My Fitness Pal is really pissing me off



  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    Make sure your using the same activity level.

    The 1200 is without exercise... if you exercise you get more calories to eat.

    I have done all different site and they all are about the same.
    It all depends what they are focusing on.

    MFP isn't very specific for activity level.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 175 and I get 1370 per day here. The difference in calories at Sparkpeople is that their site ASSUMES you will be working out, so you have a range of calories you can eat. What I love about MFP is that I can "earn" more calories by working out and it really keeps me motivated to get out and exercise every day.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    No reason to be angry, it is just math. You are already in a normal BMI range and for your height and weight you should be eating about 1700 calories a day. To lose a lb a week, it is subtracting 500 a day from that. It assumes that 1lb=3500 calories. 7x500=3500. I would recommend setting it to 1/2 lb a week, which should allow for about 1450 calories a day and work towards getting used to 1200 from there. Also any exercise you do can be added to the number. You use a hrm, so your numbers will be fairly accurate.

    Here is a good calculator for you.

    I took some educated guesses and I put in
    5'3 140
    31 Waist
    13 neck
    38 hips for you and it has you at 24.9 BMI and 30.9% body fat. Both are in the normal range for someone your height.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Make sure you have your current weight/goal weight, height, gender, DOB, lifestyles, and projected exercise set correctly.
    I am female, 182 lb with a goal weight of 135, 5'5", and don't do anything dureing the day (sedentary) cause I have a desk job, and plan on working out 5 days/week for 45 min each and set my goal to lose 2 lbs/week, so it has my deficit at 1200. If I change it to less loss per week, my cals go up. Maybe you just need to reset it?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    mine is 1430 for 2lb/week loss. im 5'6 and weigh 257.. activity level is at sedentary
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    make sure you didn't choose sedentary. Always choose 1 higher than you "think" you should choose, because they tend to estimate way low here. I have mine set to very active and eat 1600 a day at 5'2", 106 lbs.

    Set it to lightly active and 1/2 lb a week and see what it says. Also make sure you have your height and weight right in the system, that could screw it up.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    Go to "My Home", click on "goals" Look at where it says "from normal daily activities". It should show the number of calories you burn in a 24 hour period. If you want to lose 1 pound, that is 3500 calories a week you need to get rid of (500 a day). Subtract 500 from your "normal daily acitivites calorie". If it's less than 1200, then MFP will put you at 1200. For .5 lbs loss a week, subtract 250.

    If you'd like to lose 1 or .5 pounds, then burn more calories to match that 250 or 500 calorie deficit.

    Make sense?
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    Maybe there's an error? For me it's 1310 per day (I'm 5'8"). They want you to eat less than the calories you'd consume lying in bed all day doing nothing. For me that's 1400 (just a normal day at work they said was 1700). I can't remember where I found the 1700 after a quick look, but you can see the other number if you go under tools and select BMR. I think as long as you consume less than that you'll continue to lose weight.

    As for advice, yeah, even for me, 1310 is a pretty low number. I would pick one meal where you have something super low calorie. For me, I had 1 packet of the Quaker Oats instant oatmeal, which is around 170 calories. The oatmeal sticks with me long enough to get me through lunch (I'm also a heavy gum chewer to pass the time between meals. Also, drinking a lot of water will keep you feeling full). If you can consume a 200 calorie or less meal that still leaves you with 500 calories for the other 2 meals, more filling.

    Obviously I don't know your eating habits, but avoid soda and fast food like the plague. Even regular restaurant food. They're super high cal. Don't know if you like fish, but it's often 1/2 if not 1/4 the calories of beef, chicken, or pork. You can often eat the same amount of fish but get 1/2 the calories and get full.

    Another thing is eating raw fruits and veggies inbetween meals to stay full. I have a friend doing Weight Watchers and she says raw fruits and veggies (so no dip, no fruit canned in syrup, etc.) doesn't count against her on the point system. They have some calories, but I'd bet if you ate those inbetween meals, they wouldn't affect your goals to lose weight negatively.

    Honestly you can probably lose weight doing a 1500 cal diet, but it will be more slow. Just in case you didn't realize, if you exercise you can eat those calories. So if you're limited to 1200 and you burn 500 exercising you get to eat 1700 total for that day.

