

  • sorry if someone replied it from House of a Thousand Corpses?
  • Reece Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama
  • Can I do 2? lol " I feel the need, the need for speed!" " I think our love can do anything we want it to do"
  • You know, I actually noticed that when I lowered my calorie goal is when my weight loss slowed down! Maybe I should up it? how many calories do you take in per day? mine is set at 1480, it was 1600.
  • That is absolutly awesome!!! I hope I can get there myself! My goal right now is to lose 100 lbs from where I am now, I have lost just over 50 since I had my last child in 09, but I stopped trying for a while but am now trying again. Im getting depressed because I was losing suddenly and then stopped even though im doing…
  • I can vouch for the gallbladder damage, I lost this weight since February(most of it within the 2 months after..I lost 30 lbs in 2 months..but by eating the amount of calories that I was suppose to) and I started having major bouts of nausea a couple months ago and then came the pain in my upper right belly, went to the…
  • Hello! Im going to start by saying that I started myself on a VLCD back when I was in Middle school. I actually would not eat lunch at school..I really only ate dinner, It never ever crossed my mind that I would become anorexic, but thats exactly what happened. I went from a VLCD to not eating at all, and drinking…
  • I actually have a few of them if thats ok! Of course after the first one I started to try to lose weight and succeeded but gained most back with another pregnancy! It was a scare actually, I was forced to give birth to my second child at 36 weeks pregnant due to a severe case of Pre eclampsia, My blood pressure stayed…
  • Thank you so much everyone! Its nice to know there are people here to support me! In the past I have found myself struggling with the urge to take diet pills, but then I had thoughts like "This wont work, it will all come back on once you stop taking them." I have had my addictions with water pills and laxatives as…
  • The need for tighter fitting Fitting into my pre pregnancy jeans! My exercise pants falling off of me and constantly having to pull them up!
  • I dont see how that is possible! Why lose it so fast if you are going to put it right back on? and usually when it is put back on, you put on more than what you had in the first place..I know from experience!!! I started this program about a week ago I think and have lost 4 lbs..yeah, its more than the 2 lbs per week and…
  • Thanks everybody! I guess I need to look into some protein bars and more Tuna! I am not a huge meat eater so that may be why its hard for not vegetarian though, I just dont eat ALOT of meat! Thanks for the advice!
    in Protein Comment by sjdjnd20 August 2010
  • Hello, I also have Hypothyroidism. I am on a dosage of 137 mcg..which is pretty high, I have had it upped 4 times in the last 2 or 3 years and my TSH stays around 10..which it needs to be lower. I tend to feel sluggish when its not under control and I also get dry skin, its different for everybody though! How long have you…
  • Thank you everyone for replying. I also wanted to add that I just had gallbladder removal surgery 2 weeks ago! Im thinking that its going to help me eat better since I have pretty much been forced to give up alot of foods and drinks that I was consuming, Pizza is big one since its soo greasy! I tried to eat the mushroom…