Dear Co-Worker



  • Dear Co-worker
    I doubt that your nails grow that fast so please stop clipping them every 2 days at work. Take care of your grooming at home. Plus, you're the only guy I know who carries nail clippers around.
    OMG this happened to me too...I got HIT with a trimming once too! YUCK!
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    I'm not going to add one, but I will get enjoyment out of reading yours. :laugh:
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Dear Co-worker,
    You know that bribe you took from a client and the fake expense report you asked me to co-sign?
    I told the ethics committee.

    Good luck with that!

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh snap!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Dear Co-Workers,

    You are all incredibly smart and interesting people. Despite the days that work just is, well, work, you guys are all great to work with and I have learned so much from all of you. There is even someone who makes sure the coffee is made before I get into my office each morning.

    Thank you.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,

    When my eyes begin glazing over after listening to you yammer on about a phone call that you took or a life's event that I never asked you about, please shut-up and leave my office.

    I have pretend people on mfp to attend to. :laugh:


    Don't you ever need to take a breath?????? :noway:

    Pretend people? Like imaginary friends?
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    This is perfect. I was just wanting to rant.

    Dear Co-Workers,

    When you send me a request and I send it back asking for additional information, escalating the issue to my manager is not going to resolve it any sooner. It will only result in my manager sending it to me to handle and me calling your manager. I need the additional information for a reason. It helps me determine if there is a problem with the vendor or a merchant that I need to have fixed with them. Also, answering an email where I ask you a question with "Thank you" isn't answering anything. Again, it only results in me sending it back to you. I will not resolve your problem unless you provide me with the additional data I need. My manager will not help you. Her manager will not help you and sending an email complaining about the fact that I'm asking for additional information to resolve the issue properly to the person directly under the CEO WILL NOT HELP YOU! There's a reason I need the information. Just send it to me and all will be well. Otherwise it creates way more work for me making me extremely unhappy which just leads to a phone conversation with your manager because you're preventing me from doing my job correctly.

    The Person Who Has To Deal with All The Vendors And The Issues They Cause

    OMG!! I think you are in my department!!! LOL! I have had that exact same rant in my mind! So happy we are not alone!
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    Dear co-workers,

    This is not choir, marching band or any other type of rhythm, sound or percussion related activity. Whistling the same tune, snapping fingers and marching around in general are not appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Irritated by the sounds.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Dear Co-worker:

    I get that this is not your "dream" job. But don't slack on stuff and tell me you're too busy when I watch you walk past my desk every hour to go in the breakroom and make tea, and while you're in there you gab for 20mins. Also, don't say you want to change your hours from 8-4 to 7:30-3:30 and than come in and eat breakfast for 30mins on the clock and take an hour lunch. And while I'm at it, thanks for f-ing up my whole job while I was out for surgery when I made it dumby proof and when I ask you what happened you just shrug and go i don't know. Women!!! You know what you did!!!! And it takes me 10days to clean up your mess...... :mad: :explode: :angry:

    The over-worked assistant
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,

    Why do you close your door everytime someone somes and talks to me in *MY* office next door? Do you hate the sound of my voice that much? Well guess what, maybe I don't like your voice much either.

    Yours Truely,

    The perfectly normal co-worker next door.

    LOL. I work with one of those, too. He's super passive aggressive and loves to act like whatever he is doing is more important than what anyone else is doing. Oh, and he's a killjoy, too. God forbid anyone in the office be having fun. If you do, that calls for his door to be slammed rather than just being closed. Sucks to be that miserable, I'm sure.
  • 44by44th
    44by44th Posts: 289 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,

    Just because we work in an office of all men doesn't mean it's ok to cuss & swear like a longshoreman everytime you open your mouth. Today you used the f word more times before 9:00 am than I've used it in the last year. Everyone else communicates professionally, why can't YOU?
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,
    I really do not care to listen to your 30 minute personal phone call about your hemmoroids and how your son is sick... Please take them outside or somewhere other than ear shot. Also please do not speak to me within the first hour of my arrival to work as I am not a morning person and it is hard for me to control my rage during this time. Please keep comments to yourself during this time, this includes good morning. One day I might just say shove your good morning up your *kitten*, and you would think that I was rude. Please come to work. Please don't leave on your lunch break and call in to say you're sick and not coming back. When every single person in this office isn't here to do their job it causes a strain on everyone. I come to work, do my job, don't leave early, and don't call in sick when i'm not really sick. Please return the favor.

