jenns65 Member


  • I am cloth diapering this baby. I am using prefolds and covers for the NB stage then mostly Bum Genius one size after. I am so excited since my son always had a rash or we were trying to prevent a rash since his skin is very sensitive. I had my NB stash done when I was 14 weeks and I am now working on my OS stash. My…
  • I just had this discussion with my OB on Friday. More water, stay in when it is hot (hard I know) and keep you feet elevated and hands if they swell. I got some Epsom salt and soak my feet in the hottest water I can stand with a 1/2 - 1 cup of the salt and soak until the water is room temp. You feet will look bigger when…
  • I am 19 weeks today and I have gained 16 lbs. I have lost 2 lbs of water weight in the last 3 days. I know that i still have more to lose since I am swollen. My goal is to only gain 25 lbs since I mad starting out heavier. With my boys I gained 50 and 40 lbs. I didn't watch what I ate so I am hoping I will do a lot better…
  • I am due October 23rd. It is still so far away. I love being able to feel my baby kick.
  • Drink lots of water to help with the bloat. I was very bloated in the first trimester and I have to watch my sodium or I swell really bad. I am eating 1920 cals and I am 19 weeks. I started out overweight by 15 lbs so I have to be really careful. I am up 15 lbs and my goal it 25 lbs total so I have to watch what I am…
  • I exercise so I can eat more. I am pregnant and I am hungry all the time now. I am get at maintain right now then in a few weeks I will move up to gain 1/2 lb a week. I have gained 50 lbs with my boys and I want to gain the 15-25 my doctor has recommend. I am up 15 so I have to be careful for that next 21 weeks.
  • I don'e even know what to say. You are amazing. I love your gym and I hope I can stick with it during pregnancy and after.
  • You sound just like my hubby. LOL