So Many Calories....



  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I sent you a friend request since we're almost in the same exact boat with our weight loss journey.

    It's great that you're already exercising a lot because it's going to make it so much easier for you to keep going now that you're counting your calories. The KEY is to find shortcuts to fulfill your cravings without consuming so many calories. As you do that, you'll find that you can very easily get through the day on 1200-1500 calories and lose a ton of weight quickly and easily.

    For example, you'll find that you can be just as happy with spices on your chicken breast instead of breading and oil. You can be happy snacking on a cucumber instead of a bag of chips. And you can identify better when you're eating out of habit or boredom instead of actual hunger.

    Don't be surprised if it takes you a good month or two before you're not feeling like you're hungry all the time, but you will get there. Drink lots of water - it helps a lot.

    Good luck, you've got this!
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    good on you for taking the first step :) and good idea with the picture next to your bed, ive done the same but with one of me at my biggest to prevent me ever going to that size again. funny thing is u dont even seem to notice how big you are until the dreaded pics come out, well i didnt anyway. i must hav had a magic mirror lol good luck with your new healthy lifestyle - you CAN do it :) xx
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    For me, the pre-logging of food isn't about being 'locked in' as much as having figured out a path to where I'm going and staying on that path. I think of it just like when I'm hiking. There might be several ways to get to point B but picking a path rather than wandering aimlessly through the woods usually results in a better journey. I find that getting off that path usually ends up like it does when I'm hiking...I run into thorns.:glasses:

    brilliant way of putting it :)
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Welcome to the journey! As you and many others have learned, it's really easy to underestimate how many calories you are consuming. I know I did that for years. Not that I tried to eat badly, just wasn't paying attention.

    As the weight comes off, your body will thank you for doing this. A healthy, balanced diet and some exercise are key in being healthy. Your energy levels will improve and a lot of people say they feel happier! Set the big goal, but don't forget to celebrate even the small victories!
  • dmchiz
    dmchiz Posts: 184 Member
    I would also add that you have already done the hard part for most people, which is to start working out and exercising regularly. Now that you are aware of the problems with eating out, you can make the adjustment to eating more healthy and watch the pounds start dropping. Remember it's okay to eat out once in a while, just choose more wisely and find the healthiest choices by doing a little research ahead of time! i've only been on MFP for a short time too, but what an amazing resource! Good luck to you!
  • shirleyhud
    shirleyhud Posts: 11 Member
    I too am diabetic and try and keep my carbs under 50, I have lost 40 lbs but only like 12 since joining MFP, it has helped me alot, my sugar levels are around 120-140 after I eat, still wake up with 150 but hey im off insulin now, also ive lost 4 inches on my boobs, hips and thighs, and i even have hips now..
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    I do this too! I thought I was weird. I usually plan the night before, so in case I want a treat I know what else I can eat. I leave a little wiggle room at the end just in case :) It also helps me eat fruit and veggies before they go bad, and use up leftovers. I used to forget I had things all the time and I was wasting food every week. But I am definitely all for planning ahead of time!

    It does take alot of planning. I basically plan my meals the day before, but I take several snack options to work with me for the whole week. I work 6 days a week, M-F from 7am to 6pm, Sat really whenever, and I have a mini fridge in my office so that seems to be working well for now. So I usually eat my AM snack and afternoon snack from my food at work. I like the structure of my meals planned and I like the flexability of my snack options. For me, its like a perfect balance.
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    I used to be a fast food "junkie" and one day (on one of my "breaks" from eating healthy) I decided to enter what a day for me could look like if I ate out at every meal. I recorded about 3000 calories. I didn't usually eat out every meal of the day, but there were days that I did. And even when I ate at home, I was eating WAY too much! It was certainly an eye-opening experience!! It truly made me realize what I was doing to myself. Once I was back on track with logging my food, if I had a bad day (in other words a day I ate poorly) I just wouldn't log it. I actually think I felt that if I logged it then that made it real and if i didn't log it then I could deny how bad it was. SO GOOD FOR YOU FOR LOGGING IT!!!! Now, when I have a "bad" day, I log it. It keeps me accountable. Logging poor food choices is probably still the hardest thing for me to do (even harder than the 5 miles I ran last weekend), but I know if I don't log it, I will fall back into my old habits. Now that you see the problem, you can fix it. It is one day at a time and one choice at a time! Soon the good choices start to add up!

    Fast foods seems to be killing my calories. I usually eat at home all week and would usually eat out alot for the weekend. I haven't completey quit but Ive found a few tricks to help me. For example I will decide where we are eating before we leave the house and look up the nutritional information online so I know what some of the better choices for me are. I tried that last night with a local mom and pop italian restaurant in town. They didnt have a website and it was difficult, but what helped me there was that I asked for a to go container to be brought with my plate of food. Before I even ate, I put half the food in the togo box and then ate the rest on my plate. It helped me not to overeat. I have realized that fast food portions are HUGE. Those two tricks seemed to help me a lot when I do choose to go out to eat. But dont worry my friends.....I have steered completely away from the Braum's
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    For me, the pre-logging of food isn't about being 'locked in' as much as having figured out a path to where I'm going and staying on that path. I think of it just like when I'm hiking. There might be several ways to get to point B but picking a path rather than wandering aimlessly through the woods usually results in a better journey. I find that getting off that path usually ends up like it does when I'm hiking...I run into thorns.:glasses:

    Nice analogy! True but still made me laugh! ☺
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Well done for being honest with yourself about what you're eating - I think that is the first step and a really important one when you want to change - you have to know what you are changing from.
    I'm sure we'll be reading your posts in the "Success Stories" section when a little bit of time has passed :smile:

    (I'm a planner too - it doesn't mean my meals for the day are set in stone, buy it give me a good base to work from and if things change, so do I).
  • ladyjeanne57
    ladyjeanne57 Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome to our journey! MFP has so helped me. The calorie counter, the support and the posts. So many ideas. So much encouragement! Your honesty is so great. One of the great things at MFP is that everyone understands the blunders, splurges and disappointments. You don't have to feel quilt or embarrassment. Instead they reach out to you with possitive input.

    I like many of us, am a diabetic. I am type 2. Non-insulin. For me counting calories is important but the ease of counting carbs is a life-saver! Keeping them in my diet without going over what is safe and choosing healthier carbs is so much easier.

    Good luck! I am positive this is going to be a fantastic journey for you!!!! Please feel free to friend me.
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    Thanks to everyone for all the responses! Nice way of making a newbie feel welcome! When I made that original post, I was worried about haters and trolls, but I was glad to know that I didn't receive one negative response. That is always helpful to anyone who is struggling to make such difficult changes in their life. (like so many of of us on here are) It is going to be a lifelong journey, but one I will enjoy!

    Speaking of calories, it is funny to realize how each of our bodies are different. My boyfriend is trying to gain weight. I set him up a mfp to see if it could help him gain. MFP told him to gain 1 lb per week he needed to eat 3300 calories/day. In just one day of food tracking he ate 4400 calories. The next morning he jumped on the scales excited to see some gain......He lost 3 lbs in two days and STILL ATE 4400 calories....How crazy is that? He just has a very high metabolism.....wish I could just give him some of mine...☺