Anyone doing just "soft" exercises? Yoga, walks, etc.



  • KansasRain
    KansasRain Posts: 65
    honestly i do my exercise through yard work, house work, and wandering the stores. when i first started my weight loss i wasn't doing ANY of those, i was literally just sitting around do absolutely nothing more then going to the bathroom and getting food. NOW i mow my lawn which is 1 hour, my grampies lawn which is another 3-4 hours, i "spring clean" about once a week, and i drive out to the mall or Walmart or some other store so i can walk around with out getting bored, but i also take the dog on 20 minute walks, and i make sure to park as far from the buildings i go to as i can to make more work. for me, i also do my elliptical 30-60 min every couple of days. i don't plan to do any hard core work outs until i can manage to do these things with out feeling the burn from them. i figure, if its working for me then i will stick with it until its not working, so don't worry about what every one else is doing, do what works best for you even if its "soft" work outs
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Most of my exercise is walking. I'm building good leg muscles and my abdominal muscles seem to be getting a bit tighter too. I do some dancing occassionally too when I have time and that's a good workout, but I find I enjoy walking a lot more than hard core stuff. Especially since I still have so much weight on me that it's really hard on my joints to do more high-impact stuff on a regular basis. I'm still losing weight so obviously I'm doing something right lol
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Hi, I'm the same as you, I just walk and do the occasional workout on the Wii fit but we both seem to be losing so we must be doing something right. I don't feel guilty at all, I just do what I enjoy :)

    ^^This^^ I'm doing exactly the same thing, walking every day and wii fit about 3 times a week. I'm down 40 lbs so far, so something is working. I'm sure I'd get better results if I amped it up a bit, but with my foot being in constant pain, I'd rather not do anything that is high impact. I can't do zumba or anything because I'm a clutz, and look like an elephant on ice skates.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I do lots more casual walking than I used to, plus at least 1 hour exercise walking a day (non-stop and try to include some hills to get my heart rate up) - My step count has gone from an estimated 2500 per day to over 10,000 on most days.

    I climb at least 20 flights of stairs a day.

    I do some strength exercise, using my body as resistance or kettle bells.

    My trainer says I should not run till till I lose more weight, too much stress on the knees.

    I do a modified Tai Chi sequence for mobility as well as stretching after exercise.

    I used to do more strength work, but for the last 2 months I have been targeting the walking - which in my opinion has more weight loss benefits. In 2 weeks - I will be adding more intense strength work and HIIT.

    I have lost 16 pounds - 2 pounds per week, and gone down 2 belts hole sizes, but its mostly from reducing what I eat, The exercise has other benefits that make it important. I can tell my stamina and strength has increased from climbing some specific hills, that used to leave me gasping.
  • 44by44th
    44by44th Posts: 289 Member
    Nothing lazy about it - if it's working for you, keep doing it. For me, just moving more (walks & occasional bike rides) and eating healthier, smaller portions is working great. Arthitis pain in my wrists and ankles keeps me from "high impact" excerises. It may take longer to reach my goal, but I'll get there eventually. You will too, if you just keep at it.
  • cfieds
    cfieds Posts: 29 Member
    I am also a low-impact exerciser!

    I have some spine issues that can get gnarly if I'm not careful -- absolutely no running or zumba or 30 day shred for me. I do a lot of yoga (which has helped my spine a ton!) and take walks.
    That and watching what I eat has led to the 9 lbs I've lost and an inch or two total.

    As much as I'd love to try some of the high-impact exercises out body just isn't built for doing them. (:
  • Charliebarleymo
    Walking and swimming for me, plus an odd session on cardio machines. Lost 25lb, and many inches. I figure anything is better than sitting on my backside all day :drinker:
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    I walk virtually every day and swim a couple of times per week. While I do try to add other cardo in occasionally, I don't really enjoy it. As for whether it works for me, I started MFP mid January and look at my ticker! I haven't been this thin for a decade :)
  • spotofdirt
    spotofdirt Posts: 9 Member
    I used to be a runner and then gained about 80 pounds...thought I would be able to go right back into running. Big mistake. I injured both achilles tendons with the high impact after 4 months now, they are still healing. As a result, I have just been walking instead. I have to say...its almost as effective as when i was running...just takes more time out of my day. I've lost about 35 pounds so far just watching my calories and walking. If you feel you aren't ready for high impact or don't enjoy it, there is nothing wrong with "soft" exercising. A calorie burned is a calorie burned.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Most of weight loss is calorie restriction NOT exercise. Exercise is good for your body of course, but it isn't necessary for weight loss. I've lost 55 pounds by watching my calories and doing what you call "soft" exercises. I do yoga (which is my strength training), I walk at the lake (granted I walk pretty fast), and I do a stationary bike (moderate pace, not intense). I hate exercising but I do it because it makes me feel productive??? Or because if I don't I feel lazy I guess. But, I only exercise 3 times a week at the most. Last week I didn't work out at all. Do I feel guilty? Heck no. Did I gain weight? Nope! Do what you like and don't worry about what other people are doing.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    I know several people on here and IRL who have lost well over 100 pounds by just walking!! Just move your *kitten* and watch what you eat, if this works for you then stick to it, don't let anyone make you feel as if you aren't working hard enough! I do zumba 3-4 times per week(my instructor is the "hard" one) and I have been guilty of feeling "lazy" thanks to so many people on here who run crazy marathons or lift heavy everyday, etc. I believe the lighter i get, the more i will be up to trying more challenging things, but for now i stick with what i know and love :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I walk, I do some push-ups when I feel the need, that's it.

