

  • Hi. I was sleeved in April 2013. Have lost just over 35kg now. Another 30-50kg to go. Happy to be your friend and support person.
  • Hi friend request sent Connie.
  • Thanks for that. I am feeling 'friction' at the moment in many ways. Sometimes I feel I am self-sabotaging myself with it all too. Time to stop off to the pysch for a little chat I think.
  • Well done. I have 6O kg to go too. Have lost 21kg since 1 April and I am like you in that I can't see it either. We can keep each other going
  • Hi in Canberra here. Was -7 on Sunday-BRRR.!!!! During the day at the moment it is lucky to reach 11. I moved here from North Queensland so I feel the cold really bad. Been here 5 yrs and this is the hardest winter for me. I think it is only because I am watching every mouthful on a 1200 calorie diet. Will have to cook up…
  • Hi I am an emotional eater too. I noticed that at work when I am bored, I look for food, so now have my joggers at work and go for a walk instead. I also started knitting to keep my hands busy. At least you have identified that you are one, so now you can be aware and change direction, and do something instead. Sorry to…
  • Hi l completely know what you mean. l am 8 weeks post op tomorrow. I have been soo frustrated because the scales were not moving. l consciously now weigh only on Wednesday morning so tomorrow will tell. My first real loss was last week- 2.6kg down. l wrote everything in my food diary, started 10 mins in treadmill once a…
  • Hi I was sleeved 17 April 2013. Am 45 yrs, 3 kids and weighed 165kg in 1 April. Now about 145kg. Remember to measure yourself. I didn't and really regret it. When the scales don't move, the centimetres do which keeps you inspired. Have sent a friend request. Happy to friend anyone else too. I love the support everyone…
  • Hi, I had my surgery on 17 April this year. I am happy to be a friend on here. l am in Australia.
  • I put all of mine into the recipe builder and yes it works out about that. In mine I had a lot more vegies so I had leftovers, as I love eating them. Enjoy.
  • Hi I posted something very similar the other day. Delicious isn't it. l live on this now.
  • Thanks for the recipe. l look forward to cooking it.
  • I agree that these are fun occasions so enjoy them. If you choose to have mixers try not to have the post mix as there are heaps of sugars in them. Instead get your own can or bottle. Intermittent water may also help. Have a great time.
  • OMG there are more of us!!! YAYAY!!! I was sleeved on 17 April 2013. Have only lost 16kg since 1 April 2013. Whilst I know I should be happy about that, I would have liked a lot more. Made the simple mistake of not measuring myself before the surgery - I should have, as I know I have lost centimetres - just would like the…
  • Hi, congratulations on starting the program. I, like some others before me have mentioned, had the Optifast for three weeks prior to having gastric sleeve surgery on 17 April 2013. In Australia we get the coffee, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavours, and also lemon and chocolate dessert. For my 'meals' I ate a medley…
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