44by44th Member


  • Hypo. Diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 3 1/2 years ago during a routine blood test with my regular doc. She sent me to an endocrinologist at first, just to make sure there wasn't something more going on. All was clear with the specialist, so my regular doc is managing it now via blood tests every six months, but both told…
  • Only one way to find out. Seriously though, I just took this plunge myself, exactly 9 days ago. I have the "horseshoe" male pattern baldness that first started thinning out and receding in my early 20's. By 25, there was no point in trying to hide it any longer. I bought some electric clippers with the various attachments…
  • Nothing lazy about it - if it's working for you, keep doing it. For me, just moving more (walks & occasional bike rides) and eating healthier, smaller portions is working great. Arthitis pain in my wrists and ankles keeps me from "high impact" excerises. It may take longer to reach my goal, but I'll get there eventually.…
  • Started out on cornet in 4th grade, 6th grade switched to tuba and never looked back. Played all through school and beyond... 30+ years so far and no plans to quit anytime soon. After my wife and children, music brings the most joy to my life.
  • Dear Co-Worker, Just because we work in an office of all men doesn't mean it's ok to cuss & swear like a longshoreman everytime you open your mouth. Today you used the f word more times before 9:00 am than I've used it in the last year. Everyone else communicates professionally, why can't YOU?
  • I think Abraham Lincoln is the best president ANY country has ever had. No one else even comes close. I own 2 tubas I regret ever getting a smartphone. I miss the simpler, slower pace of the life I used to have. I can't count
  • Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines - Airplane!
  • it's my goal: lose 44 lbs by my 44th birthday
  • I'm doing it for me, because I know I SHOULD, and because I know I CAN. Now I'm out to prove it to myself, and no one else.