    80% nutrition, 20% exercise ...
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    haha I know exactly what you mean! I have some total badass friends who only workout intense. It's very go hard or go home and somewhat intimidating compared to what I do! I'm mostly a more casual exerciser but I like to mix in the harder stuff and just love it! Everyone's right that if it's something you enjoy AND you're getting the results you want then you're golden! You may find that as you progress, you'll want to add in a day or two of strength training or a super cardio burn day. Who knows, you could even love it! Good luck with everything! :happy:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    WALKING is basically my ONLY form of exercise

    I did the gym/Curves thing in the past- but this time around
    I HAD to consider my life right now- between a very active job and lifestyle,
    I KNEW I'd never be able to MAINTAIN going to the gym AFTERWARDS

    so I opted for finding ways that work into my life- and as long as I can, I do the WALKING.
    the way I figure it-
    I always have my legs with me- keep a good pair of jogging shoes/socks in the car
    and WALK whenever I can.

    *I park as far away as possible when I go to the grocery store,
    * I push the cart all the way back into the store
    (shoot, I'll even jog with it to the car and back- I don't care how *stupid* it might look- I'm burning fat.)

    *I walk around our property (it's uneven terrain which makes it a GREAT workout)
    * and I walk around our house- up and down the stairs-
    when it's raining.
    *I found several Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds on eBay that I ♥
    *I walk the downtown mall - FREE A/C!!!- (I got yelled @ for walking TOO fast- geesh)
    * and I clean an office with a LONG hallway- so when I'm done, I'll walk/jog up and down the hall for 30 minutes or so.
    *I'll walk around the block if I've arrived early for a dr. app't,

    Carry some hand weights and increase the burn.
    For now I fill up my 2-20 oz water bottles that have an insulated cover/hand strap/belt clips and use those for the added weight
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    There were a few years when I did "only" yoga and nothing else and I was strong and lean. It wasn't really "omm, stretch & snooze" yoga though, it was Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. I saw a massive difference physically and in strength and fitness progression. This is what I looked like when I did nothing but yoga...


    You don't HAVE to spend hours cycling or running to be lean and in good shape.
  • samakain
    samakain Posts: 60
    I only walk. I'm still feeling challenged by my walks so until it feels "too easy" for me, I'll stick with it. So far I've been successful. I have an irregular slowed/skipped heartbeat that seems to be unpredictable so until it's figured out, my cardiologist told me I should just be walking for an hour a day.
    Do what you like but try to challenge yourself :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Yes, I am just doing soft exercises and have lost 23 pounds in 2 months. I do a lot of walking, and I am careful with my diet. I have a very fussy back problem that has to settle before I add anything more. I am doing gentle pilates as well.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Thank you so much for this post and for everyone's responses. I think we just need to trust ourselves and our bodies that we know what is healthy for us and we see the fitness results. After joining this site I actually got depressed and stopped going to the gym for 4 days (obviously I was already turning to exercise to lift my spirits in the first place). I started to feel like everything was so complicated and/or pointless (I stopped trusting myself). But, I was happy and seeing results (six pack abs and everything). If our body is hurting, sometimes we need to modify what we are doing and find the ways to work our body that works for our body. It's always worked in the past for me, no reason it will suddenly stop working. Being a dancer there is a lot I know about the fitness of dance/yoga/pilates. Healthy diet makes these "soft" exercises more effective as well. And it may take a little longer, but that's ok. I think trusting ourselves and our bodies is a big lesson I learned from over-complicating something that was already natural and working for me. And as I add new things (lifting weights) I can go slow and learn. I'm going to continue to learn and add to my knowledge, understanding, and options, but I know that I need to trust my body above all else. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. You helped me a lot!
  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    When I lost the bulk of my weight my routine was pretty soft. I was on a 3 day split (push, pull, legs/core) for 30 minutes. I walked, never ran. I did 20 minutes of empty stomach cardio before breakfast. And walked until I got bored at night. Never hit the iron really hard. Wasn't doing cross training. Just staying active and including moderate resistance.
  • skinnynerd
    skinnynerd Posts: 110
    I walk becaue I love it and it's free.