    Best of luck. Maybe you can start with a 1300 calorie diet for a couple of weeks and see how that works for you? Everyone's different, so it may take some experimentation.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Sparkpeople doesn't give you extra calories for working out. Whatever you told it you did for working out is how it gets that range. Here, the number it gives you has nothing to do with how much you say you workout. You add your workout calories after you workout.
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    Both of us are Sedentary and then I have 5 days a week exercise for her and 6 days a week for me. I really don't want to change, I love the database here and the people (you guys are the BEST), but most people here are at 1200, which is ridiculous.

    Personally I upped my calories to 1400 but I'm kind of considering trying over there for a while... But their food database looks like it sucks. lol.
  • toniyat
    toniyat Posts: 11 Member
    All of the sites are going to give you an "AVERAGE" amount. My trainer told me 1200-1400 calories a day and I'm 5'8 206lbs.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    LOL. I just went to look at my setting because I hadn't looked at them since I set up. I just lost 30 calories a day. So now I'm at 1340. Dang...
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    LOL. I just went to look at my setting because I hadn't looked at them since I set up. I just lost 30 calories a day. So now I'm at 1340. Dang...

    I hated that!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    The "burned from normal daily activity" figure is key here. (it's based on your height, weight, age, and activity level, and gender)

    Take an example of my friend who signed up for MFP. She had less weight to lose than me, and is also a few inches shorter.

    2lbs per week is a 7000 calorie deficit per week, or 1000 calories per day. If MFP expected her to burn 1900 calories per day from daily activity, and you follow the "don't go below 1200" rule, the MAX deficit she could have per day before exercise is 700 calories (1.4lb per week).

    So even if she said she wanted 2 lbs a week, it would not be possible for her (w/out exercise) because her daily calories burned minus 1200 is not enough of a deficit. If you don't have much left to lose, your body probably won't be burning as many calories from daily activity as it used to, so the best you can always do is whatever deficit you get from a 1200 calorie goal + exercise.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    that 1200 calories is not counting your exercise calories.

    So the days you work out, you are supposeed to imput what you did and for how long, then MFP will add the amount of calories you burnt during your exercise and expect you to eat those calories.

    So if you burn 400 calories running, your new total will 1200+ 400 = 1600 calories for the day. Other sites estimate your burnt calories throughout the week and feed you your exercise calories back costantly every day.

    If you burn 400 calories 5 times a week your weekly intake could look like this:

  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Could the 1200 be a default floor of calories that MFP set so that people didn't give themselve too aggressive of goals?

    In other words, some people simply don't need to be trying to lose a certain amount of weight per week because it would be unhealthy so anything that would take a person below 1200 MFP simply sets it at 1200 anyway. (theory I don't know).

    From what I read in the OP, she only weighs 140 and is trying to lose 20 lbs, how much could she safely lose in a week?
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    I agree that with so little to lose, you should set yours to .5 pounds loss per week.

    MyFitnessPal gives you more calories when you exercise, that is the difference.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My calorie goal is 1220, but my average calories are 1468 (after exercise are added back and eaten).

    Other sites will tell me to eat 1500, then burn 300 per day, to get my 1200.

    The reason that 1200 is the minimum here is for health reasons. And it's generally heatlhiest to exercise and eat those calories back, giving you a reasonable quantity of food each day. I bet if you ask people whose goal is 1200 to find out their average eaten over the last 3 months, it would be a LOT higher (after exercise is added back and eaten).
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    The reason why is they do not want you going below 1200 calories. The closer you get to your goal weight the less lbs per week you should be losing. I think that if your lifestyle is not active then you will also run into having a low calorie allotment. Your mom will have more calories allowed to lose more wieght because she is hevier and taller. She also may have a more active job, so her activitly level may be higher.

    Your height is 5'2" you may be able to get away with fewer than 1200 calories but definitly don't go below 1000. If you are feeling hungry look at what you are eating and fill up on low calorie, but more dense foods.
    You may just have to take the slow weight loss and fight to burn as many calories as you can. Make sure you work on muscle toning and take measurements.

    Best wishes.
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    I have used Sparkpeople in the past and I did not see the results I am seeing now. I think that it has everything to do with lifestyle.