

  • I am such a dork....I actually had to type that into a calculator and turn it upside down and look. I've never seen that one before!!! LOL>
  • I don't really understand some of the terminology you guys are using, (stones? Boots? what the heck is that??) but I definitely understand the problem with scale fluctuation. I had scales at home and thought I was doing fairly well. Until I went to the Dr. and it showed very different results. So I purchased a new digital…
  • I'll see if I can!
  • I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. What a jerk!!! You are so much better than that. Don't let that creeper get you down. Unfortunately this happens pretty often. You did great!!! ☺
  • Thanks to everyone for all the responses! Nice way of making a newbie feel welcome! When I made that original post, I was worried about haters and trolls, but I was glad to know that I didn't receive one negative response. That is always helpful to anyone who is struggling to make such difficult changes in their life.…
  • Nice analogy! True but still made me laugh! ☺
  • Fast foods seems to be killing my calories. I usually eat at home all week and would usually eat out alot for the weekend. I haven't completey quit but Ive found a few tricks to help me. For example I will decide where we are eating before we leave the house and look up the nutritional information online so I know what…
  • It does take alot of planning. I basically plan my meals the day before, but I take several snack options to work with me for the whole week. I work 6 days a week, M-F from 7am to 6pm, Sat really whenever, and I have a mini fridge in my office so that seems to be working well for now. So I usually eat my AM snack and…
  • YAY!!! I figured out the ticker at the bottom of the posts.
  • SO TRUE. And that is my motivation. Along with a pic of myself at 140 lbs pinned up on my wall so I see it every morning when I get out of bed..... Every morning I tell myself "you can find that girl again if you just stay on track". I know that prob sounds dorky or maybe just a little creepy, but it works, most days!!
  • I thought about doing it that way, but doesnt that make you feel like you are "locked in" to have to eat the food you logged?
  • I am a diabetic, and when I first found out I was diabetic about a year ago, my medical insurance paid for several appointments with a nutrition specialist. For me, with diabetes, she said I should only be eating 45 carbs per meal (at 3 meals per day) Max because carbs break down into sugar. Hope that helps...☺
  • That does sound pretty good!!! I will def have to try that. I have been avoiding baked potatoe just because I didnt know what I could "safely" put on it.
  • it really is a good tool and you're right, it only works at all if your honest with yourself. ☺
  • I did exactly that at first, I todl MFP I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week and it put my calories SOO low. I was having problems with my diabetes at that low of a cal intake. So I bumped it up to MFP losing 1/2 lb a week, and I think most of those days I was under my cal goal. So after doing it at that cal intake, and staying…