sliuba Member


  • That's very interesting... in my case he isn't much older than me, 27, but he is friends with my father because of their all-ages, co-ed indoor soccer team. (teammates range from ages 16-45, it's not uncommon for this.)
  • No, though he is the one that showed me MFP he doesn't have a lot of spare time because he works so much. And he's a former Marine.. I doubt he'd take criticism very well on here. -_-
  • He works 70 hour weeks and is usually at my house on the weekends or we stay at our best friends' home. (my best friend is the wife, his is the husband. it's how we got so close. guest bedroom.) the four of us hang out consistently. I don't think there would be another time where he would be dating someone else. Just…
  • I'm not sure I know what career you're speaking of? I have two BAs and am working at a conservation non profit. I'm not sure if I misspoke, but I am unclear what you are referring. Secondly, I really wish I was exaggerating the amount of sarcasm and rude comments that emulate from that gym. But as I said in a previous…
  • I definitely too take a lot of responsibility in letting it go on this far. But his commitment issues were a crutch for him to carry on with the fantasy given to me that maybe one day he'll want to date me...all I have to do is stick around long enough. Maybe that's true, I can't say it isn't. His last real girlfriend was…
  • People eventually found out mainly because my best friend's husband is also HIS best friend. Which meant the four of us were always talking together. People assumed it was a couply thing. Also, too many trusted ears led to one that probably wasn't so trustworthy... on both his and my parts. And I'm sure talking to him…
  • Thanks everyone. Your words, both needed critiques and empowering tips are what I needed to dry my tears and persevere through the day. Just because fitness is and has been my world, doesn't mean he is the alpha and the omega. And I definitely have not become a better or more matured person in dealing with these…
  • I guess you're right about that. Coming from a culture based out of eastern europe, I was always taught that the older you are the wiser and the more respect you were entitled to. So that "cougar" comment was definitely coming from a place of anger and stress. Which isn't good, either.
  • Thanks. As cutthroat, to-the-point as this is, it does help put it in perspective.
  • My point was to say that I don't get why someone that mature would see me as a threat enough to behave in that manner. I just am who I am and never saw anyone for their age. Our "gym group" varied from 19 - 45 and we would go out together and were a family. Then when I started seeing him. The older folk started splitting…
  • The last girl he dated who was a client had women come up to her at the gym and blatantly tell her off and say she wasn't good enough for him and she got her house egged several times by women at the gym (we know it was them because of fb posts). Anyway, I am not forced to compete but because of how ruthless some of these…
  • You're right about that. They are his clients and I shouldn't be asking him to put my feelings above theirs. He knows their behavior is this way but he won't acknowledge it to them because, well, he avoids confrontation. He's the type that hopes things just unravel themselves. But yes, maybe it is too much that I'm…
  • Eu falo portuguese e no inicio eu chamei ele "galinha" por essa razao. Mas agora vejo que aqui nos EUA eh melhor pra usar esta palavra com as mulheres assim. Minhas amigas brasileiras entendem mais do que minhas americanas. Eh porque quase toda brasileira nao aguente esse tipo de homem. Eu ganhei minha confianca no Brasil…
  • Yeah. It just happened to be that it was only 35+ year olds attracted to him that gave me issues. The younger ones were always my friends regardless knowing I was seeing him. It's weird to see the difference in maturity. I wonder if I was older if it would have been flipped scenarios. Either way. it was WOMEN that did…
  • I definitely don't think you're being rude. I have a past in journalism so criticism or critiquing is something I'm used to and frankly welcome at times. I wanted more of a "poor you" response from everyone but from re-evaluating my statement and the words spoken I need more strength to get through this than to be…
  • At this point, a fitness instructor. I was much happier with our friendship before all this confusion came about.
  • Yes, I realize it's a crude term. But the comments made in the lockerroom at earshot are things like "I'm more experienced than she is anyway. She has a pre-pubescent figure, why would he want to be with her? She doesn't even know how to do her make up." etc... I'm 23 years old, not 12. And these are women that are either…
  • Thanks. I know. My training sessions are ending soon and I have to decide if I want to renew or not. I would be broken hearted emotionally and fitness-wise if I don't continue. He's helped me progress so much this last year. It would be like throwing away a good pair of work shoes because they don't go with my outfits...…
  • Sounds like you're right.
  • Sometimes it does feel that way. I don't feel treated like a lady because he has never taken me on a real date before in 6 months. I wasn't even allowed to buy him a Christmas present with the "Hens" bought one and he gladly accepted it. I just keep thinking it will get better once he's past his commitment issues. Maybe…
  • Try it but BE CAREFUL. I was a vegan for four years and a vegetarian for 4 years after that and developed significant health concerns due to it. Explore other protein sources besides soy. Over-consumption of soy is extremely bad for you and can cause hypothyroidism and impede you from weight loss. (my story). Beware of…
  • Awesome! I'm feeling stoked about this. :)
  • Do you work out consistently? If you are doing a lot of cardio or strength training you will definitely start feeling a lot more hungry as time goes on. Your metabolism will start processing food more rapidly in which you will constantly go over your 1300 calorie goal. You can start at this amount and see how you feel…
  • My clothes are fitting the same, but the problem is I DEPEND on the hand held body fat measuring. My goal isn't to lose weight but to drop body fat down to 20%. I started at 28%. Dropped to 24% But now I am back up to 27%. This was all over the span of 10 months. I only test myself once a month for the body fat and I've…