

  • So interested! This is exactly what I need. Doing things by myself I lose the motivation and give up easily, I think it would be easier if I was doing it with a group and there are people to motivate me and give me advice! Current/Starting Weight: 170-180 lbs (My scale is broken, I need to get a new one) Goal Weight: 135…
  • I've wanted to try Zumba, perhaps i'll look into that as well. As for joining a YMCA, i'd also like to do that but I'm currently trying to find employment and the membership fee here is expensive. Also, what is a good time of day to be working out?
  • i found something on the cabel and im attempting to do it. lol 8 MINUTES IN AND IM SWEATING. but i will consider doing crunches and sit ups. thanks for the suggestions. :) i'd gladly take more. i've been really slacking, anyone wanna be fitness pals?
  • My parents work alot so im usually stuck babysitting my sisters and i don't have a membership to the gym because it costs money and im broke, i don't own any fitness equitment. tonight i am baby sitting and wanna work out if i can reach my summer goal. im currently. 150 pounds and would like to be 120-130 by July. then…
  • I've been away from MFP for like a week or so. I NEED to get back into this. :) i would love to be able to wear a bikini this summer ! Im in. Height: 5ft 2 - 5ft 3. Current Weight: 150 Goal Weight: 120. i need to start eating a lot heathier food and getting off my butt to exercise, (Jog, sit ups, biking etc.)
  • I know im a little late but i would loveeee to join this group. Maybe it would help me stay on track more i just gained 5 pounds back!!!!!! :sad:
  • It's been really tough, some times i've cheated and i know i shouldn't. I have now gained 5 pounds back, and luckily im still down 4. I don't know if i can do it. I keep telling myself this is a change i want to make for myself. By summer 2009 i want to be able to wear a bikini and not have to but a tshirt over top, i want…
  • LOL yes im following Spencer Pratt. lmfao, i dont have the slightest clue, its fun to watch him scream at people about hating and saying how he wants to be loving like Heidi. and idk Ryan Seacrest is pretty popular
  • i LOVE twitter :)
  • Alright sounds good. Thank you for the advice and encouragement.
  • thank you all for the support and encouragement i appreciate it. :) my weight has been flip flopping i was down nine pounds and at 145, then it went back to 150 then to 149. in like 3 days. im a little confused on how that happened
  • Thank you guys for the support.
  • I wasn't sure if i would be able to keep up this long but im doing alright, it's alittle difficult when my parents and siblings are eating food around me that i would like to eat but im doing this for myself and i shouldn't give up. I have lost 4 pounds! i have 45 more to go. i hope i can make it. =\
  • 30 Minutes from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. It was **** today. It was Windy and cold and i woke up to flurries -_- it's been sunny and warm the past few days. :grumble:
  • alright, thank you. :)
  • Hey Laura, thank you for the kind words! And thank you for your support. !
  • Like if i workout and then eat dinner, do i gain those calories back? then how would i know the right time to workout?
  • Day 3 so far. Im am slightly frusterated as it is. If after i exercise and burn calories, then i eat dinner soon after i get those calories back right? Oh geez what if i don't lose any weight :indifferent: I see people have formed little groups and motivate people, etc. I was wondering....Does someone wanna be my fitness…
  • Great Job Sonia :) Im proud of you! :) :heart:
  • thought so, my appetite is never normal these days. -_-
  • Ahh, thank you! :) Awww. :heart: My dad kinda explained it to me 5minutes ago as well. He explained how I have to watch what i eat because my body would add it on to what the medication does and give me some extra pounds where people who eat SOOO much and don't gain like anything.
  • i have Hypothyroidism. i take Levothyroxine.
  • I was curious, i was born with a minimal trace of a thyroid gland and am on thyroid medication ever since i was a baby. I was wondering if having this problem and being on medication will effect my trying to get rid of some of my weight?
  • Oh SNAP. They get worse once they get older. I have to younger sisters, 10 years old. IDENTICAL TWINS. Oh geez they are HORRIBLE! Good luck with the kids! <3
  • Thank you. This was my first time in awhile taking on a big exercise task like this, i think i did alright if you minus the slight leg pains when i got home. hahah :) Ohhh! Good luck on the 5k! :) 3 kids, that must be a handful.
  • Thank you, im a very HEAVY water drinker. i'll be sure to do that. and Sonia, i jogged around my whole city for 2 hours :) Also i had done some walking at a moderate pace earlier today for 30minutes.
  • Heey! thank you for the kind words, and i really DO love the site already, im looking forward to my time on this site and my experiences with people. Good luck with reaching your goals :)
  • LOL chelsie, i know i know geez. YES I DO TO BE HONEST. its giving me a whole different perspective on things and i hope to reach my goal. I was informed when i finished clicking the "Done Logging" button it said : If every day were like today... You'd weigh 135.3 lbs in 5 weeks. :) lmfao
  • Helllooo MFP :) how is everyone in this lovely community. I am a new user to the site. My goal weight is currently 105-110 pounds and im weighing in at 155-158 around there. I just burned 1233 calories today from exercise and have consumed a total of 1295. Does anyone have any advice to a new user?