    Your Ticked Off Co-worker
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Dear Co-Worker AKA my Supervisor,

    It is not necessary nor professional to pull in the parking lot with your rap music blaring so loud I can hear it inside closed doors. Why must you hairspray your hair every morning once you walk in the office? Shouldn't personal grooming be done at home? Also you go and get your nails done every 2 weeks... why is it necessary for you to sit at your desk and file them? Isn't that what you pay them to do? Slamming your phone down and banging on the keyboard does not fix things, it usually breaks them. ANNNDD in case you didn't notice we pick our feet up when we walk not drag our feet through the hall.

    OH and it's GOAL not GOLD, Our GOLD is not to make vendors happy OUR GOAL is to make vendors happy.


    Your unhappy employee who has worked here for 2 years and can't take it any longer!!
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,

    I know you are in your 20's and think you know everything (going to school to be a lawyer and all), but really, you don't, you still have soooo much to learn. You are not "really observant" you are just too busy wanting to make sure that everyone else is doing their job when you aren't doing your own. Get back to your desk and TAKE YOUR CALLS, quit letting them roll to your mom!!! She isn't getting paid to do YOUR job, she's getting paid to do HERS. IF you want to do your homwork at your desk, that is fine by me, just don't moan and groan when I am on MY lunch break and you have to answer calls. You're being paid to take calls, not do homework.

    If you would stop pointing YOUR finger at what everyone else is doing wrong, you'd see that there are three others pointing back at you. Try taking the plank out of YOUR eye before trying to take the splinger out of others. I'm just saying!!! :wink:

    your Next Desk Neighbor!!!
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Also please do not speak to me within the first hour of my arrival to work as I am not a morning person and it is hard for me to control my rage during this time. Please keep comments to yourself during this time, this includes good morning. One day I might just say shove your good morning up your *kitten*, and you would think that I was rude.

    That's because it is rude.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Dear co-workers:

    I am absolutely thrilled to be back in this office with you. I've missed you both and I'm so happy the new guy (my boss) fits in so well with this office. I look forward to going to work and my day passes by quickly. I am often surprised that it's already time to go home!

    Bless you all!


    Your paralegal/legal administrative assistant
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    Dear co -worker,

    Yes you must clean your room and quit fighting with your brother.



    ( I work from home )
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    This is perfect. I was just wanting to rant.

    Dear Co-Workers,

    When you send me a request and I send it back asking for additional information, escalating the issue to my manager is not going to resolve it any sooner. It will only result in my manager sending it to me to handle and me calling your manager. I need the additional information for a reason. It helps me determine if there is a problem with the vendor or a merchant that I need to have fixed with them. Also, answering an email where I ask you a question with "Thank you" isn't answering anything. Again, it only results in me sending it back to you. I will not resolve your problem unless you provide me with the additional data I need. My manager will not help you. Her manager will not help you and sending an email complaining about the fact that I'm asking for additional information to resolve the issue properly to the person directly under the CEO WILL NOT HELP YOU! There's a reason I need the information. Just send it to me and all will be well. Otherwise it creates way more work for me making me extremely unhappy which just leads to a phone conversation with your manager because you're preventing me from doing my job correctly.

    The Person Who Has To Deal with All The Vendors And The Issues They Cause

    OMG!! I think you are in my department!!! LOL! I have had that exact same rant in my mind! So happy we are not alone!

    Oh yes. Same rant over here too.

    also, "Please Handle" does not tell me anything about the issue....DETAILS people, DETAILS. :mad:
  • Dear Co-Worker,
    I really do not care to listen to your 30 minute personal phone call about your hemmoroids and how your son is sick... Please take them outside or somewhere other than ear shot. Also please do not speak to me within the first hour of my arrival to work as I am not a morning person and it is hard for me to control my rage during this time. Please keep comments to yourself during this time, this includes good morning. One day I might just say shove your good morning up your *kitten*, and you would think that I was rude. Please come to work. Please don't leave on your lunch break and call in to say you're sick and not coming back. When every single person in this office isn't here to do their job it causes a strain on everyone. I come to work, do my job, don't leave early, and don't call in sick when i'm not really sick. Please return the favor.

    Your Ticked Off Co-worker

    ^^^This^^^^ made me LOL
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,
    I know you just started here and you are looking to make friends but you're trying too hard. Since you are the help desk guy I am not about to burn a bridge (I mean, who better to have in your corner than the help desk guy, right?), but seriously, I do not want to 1) go out to lunch with you 2) go out walking with you on our lunch break or 3) be your best friend (seriously, he's said that 3 times in the past 3 weeks). I'm flattered that you want to form this friendship (or maybe even a little more), but I'm starting to find it a bit creepy.

    Annoyed woman who happens to have the office right outside of your cube
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    Dear co -worker,

    Yes you must clean your room and quit fighting with your brother.



    ( I work from home )

    Love it!