

  • well, better late than never - my cutoff time will be 9pm. and even though april's almost over, next month i'll be there right from the beginning :)
  • i'm in college right now and i live on campus and have a meal plan. definitely get a meal plan, its going to provide you a way to socialize and meet new people without pressure, so definitely do it. and, it is definitely possible to eat right while going to the dining hall. typically there are veggies available (at my…
  • thank you for the info i'll definitely be tracking it somehow from now on :)
  • I've been doing yoga for the past few weeks and I know it's a great workout for my muscles, the stretching feels awesome and it's so relaxing... however I am wondering if/how I can log that in my exercise. I know it does burn some calories but is it enough to make a difference, and should I track it in exercise? I'd like…
  • i'm new here. i've been trying to lose weight for a while now but haven't had much success. i'm hoping that having to track all of my calories and exercise will give me more motivation to actually do things right. i'm in college so it's somewhat of a struggle for me, but hopefully hearing about everyone else's success will…