

  • That is great! You are burning fat and gaining muscle! It might be frustrating that you aren't losing pounds on the scale, but the best measure is how your clothes are fitting. Congrats on your progress :)
  • Yes, I believe your body requires extra calories to breast feed. I would definitely consult your doctor.
  • Add me too! I need some friends on here to keep me motivated to log. 25 y.o. 5'5" highest weight 140, current weigh-136ish, goal weight: 121 ^hoping to hit this by late April I am a gym manger and went to school for fitness training so I know a ton about fitness but I lose motivation and don't eat the best normally
  • I am so sorry to hear about your loss and everyone else who posted above. My mom passed away when I was in high school. Losing a parent is incredibly hard. However, I am really glad to hear that you are starting to make a huge change in your life! Exercise is by far the best thing you can do for yourself. . I am sure most…
  • Your body's systems will streamline it's energy to where it is most needed, so toward your workout and your dinner will just sit in your stomach until after your workout. What this means is you will not be able to utilize your dinner as energy during your workout. This isn't really a bad thing, unless you are working out…
  • What is the worst though isn't the actual number of pounds I've put on, but how sluggish and bloated I feel- all the time!
    in Help! Comment by shannon128 May 2011
  • I'm 22. I'm only trying to lose between 5-10 pounds right now (I'm currently 124) but last year I lost about 15 pounds to get to my current weight. I feel like it is sooo easy to gain a lot of weight really fast when you are in your twenties from college (freshman 15!), going out all the time, and starting your career and…
  • For my workouts I normally just run, I've found it seems to sculpt my body the best for my frame. Today though I did a really intense cycling class at my gym in the am then went for a shorter run at night. I normally drink vodka gimlets with a splash of water or vodka water limes (basically the same). Its normally shots…
  • I had a yummy Acai Bowl from Planet Smoothie this morning. It is an acai smoothie with granola and a little bit of honey. It was a huge bowl so I only ate half of it- right under 200 cal.
  • I sometimes find that after a big workout I kind of bloat up a bit, i think it has something to do with swollen muscles and water weight or something. (Idk don't quote me on this) But it does happen to me a lot when I workout harder than normal- the scale jumps up a bit the next day but then will fall much lower within the…
  • I get Starbucks Grande Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte or a Grande Iced Vanilla Latte- they are only 90 calories. Or I make coffee with non-fat, low calorie creamer and splenda. I also try to drink tea instead sometimes. I am completely addicted to coffee too so I know what you mean. I actually read in Eat This Not That…
  • My all time favorite is Kevin Rudolph- Let It Rock. I have NO idea why but when this comes on, I can suddenly run faster, and longer instantly. Its always the last song of my workout! :) GREAT thread- I am updating my mp3 player as we speak. Thanks!!
  • Make sure you have a good balance. You could be eating within your calories but it could all be carbs, or all veggies, or whatever. Also make sure you are tracking your sodium. It is really really easy to go way over on sodium really quickly. It can make you feel bloated, and gross, which is normally why I feel irritable.…
  • I want to join! Need to get these last few pounds GONE! Thanks, great idea!
  • it lets me log in and search food (even thought this takes forrreeevvveerrrr) but then it wont let me add any items once i have searched for them
  • Well my best advice is to replace things that are bad for you like cheeseburgers, chips, cookies, and other bad for you things with better healthier replacements. Instead of chips have fresh veggies and a fat free dip, instead of a cheeseburger have a veggie burger or a chicken breast... things like that. On a typical day…
  • I'm not one to talk because all I ever seem to do is run, and then run some more but I have already made a list for when I get bored. I would say get creative- sneak into the gym of a local apartment complex and use their equipment, look for one week free trials at local gyms, or just look for one that is affordable. I go…
  • :laugh: :laugh: HAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh:
  • Does it matter if I go over on my protein? I seem to be able to eat right at my calorie allowance and not be over anything except protein.
  • Ohhh I like this topic! Great ideas! I just got home from the grocery store :) I saw 100 calorie packs of popcorn, or you could make your own which is prob. healthier Any veggies with homemade ranch dip (I make mine with fat free sour cream and those packets of ranch seasonings. I think it is 40 cal for 2 tbsp. or…
  • No, no no... I have been eating 1200+ a day (normally about 1400-1600 after adding my exercise calories), and still am. This is just something I was looking into because I've been stuck for a few weeks. I eat about 70% of my EXERCISE calories ON TOP of my usual 1200. I work out about 3-5 times a week and burn about 300-600…
  • I have to say, 24 hour fitness rocks. There isn't any around here but I had a membership when I lived up north and loved it. I think it would depend on the price if I would sign up. I have planet fitness now which is only $15.00/mo and that includes free unlimited tanning.
  • I am stuck at a plateua and I have been researching zig zagging my calories. But I have a few questions and need some advice. First, I have gone to several websites to see what my calorie intake should be and all of them come back with the same or similar numbers: Mon 984 Tues 984 Wed 1184 Thr 984 Fri 984 Sat 1083 Sun 984…
  • I finished my first 5k last week at 32 minutes which I was pretty happy with. My next goal is to get it under 30.
  • Give it time... I know after a big workout I don't see the scale move until a day or two later. I think it has to do with water weight and whatever else. A pound a week is really good. Stick with it and you will see results!
  • Whooo!!! Good for you! A friend of mine does triathalons and I went to one of hers- looks like fun! I was considering getting involved in one too. Any suggestions on how to find out about ones in my area? Anyway, congrats! You will do great!:smile:
  • What are ways to cut out sodium? I like a lot of spicy foods that seem to have a lot in it and I also use a lot of hot sauce in place of more calorie packed sauces. Should I just avoid spicy, salty foods? These seem to be the items that keep my calorie intake low. :cry:
  • I finally figured out how to change my settings to track my sodium intake because I seem to ALWAYS feel bloated. And guess what? I've gone over on my sodium by large amounts (1,000+mg) everyday. No wonder!:laugh: Can anyone teach me more about sodium and how it affects the body?
  • Try Sugar Free Fudgsicles. They are in the "Healthy Bunch" Sugar Free Popsicle Pack and are delicious! I think they are only like 15 calories- something super low like that. Awesome.
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