

  • Just starting...again! Please add me, I'd love to help be someone's motivation! I know how much friends on here have helped me in the past :)
  • I'm on Day 14 and I don't think I've lost lbs, but I can totally tell that my clothes are fitting better, and my tight jeans are comfy! :) The shakes really are good and if you get creative, it's hard to get bored with it! Add me BBV friends, I'd love to see your results!
  • Maybe you need to add something to it? When I feel that way, sometimes I'll just add some extra fruit just to fill me up, that, or they suggest you eat a small salad, nuts, snacks like that in between meals if you still feel hungry.
  • you look absolutely fabulous!! :)
  • I'm on Day 6 of the 90 Day Challenge and so far I feel alot better! I do breakfast and lunch and then eat a healthy supper, it's nice because I never used to eat breakfast but can definitely tell a difference! I thought that drinking a shake every day twice a day would get boring but you have soo many options for smoothies…
  • I'm on Day 6 of the 90 Day Challenge and so far I feel alot better! I do breakfast and lunch and then eat a healthy supper, it's nice because I never used to eat breakfast but can definitely tell a difference! I thought that drinking a shake every day twice a day would get boring but you have soo many options for smoothies…
  • You guys can add me too! :)
  • Love love love Zumba!! It's so motivating to see everyone's results since I'm just starting!!
  • I'm on Day 3 and so far I've just been having the two shakes for breakfast and lunch, and then a meal for dinner. Are you supposed to snack?? I'll take all the tips I can get! :)
  • I'm on day 3 and so far I like it with a little coffee, almond milk, some hazelnut, and sugar free carmel! I also tried it with the Mio flavor mix-ins since theyre 0 calories. pretty good!!
  • zumba is amazing!! I have never been a dancer, nooot even close! So when I first started going to the classes I figured I'd be awful and it would just be embarrassing, but honestly once you get there and just relax and do it you realize that everyone is in the same boat and no one even has time to look at you. Everyone is…
  • Hairstylist advice, go to a salon! If a salon has been doing your hair, let them take care of it. It's impossible to tell how box color will react with existing hair color and you could end up with orange hair.. it's definitely worth the extra money. Or, if you want to add some dimension in your hair still, consider adding…
  • Thanks lady!! :)
    in ZUMBA Comment by lannna17 February 2012
  • Amazing!! you look fantastic! Also, nice multi colored zebra shirt! I have the same one :)
  • So true!! and if they are, THEY'RE not doing it right!!
  • Is Zumba for Wii close to the Zumba DVDs? I have those, and they're fun.. but I found I like the actual class better, it's just kinda intimidating to go when everyone else already knows the dances and you're just starting... debating on tomorrow AM! :noway: Also, redbox has zumba!?
    in ZUMBA Comment by lannna17 February 2012
  • Motivation and friends are needed!! It makes it so much easier when you have people behind you trying to accomplish the same thing. Feel free to add me! :) Lanna:smile: