kevanos Member


  • Frozen veggies are often harvested when they are ripe and frozen very quickly. Non-local fruits and vegetables are harvested before being ripe and ripen during transport and delivery which can take a couple days. Add the shelf life too and you are talking about quite a long time. So frozen produce can be more nutritious…
  • When your body if overloaded with alcohol it will store any other nutrient you feed it as fat. So try not eat when you're plastered.
  • next time don't make it a scare and actually go till you puke. You will earn much respect.
  • Iu sed to get Ben Aflect when I was thinner, I don't get taht now that I'm 50lbs heavier...
  • I don't see how the asian stereotype added any humor here, and I tend to love to laugh about racial stereotypes. This just came off as lame to me, sorry. Kind of related: Did you hear about the UCLA girl who posted that video complaining about Asians in the library has to change schools becasue of death threats and stuff.
  • did your measurements change?
  • I have no problem with you praying, as long as it is not interfering with anybody. Muslims needs a time and place to worship, and it bugs me that schools have to accomodate for this. Do you religion on your own time at your own place of worship, at school I really don`t feel that I should have to deal with your religion.…
  • Given the situation you have been endurign I take it confrontation is not your thing, but it is the solution. You have to be blunt and clear with him, you can even be a bit insulting if you want. Tell him what you think about him and to to stop talking to you that way, demand it. Expose him for the *kitten* he is. Once you…
  • i lend you no more credibility because you put your picture up. I base my opinion of you on what you write, not your avatar.
  • If you want to celebrate whatever you want to celebrate, why does it have to be at school, do it on your own time in your own home. Especially if your celebration is religious in nature, it shouldn`t be practiced at school.
  • well this could go off tangent really fast, I know the rest of Canada wants Quebec to stay quiet and behave like good Canadians but the reality is that we are very different than the rest of Canada and we want to stay that way. We have our own culture, our own identity and our own language that we hold in very high regard.…
  • I bet you would let me get away with calling myself French-Canadian tho right.
  • well I can see how giving easter eggs to little jewish and muslim children could be a problem. The term easter egg has chritianity written all over it no matter how commercial it has become. Put yourself in the shoes of muslim parents who children are being feed little icons of Christianity in the form or delicious…
  • Many of our traditions are derived from christianity because the church had a huge influence in early Canada. Now the church has a lot less power and influence and we have adopted a secular system. Chosing to seperate religion from public organizations means that we have made our tradition liable to being scrutinized as…
  • Smoothies for sure. I buy 2kg bags all teh time and make smoothies in the blender. Fruit, milk, yoghurt, and sometimes protein powder.
  • there are people average sex drive and then people with above average drive and perople with under average sex drives. I guess you are the opposite of a sex addict or nymphoman. A zero sex drive if I understand your position.
  • the choice of convinience over healthy food is the main reason so many people are overweight these days. It will always be more convinient to pick up fast food then to cook a chicken breast and some brocolli. Don`t base your food choice on what is easiest, rather base it on what is healtiest and invest the time you need to…
  • keep at it, it will come together!
  • wow those puffs are full of fat. How is that a good idea of a healthy desert? 4 puffs, 28 grams of fat. ouch!
  • All those ideas are great, but that is exactly what you should not say to a depressed person. It is a good mantra to live by tho.
  • wow, I'm very impressed. i did not realize you could get that much stronger in only 6 months. Bench form 95 to 200, awesome! I`ve been doing cardio and strenght with the obvective lose weight. I stopped losing for about 3 weeks at one point and was doing stenght 4 times a week. I wasn`t losing anymore but my body really…
  • wow, your spelling is horrible. Why don`t you type out your words properly? There are 2 things you need to do: 1. eat right. 2. exercise. You have to do both for the results you want. The way you lose weight is by creatign a calorie deficit. That means you burn more calories than you eat. To lose 2 lbs per weeek you have…
    in i hav a? Comment by kevanos April 2011
  • also, don`t use caps lock, it is the equivalent of yelling in chat rooms or forums.
  • upload your photo to a site like photobucket or imageshake. copy the link the give you and post it here
  • Pork, fresh, shoulder Serving size: 1oz (28g) Fat:3g Carbs: 0g Protein: 5g source:
  • The spicy tuna and salmon have spicy mayo in them: avoid. sashimi rules! straight fish, delicious. Oh, the sea weed salad is absolutely faboulos, I can`t get enough of that stuff.
  • that 1200 calories is not counting your exercise calories. So the days you work out, you are supposeed to imput what you did and for how long, then MFP will add the amount of calories you burnt during your exercise and expect you to eat those calories. So if you burn 400 calories running, your new total will 1200+ 400 =…
  • I find it frustrating that people are unhappy about slow and steady weight loss. Those results are exactly what your goal should be. 1-2 lbs per week. Congrats on the good work and the good results. The changes will keep on comming, sometimes the changes won`t be reflected on the scale (like 0 lbs lost over 2-3 weeks) but…
  • Hint: the middle word begins with and "s"