

  • TaeBo is an awesome full body workout. I am a TaeBo instructor and we have many members (myself included) who have gotten hooked because it's so different! Build up to full intensity like RosesFitNotes said. It takes time to build up the coordination.
  • I could see how in Middle School it would be tough. So I bring up the protein shake idea again. They have been dramatically improved! I use a yummy chocolate one from Max Muscle that shakes up smooth like chocolate milk and it provides 30 grams of protein. Don't go cheap or they taste terrible, or have way too much sugar.
  • Why don't you eat a snack when the kids do? I would also eat a protein packed breakfast. Oh, and what about a protein shake. You wouldn't be eating in front of the kids??
  • Tae Bo can certainly burn that many calories depending on how hard you go at it and your current fitness level. I am a Tae Bo instructor at one of the few gyms in the country offering it in class format. We have MANY people your size who successfully lose A LOT of inches! I would say adjust your calories down a little and…
  • I never ate calories to compensate for working out & since I'm at the gym all of the time, I've discovered I wasn't eating enough! So now I try to be close & I'm finally losing.
  • Asparagus/ham roll-ups, lots of left-overs. lean hamburger patty chopped into a spicy V-8, fresh veggie & turkey on a low carb tortilla grilled on my panini press
    in Ideas Comment by skichick1968 April 2012
  • Try quinoa - it would be a low carb alternative. Google how to cook. It's yummy!
  • I have HORRID sugar cravings, especially at like 10 o'clock at night. I'm convinced that due to my own chemical and hormonal make-up that I am truly addicted. So guess what breaks an addiction?...2-3 weeks of no sugar. If I can substitute berries with fat free whip cream, or take ricotta cheese and blend with some vanilla…
  • I do a lot of pre-cooking on the weekends making my busy life easier...especially breakfast with getting the kids out the door. My favorite is a high protein Fritatta. Blend 2 eggs, 1/4 cup skim milk & 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, set aside. Saute in oven-proof pan with some olive oil, diced veggies of your choice, a…
  • Even if you don't follow it, the South Beach books have great recipes.
  • Target has decent pants & thankfully the tops are getting longer. Try to avoid cotton, it wears out faster, stretches out & keeps wet. Find stuff with Lycra, makes us look thinner too!
  • McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!
  • I want to know why there are chocolate ads running at the top of a site for people trying to lose weight!! LOL!
  • Hi everyone, I'm 43 and have a 12 and 8 year old. I'm active in my kids' lives and love going on adventures with them. I also decided on the ripe age of 42 to become a fitness instructor! I've been obsessed with exercise after losing 50 pounds after my son was born. It's a bit tough on this old body though! I'm here…
  • I too have bounced the same 3 pounds for half a year, what the heck!? A fitness friend of mine finally told me that I had to shake it up. So if I work out 3 times a week, I need to increase it. If I eat pretty good, I need to eat really good. If I do mostly cardio, then add weights. Shake it up and shake our bodies out of…
  • 43 and have a 2nd and 7th grader and STILL trying to get rid of my "baby" weight!! The more friends the merrier!
  • Yup, tough decisions....I get so frustrated too! I want to enjoy life and not worry about every flipping calorie, but I also know how good I feel when I'm lighter. So which "feel good" is more satisfying? So I do indulge (I had a yummy chocolate fudge milkshake yesterday), but I made sure I went lean the today. And…
  • I too get discouraged because it's very hard for me to lose weight. I'm very active so it seems to be even harder to make that scale budge! I've been on MFP for less than a month and have enjoyed the support. I also like the accountability when I see that I've come in under my calorie count.
  • Definitely find a cardio you enjoy. I discovered I just can't do machines, love kickboxing, Taebo, Zumba and BodyPump classes instead!
  • Yup!!! I think our bodies need fuel, so we need to eat more when we work out. That's my problem, I don't eat enough. MFP is making sure I eat all of my calories! And since I'm staying consistent I noticed I have more even energy day to day. The other weird thing is that if I eat crap then I don't get as hungry, but I eat…
  • Max Muscle has great powders that taste good with low sugar.
  • Max Muscle has great powders that are very low sugar, low carb and only 130 calories. I especially like adding the amino acids to my protein to help keep soreness away.
  • I also cook ahead. On weekends, I grill up some chicken, hamburgers and make some taco meat. Then throughout the week you have an assortment of stuff to eat depending on sides like pasta, rice, or quinoa. Or you can add to an omelet. Hamburger freeze very well!
  • Asparagus and ham roll ups!
  • I'm 5'7" and am striving for 165. 10 years ago I was 150. I will never get there again. Why? Strength training has added at least 10 pounds of muscle to my frame. And maybe having a second child did it too! :happy:
  • I was told by a nutritionist that I should drink my protein shake right before bed when I told him my snacking habit. That way the protein rebuilds muscle used during my training, it takes longer to digest so my body is actually burning calories as I sleep, and it's not carb loaded which will be stored at fat as I'm not…
  • Higher protein, lower carb. Especially after Pump. I chug my protein mix with Amino Acids to prevent muscle soreness.
  • I am an official BodyPump instructor here in Colorado. I am also Zumba certified and Taebo certified. I teach Pump 2 - 3 x a week and it really does work! The only down side is the scale has shot up with all of my new muscle!
  • Just like any other exercise, you'll get out of it what you put into it. I'm a Zumba instructor & I always walk out of class sweaty!
  • Wait for 81 to release, propulsion lunges again, but KILLER back track! :happy: