Hello, Im new here

sjdjnd20 Posts: 17
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, My name is Sam, I am new here and im hoping to reach my goal weight on my own with a little help from this program. I am a single mother of 3 children ages 8,4,and 1. I used to be thin but I have always tended to balloon up during my pregnancies, my 3rd pregnancy was the worse, I didnt have as much weight gain but I still hadnt lost all the weight from my second child. I ballooned up to 300 lbs...yikes! very scary for me! On my own I have managed to get my weight down to 261, I started eating less and walking 2 miles a day 3 -4 days per week! I have slacked on walking since it has been so hot outside lately but have been working out with one of "The Biggest Loser" DVD's. I am really looking forward to tracking my progress with this program and reach my goal weight, be more energetic for my children which is my number one priority along with being healthier and looking great! I also look forward to getting to know everybody!


  • Hello Sam,

    Congradulations on your work so far. This site will help you continue up to your goal I am sure. Welcome. :smile:
  • totaltexan
    totaltexan Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Sam. I have found that I can not loose weight without doing some exercising. I joined in order to control my diabetes by diet and exercise....no meds! I need to drop about 30 pounds. I joined a few months ago and was doing really well then things happened and I stopped tracking. Now I am back and hopefully can stick with it this time!!
  • Hello:

    I just joined today. I'm Cynthia and I need to lose 50 pounds. I realize I need to be more active and tend to lose interest after 2 or three weeks. I look forward to myfitnesspals to help keep me interested, motivated and on track. I will check in again soon!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    we have a great group for people who want to lose 100 pounds or more. Its found on the Message Boards under
    "Motivation and Encouragement. Befriend as many people as you can!

    if you need the thread to get back here it is:

  • sjdjnd20
    sjdjnd20 Posts: 17
    Thank you everyone for replying. I also wanted to add that I just had gallbladder removal surgery 2 weeks ago! Im thinking that its going to help me eat better since I have pretty much been forced to give up alot of foods and drinks that I was consuming, Pizza is big one since its soo greasy! I tried to eat the mushroom and spinach..it was ok but a bit hard to stomach..lol. And of course I have cut back on my soda..I was drinking probably 5 cans a day and now I drink probably 1 can every few days, I have tried to drink more tea and water! I have learned that in order to feel well after the surgery I am going to have to decrease my carbs and fats quite a bit or else I wont be able to digest them properly, I feel like crap if I eat alot now..but I guess its a good thing since im trying to lose weight!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    hi there

    I am new as well...I have this as an app on my I phone and was amazed at the amount of calories I had been really eating. I was stuck at 199 lbs after my third pregnancy. I kind of got stuck on eating the same as I did during the pregnancy. I am breastfeeding still....my little man is 9 months old...and I thought I could use that as an excuse to eat cookies at midnight. Since the tracking began I have finally lost 2 lbs....after that scale not budging for months I am over the moon. I do a very brisk walk every day if I can and I do not eat after our evening dinner anymore. I am finally waking up refreshed and motivated. Woot...go me.
    I used to weigh around 160 before the pregnancy and would love to get there again.
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