

  • Hey... it's been some time since your last post! Hope all is well!
  • You could have a salad with the kinds of greens you like, add an egg and some light cheese (I get a lactose free cheese that is very low in carbs). I usually try to have a low carb breakfast and lunch, as they are the two meals I can "control" and leave my dinner free as my better half usually likes going out. You can add…
  • Cold turkey-ish about 2 years ago :happy: I had quit in the past again cold turkey. I remember I was in my final month of my Masters' degree and I was writing up my Dissertation. For some reason I looked at the cigarette and said.. "I don't need you" and didn't smoke for the next two years. A bad moment and there I was…
  • Nicosia, Cyprus! Feel free to add me :drinker: I think there must be a couple of more Cypriots out there as I keep finding local products already posted :wink:
  • I always log it as I tend to have watermelon for lunch or dinner so I don't have just a cap :laugh: However be cautious! Watermelon is not just water... it has a lot of sugar which is translated into carbs! So don't over do it :)
  • Well done and keep up the good work Sara!!! Remember to have some more water when you go out for dinner or just drinks And also drink some more water when you are having alcohol :drinker: I have been having a so and so week... I felt so motivated to start but after having a 12 hour day at work yesterday I just didn't have…
  • I'm up for it - need company to do this!
  • Hi there - well done for logging the food and getting the water in! Water is also good for the skin not just for the waist :smile: I've got 6 months till my 30th and I was so happy that I reached my ideal weight by 31st May. Unfortunately I've weighted my self today and I've gained 3kg (don't know how that's possible...…
  • i totally feel you! during summer time i might have a light / diet ice-cream - i'm not in USA or UK so suggesting a brand doesn't have a point :tongue: when it starts getting a bit cold i have a cup of hot chocolate (cadbury highlights) - only 40 kcal per cup!!! (1.4g fat, 4.6g carbs, 1.8g protein)…
  • Yeah it's a bit too much... i wouldn't replace a meal just for a drink :ohwell: When i go to costa coffee (don't have 7-11 here...) i usually check their site So i might "exchange" my snack for a drink :drinker:
  • Hi and welcome from another newbie (joined a few days ago!)
    in hello Comment by auntie_mush August 2010
  • yogurt and muesli used to be my favourite fruit salad with yogurt as for salads... some of my favourite ones (thanks for reminding me!) -chicken salad - salad with rice, sweetcorn etc - egg salad another idea is try changing the bread and the fillings of the sandwiches every day so you have more variety :) hope this helps!
  • Loved your idea abyt42! I only started last week (officially yesterday) and I was wondering how to keep track when i'm out of the office and don't have internet access for a day :) (don't have access via phone)
  • I don't think any internet site can tell you what your ideal weight should be.... I totally agree with Suedre... you and only you can determine what your ideal weight is... it's the weight you feel most comfortable with and feel more sexy :wink:
  • Hi there ! First of all don't feel sad.... you are not the only on who's not losing weight! I joined last week and managed to gain 1 kilo in just 2 days.... just because I did not feel good! :ohwell: There are a lot of tricks to help you in this site - i decided to start over again yesterday and i found a lot of support!…
    in Sad Comment by auntie_mush August 2010
  • Thank you guys :) I think support from people who are in the same position as you are is the most important motive as well :)