Your body needs protein to burn when you run, lift weight, or do anything physical. Muscle is easier for your body to break down than fat, so because your body is not building muscle, your body is probably breaking down muscle rather than fat. Also, it's impossible to build abs and burn the muscle around your stomach by…
Have you added lifting weights to your work out? Also, I took a look at your food journal and it looks like your protein has been under what you should be eating. If you are doing a lot of running, make sure your carbs and protein is where it should be or you will gas out. Good luck!
Well, I look at it this way: When I watch shows like Biggest Loser or Heavy, I've never heard of someone saying "I ate my way to 600lbs with avocados" I say, go get yourself some tomatoes, onion, garlic, cayenne pepper and lime juice and make yourself some amazing guacamole!
Just remember... Mr. Atkins died of a heart attack... Everything in moderation :)
DON'T TAKE THEM!!! Diet pills basically dehydrate you. The way they help you "lose weight" is to actually suck all the water right out of your body. You need water to survive. If you want to cleanse your system, try drinking organic green tea in the mornings (warm). It will help your body rid yourself of toxins and will…
1. If you have health insurance (or even if you don't but can find a reasonable one) I'd see if you could have a Chiropractor take a look at you. You might be having some lower back issues that aren't being addressed. 2. Are your sneakers new? There is a store near me that will look at the way your run and tell you what…
Tommy Hilfiger. That man loves a cutie with a booty!!!
I just read through your food journal for a few days. You are only having 1 or 2 so it's not that bad, however you did refer to it as your "addiction." Rather than ruling it out all together, perhaps you could limit yourself to just on the weekends, or if that is too much, limit yourself to just 1. As long as YOU feel in…