Dropping that "Gamer" weight... <3



  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Thank you both for explaining. I realise that golf, poker, football etc have prize money to be won by people who are good at their games. Just seems a pity that something that should be "just for fun" always gets corrupted & money becomes the aim. I acknowledge that I'm old fashioned. I won't see you on MTV - we got rid of our TV a good while ago, we were wasting too much time getting annoyed that there was nothing on that we wanted to watch.
    Good luck with the healthier living plan.
  • Antonia2501
    Antonia2501 Posts: 121 Member
    Love gaming that is awesome. I got a kinect for my birthday and have been loving zumba!
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    Another gamer here. Avoided the industry since I don't want to end up disliking my #1 hobby :).
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Also a hardcore gamer here, and also avoided working in the industry so there is some separation between my main hobby and the rest of my life. :)

    Spent many years gaming any waking moment I didn't have other responsibilities (classes, work, etc). Had to cut down on gaming for the moment to make time for fitness until I drop another 45-50, but still love me a good gaming session. Especially with friends!

    Any gamers feel free to add me if you're looking for friends.
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    I am usually on my xbox or pc!

    My personal gamertag is Athena PMS and my work one is Valkyrie FD. For multiplayer games I am usually dedicated to shooters and previously MMO's! Add me if you are a shooter fan <3
  • iamcheryld
    Hello! I also can contribute a lot of my weight gain to being a gamer. It was always difficult to motivate myself to exercise when all I wanted to do was play my games. I wish I could have your job by the way! It sounds awesome! :happy:

    I am also new to this website and so far I am loving it! I have been motivating myself to get out of my computer chair and outside to run or to the gym for a half to an hour a day. I can see and feel a difference already.

    Good luck to your weight loss!

    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend as well... motivation is always needed! :smile:
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    People in my RL would be shocked to know that I'm a gamer. Add me fellow pwners!
  • bbbsmama
    bbbsmama Posts: 96
    Welcome! I LOVE you enthusiastic attitude! I have close to the same goals as you!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I love using the XBox for workouts. Since I'm still very out of shape, I get a very good one just using Kinect Adventures Rallyball and River Raft with some 15lb weights thrown in between games, and some really silly dancing during River Raft and between rounds of Rallyball. A bit of running in place or kicking and punching works, too. I tried Your Shape Fitness Evolved, but too be honest, it wasn't as much fun as Kinect Adventures.

    I haven't tried Just Dance, though, because the only dancing I know how to do is the silly kind, and I'm pretty sure that one isn't going to win me any high scores!
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Just Dance tells you what moves to make. It's sort of like old aerobics classes. I love it.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    Another gamer here just saying 'hi'...welcome, Amy!
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    I actually had to give up playing WoW last year simply because I couldn't justify the expense any longer, but I am tempted all the time to go back. My fingers are itching to do it as I type! But yes, I'd say that contributed a bit to my weight gain, that plus the snacks!


    Also, I'm really pleased I'm not the only female gamer here. My female friends all think I'm weird for enjoying computer games. :)
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Another amateur gamer here willing to lend support, friend request sent.
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    Sweet, as great as this community is, nothing beats the gamer community at large for me. Our passion, subculture, and the instant bond we have when we meet fellow gamer can not be topped in my eyes! Glad to have met all of you and that I am able to increase my gamer friend network. Gaming is an enormous part of my life, and only others that share this passion can really "get" me I think lol.

    Here's to helping start a gamer fitness movement! <3
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    WTB Kinect MMO or multiplayer fighting game, please! :happy:
  • Lanet27
    Lanet27 Posts: 127 Member
    OMG... my husband and I are both game players... Mostly RPGs ....we played WoW, and now we both play Star Wars the Old Republic... yeah.. we have both separate accounts and often play side by side on our laptops in our livingroom... yeah... we are crazy like that.. . :)

    We have all the gaming systems, and almost all RPG games out there... We actually got to know each other at college, while playing old school table top DnD with the dice and figurines.

    I adore playing dancing games.. I have DDR (with dancing pads); and Dance Central 1 &2 and Zumba for Kinect I've havent tried Just Dance... I'll have to look into it
  • iamcheryld
    OMG... my husband and I are both game players... Mostly RPGs ....we played WoW, and now we both play Star Wars the Old Republic... yeah.. we have both separate accounts and often play side by side on our laptops in our livingroom... yeah... we are crazy like that.. . :)

    We have all the gaming systems, and almost all RPG games out there... We actually got to know each other at college, while playing old school table top DnD with the dice and figurines.

    I adore playing dancing games.. I have DDR (with dancing pads); and Dance Central 1 &2 and Zumba for Kinect I've havent tried Just Dance... I'll have to look into it

    My fiance and I both do the same thing! We used to play WoW together in the same room all the time. We have both stopped since then, but now play Diablo III together. It's good to know we aren't the only ones who do that! :)
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Truth is.....I met my husband in EQ 11 years ago. At the time he lived in Europe (he is Danish). He moved to the US, we got married and just had our 10th anniversary last week.
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    I have been in the gaming industry over a decade now. My twin sister and I founded the largest female clan back in 2002, PMS Clan (pun intended lol). My hubby is also was a "pro racer" in CGS for Project Gotham 3, although we met before we both got into oline and competitive gaming.

    And keeping on the couple topic, did you all see the guy that proposed at the EVO tournement this week (biggest fighting pro circuit) ? This just shows you how big gaming is part of people's life. Any non gamer would be like WTF, but a hardcore gamer is like HELL YEA lol: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2012/07/fighting-game-tournament-marriage-proposal-makes-at-least-one-man-very-happy/
  • jessalon
    jessalon Posts: 12 Member
    Been a gamer forever. To save time and money I only get games on sale on steam and I use an egg timer and set it to an hour and quit when it goes off. Used to play 4-8 hours a day and now it's just 1 hour a couple times a week.