discussion with your manager. If you are disrupting other people by talking to them on the way to or from the restroom, that would be a different story.

    Also, the tap water here is terrible at my house too. I bought a filter that fits on my faucet and I absolutely love it- no more gross tasting water. It comes with different adjustments to fit any type of sink and was like $25. Here's the link:
  • Get a doctors note!!!
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    You got in trouble for taking too many bathroom breaks? Do you work in a concentration camp? You should speak to the Department of Labor. There is def something wrong with that

    right? becuase they say if I take to many bathroom breaks I don't get enough work done... wow I was like I won't take lunch & you have to give me that because it says it in the application I filled out, so ill use that time to GO PEE 30mins total I can spread that out in a day, but they said no.... haha ! Office jobs! pffff

    are you in the US? If so, the Dept of Labor specifies that if you work 8 hours you are required a minimum of 30 minutes for lunch and two 15 minutes breaks a day. This does not apply to wait staff, because they are supposedly given "down time" between tables"....

    That being said, I once managed a call center, where the phones had to be manned 100% of the time, and staff could only take bathroom breaks during thier scheduled 15 minute breaks, unless it was an emergency... but- each and every staff person was scheduled a break during thier morning and afternoon slots....
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I can't believe they would actually tell you that you can't use the bathroom that often!! It takes 2 minutes to pee! Like everyone else said, talk to HR. For the food thing if they keep buying it for you, just throw it away if you don't want to eat it. Or take it home for someone at home to eat.
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    my bathroom breaks take a max of three minutes and only if I have been holding it forever !! and plus I am ocd about washing my hands for 60 seconds
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    They can't tell you how many times you're allowed to take a pee during the day. That's absurd!! You must feel like you're back in grammar school!

    Check this link out - the Department of Labor.

    You can also check state labor laws.You could also call them and ask about it.

    Good luck.
  • goal262
    goal262 Posts: 6
    Hello! It sounds like you don't have any support at work. Don't let your coworkers who eat crap, buy you crap that you don't ask for and thenget offended if you don't eat it! you are making the right choices for you and your body and stay proud of that! If going to the bathroom is actually affecting your work then you may need to pace how much water you are drinking. Have you ever heard of Chia seeds? thet are cheap and nutty in flavor but they swell up to like 10x their size (dried they are the size of a poppy seed) anyways they hold moisture and allows your body to stay hydrated PLUS its high in plant based omega 3. I sprinkle them on taost with fruit or in yougurt or mix in a smoothie. I hope this helps. Keep your chin up, I've been in your shoes and you have to be the wiser. :-)
  • calcorn1
    calcorn1 Posts: 28
    ever thought about buying a filter to put on your tap, and then you can get a a big 64oz jug and store your water like that?
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    it is NOT okay that he denies you bathroom breaks.

    for all he knows you could have a medical condition meaning you need to go to the bathroom more often.

    report your boss to HR. drink all the water you like. it's YOUR life and YOUR health!

    hope everything works out for you honey
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    Talk to your boss and let them know about your new healthy lifestyle. Sometimes people get talked to about too many bathroom breaks because the boss thinks they're taking a smoke break or chatting with people instead. If you don't want to offend people who buy you food, go ahead and just take the food home (if you can) and offer it to a friend, roommate, etc or dump it off site.

    Just my opinion though. I'm not sure how helpful it is where you're at. Good luck though :smile:

    thing is we are in a small office.... so they know I go to the bathroom and I dont smoke. and I never have anyone to chat with unless I am gonna start talking to the porceline god *spell chck* maybe? but in all seriousness I think it is just they are finding an excuse to get rid of me since I am 21yrs old, landed this job without experience and I don't like to gossip like everyone else... hmmm
  • Just start peeing in your chair.
    Haha. Thread winner!
    That'll teach 'em.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    What about cigarette and breastfeeding breaks (hopefully not for the same person!!)? Do they limit those? Are you in a reception-type position where someone has to be there all the time?
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    my bathroom breaks take a max of three minutes and only if I have been holding it forever !! and plus I am ocd about washing my hands for 60 seconds

    Talk to HR, explain this to them. Sounds like your manager (if that is who reprimanded you for 'too many bathroom breaks') is kind of on a power trip, if that does not work, go to your Dr and get a note stating that you need to go... holding it is not good, if you need to go ... you need to go period.

    Also as a germaphobe thank you for taking the 60 seconds for washing your hands I see way to many people leave the bathroom not washing their hands or just doing the quick rinse...
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Well, not to say they are in the right, but consider your bathroom usage. If you are going more than once an hour, you need to scale back the water intake. However, what I would have done is said I have to go every hour due to medical reasons... Your weightloss is a medical situation afterall... And in that case, they wouldn't be able to say anything to you about it because medical discrimination is illegal. I'd say the same about the food. You have to stand up for yourself, and use the resources you have available. However, if they are mentioning your behavior, sometimes you do actually need to look at yourself and what's going on and make sure it's okay.

    At my job, I sit at a desk and I work out on a mini-stationary bike. My employer encourages this, even though the sweating I do may be "unprofessional". I also drink water in 3 liter bottles and have stacks of the empties that I set aside for recycling. Potty breaks about every hour as well, along with snacks every 2 hours. Since I don't disturb the work environment, and I still get my work done, they don't bother me. However, I know that if these activities impacted my performance, they would say something, and they would be justified as well.