afrench799 Member


  • Awesome keep up the great work!!! Im doing JMBR also im only on week 2 but im noticing changes as well =)
  • well im on week 2 and have lost only 3 lbs but lost 6 in so far yea!!! Im very happy with the inches lost so far, thats what i am really looking forword to. ( i have big hips) Keep up the great work everyone!
  • wow thats awesome!!!!!!! keep up the good work
  • Thats awesome for those who are on phase 2! And thanks for the other ladys for the great advise, it really helps put things into prospective for me =) Keep up the good work!!!!
  • i thought i could follow it but some of it i dont like, so i made some adjustments but i am still folloing my 1200 cal a day and do the excerises twice a day though. I want to be able to eat what i want to eat but with modifications here and there. my biggest issue is getting all my water in. Im not a big fan of plain…
  • i started yesterday doing the kickstart program. I can tell you i am super sore!!!! but a good sore lol I hate the running mans too! But I was laughing i thought my butt was gonna fly off. also the suicides suck too but it takes me back to my high school days when i was in basketball and volleyball training. I cant wait…
  • i finally got mine today after ordering on the 22nd, what happened was fedx was delevering it, but instead of them delervering to me, they sent it to the post office and waiting 2 more days for my regular mail delivery. duh lol cant wait to get started! Gl to everyone!
  • Thank You for the advice =)
  • Love JM!!! I should be getting mine tues according to FEdx. Cant wait to start. If anyone is looking to follow a vlogger there is one i am following on youtube and i love watching, its BL13Kristin, Ishe is very informitive and also anwsers any questions you may have :smile: Hope that helps some of you.
  • Hi, You are definatly not alone. I acually just heard about fitnesspal from my sister so i signed up=) I def. need to lose about 100 lbs or more but i will take it one day at a time. This is a beginning journey for me as well. We can do this together=) Good Luck!