jessalon Member


  • Get a fitbit and eat strictly paleo. It's working for me.
  • Been a gamer forever. To save time and money I only get games on sale on steam and I use an egg timer and set it to an hour and quit when it goes off. Used to play 4-8 hours a day and now it's just 1 hour a couple times a week.
  • I usually just do my all out sprints like twice or three times a week. I do them as hard as I can and wreck myself. And I'll eat around 100g of carbs on those days. I mix it up and eat higher amounts of carbs at least once a week so that I can recover. What's funny is I'll see weight loss usually like the day after I up my…
  • SPRINT SPRINT SPRINT. Walk a lot. AND scale some of your calories towards the evening. All my carbs I eat are recovery at the end of the day to make up for the punishment I put my body through.
  • Didn't even think of the light timer thing. It'd be really nice to be able to come home to warm food that's super tasty. I have 2 crockpots. One is a digital deal with the thermometer and you could fit a lot of stuff in and the other is old school and small. I'll have to fool around with the digital one and make sure it…
  • Ugh. Crockpot should be convenient... I work 11-12 hour days and by the time I get home overnight is my only option. I
  • The wife informs me the roast was improperly wrapped and that somehow the fridge can eat all the yummy juice inside... sadness.
  • The girl that blogs for paleOMG isn't only a genius in the kitchen. She's hilarious. Paleopot for all your crockpotting needs. I've found having a crock pot to be the easiest way to cook paleo. Also be really encouraged because I was steadily gaining before I went paleo (3 months ago)…
  • It's doable. I've lost 30 pounds towards my target weight by doing my exercise before I ever get in the door. Then I game as much as I want.
  • Add me if you want. I'm looking to lose over 150 lbs total just by eating primal. I've lost almost 30 lbs in 2 months since going totally primal. Though I need to kick my larabar addiction since I'm trying to lower that carb ratio dramatically.