CSK1981 Member


  • Being the sarcastic person i am, i'd tell him...sure i'll lose weight, as soon as you have a body like Brad Pitt in "Fight Club", lol, you say he has a belly himself, well then he's clearly a hypocrite, he has no right to judge your body when his isn't perfect. Plus, the fact that his family can just waltz in and suddenly…
  • I have RA too, since i was 23 and i'm gonna be 32 in June, i've tried Humira, after one injection, i couldn't do another, it was painful for me, burned really bad, i've also tried Remicade for a small period, than Embrel, they both worked but eventually stopped. For the past 5 years, i've been on an injection called…
    in Humira? Comment by CSK1981 April 2013
  • I'm an extremely picky eater, since i was a kid, it's followed me till this day (29 years old). Since, i didn't see anyone mention this, i will. I came across a story about picky eating and how it could be a disorder, it's still fairly new and being researched but it's being called Selective Eating Disorder, where adults…
  • Great song!! I always like to listen to Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful", but i'm gonna have to download Pink though!!
  • That problem i don't have, i can do plenty of sit ups, it's just if you have that layer of fat there, it's like what's the point
  • I'd like to know that to!!
  • I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, so less weight will be better for my joints!! I wanna wear cute clothes again I wanna wear a bikini again I don't wanna feel so insecure about the way i look when i'm out
  • I do, except i never really go over the calories, i'm usually a lil under my limit, it's the fat and carbs that i normally go over.
  • I have problems with motivation to. At first i would go to the gym at 8:30 am, but i just can't do it, so i've pushed it back till 11:30 am. But because of the weather, i don't like being cold and lately we've been getting snow, so even if i wanted to go to the gym, i can't, so for days where i can't leave the house, i…
  • This confuses me to, because they base those things on what you do for work, well, because of my arthritis, i don't work, lol, like i do get out most days to go shopping, run little errands and go to the gym (when weather permits, winter sucks), when i'm not doing that and when i'm not playing the Wii, i'm sitting on my…
    in Confused Comment by CSK1981 January 2011
  • Anything by Madonna (esp. Celebration, it's a 2 cd greatest hits) and Britney Spears (the whole Blackout cd, The Singles Collection, and her new single Hold It Against Me) Michael Jackson - This Is It Soundtrack Lady Gaga - The Fame (whole cd) Trey Songs - Bottoms Up Timbaland and Justin Timberlake - Carry Out Miley Cyrus…
  • Britney Spears, i've always loved her body, i actually like it even more now, cuz having her kids made her more curvy. Plus, i admire her for releasing un-airbrushed pictures from her Candies photoshoot like a year ago, it comforted me to see that even she had some cellulite, up until that moment, i was using all the…
  • Thanks!! Guess i will just look at my wrist, that is after i learn what my zone is, cuz right now, i have no clue, lol And i suppose having an HRM is better than not having one according to all the postive things i'm seeing written about them!!
  • Thanks for all the suggestions and replys, i am trying in baby steps to cut myself off the junk, like before i would get the large chicken nugget meal at Micky D's, now i get the kids meal, so i'm definitely trying to cut the amount back, plus i guess i'm gonna have to learn how to cook, up till last summer, still lived…