Question regarding HRM'S???

So, after seeing everyone on here raving about them, i'm considering getting one and i was looking at them on ****'s Sporting Goods website and i noticed alot of them have out of zone alarms.

Well, i personally, like to listen to music when i work out, it's like it gets me in a zone or something, lol, now at home when i'm using the Wii, i have it on out loud, so i'd be able to hear the HRM alarm if it goes off. But at the gym, i obviously have to wear earphones, so i'm just wondering, would i still be able to hear the HRM alarm???


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    oh i think so, i have before. Not that it really matters that much. You could take a peek at your wrist every so often to see your zone as well. if it's lowering, bump up your workout.
  • StephieAmber
    I can't hear mine if I have earphones in. With that said, I check my HRM fairly regularly and I suppose if I'm truthful with myself, I can tell when I'm not working hard enough to have my HR in the zone.

    When I workout without listening to music tho the little alarm bugs me so I hustle to get my HR up so I don't have to hear it beep...hehe.
  • CSK1981
    CSK1981 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks!! Guess i will just look at my wrist, that is after i learn what my zone is, cuz right now, i have no clue, lol

    And i suppose having an HRM is better than not having one according to all the postive things i'm seeing written about them!!