i almost eat eggs everyday.. they are good for you!!!
iam on week two!! and i love it i have lost almost 4 pounds since i have started it. yes its hard at first still is hard for me but i totaly understand what you mean by almost lost your lunch . as i did as well!! head up this work out is hard but it really works!
i just ordered mine today i cant wait to start it!!!
i totaly understand what you are saying and i feel that iam so big that i dont have a core so i thought about buying a sweat belt to help me hold it in. DOes anyone else think that might work.
what is that?
yes i eat breakfast sometimes after working at to the insanity ( because i do it every am) i eat a grapefruit if am not that hungry but most of the time i eat some egg whites with a multi grain waffle or some weight control oatmeal . and thank you so much for all of your help!!! :)
iam on a 1600/day diet. and like as of right now i have ate 879 calories and i have burned calories = 1045 i guess maybe i just need to eat a lil more when i eat my 3 meals of the day?
so true. and eating the celery and carrot wont hurt my weight loss even if i eat some at 10 at night?
i need to get a protein shake but everything is just so expensive. Do you know of one that is good and not cost me a arm and a leg?
thanks guys!! and yea i dont eat my work out calories most of the time! and no i dont have a protein shake i have just been eating good. i try to make every meal like 300-400 calories each. but i guess maybe i need to up there bc about 9 every night i feel like iam starving! thanks guy for info i greatly appreciate it!!…
iam in week two and i hate the jump things OMG they kill me lol. i cant do that many but i keep at it i have lost 3 pounds so far and i get measured on sunday to find that out i just got to keep giving it my all.
iam on week two as well i do it as soon as i wake up i just find it easier it gives me energy after i catch my breath lol!! i do my lil workouts later in the day !
iam 5'2 i would love to be 150 pounds!!! iam along ways from it but maybe one day ill be there!!
i have only done 6 days so far i havnt lost anything i feel like iam not doing good enough. How long did it take yall to start losing weight?
i sum times think the same thing when iam just sitting around my heart rate is like 55-65 but when i work out like today it was 165. humm now iam off to do some research!!