

  • oh god sorry i didn't realize how many people had already been trolling each other over this PF thing. I hereby formally retract my post!
  • I go to planet fitness too! Thing is, they have that "lunk alarm" thing, sounds like the author of this post's main problem is that people glare at him when he grunts or makes noise with weights, and the lunk alarm will go off every time he does this, compounding his problem! it's designed to keep people from being…
  • You ever seen the pictures of that guy who was in a weight lifting competition in front of an audience of thousands and actually strained himself so hard he had a rectal prolapse? He couldn't move until the ambulance got there and everyone could see his colon hanging out of his *kitten*! So yeah, don't be embarassed. Worse…
    in Farting! Comment by munkyblew April 2013
  • Is that your daughter? She's adorable! And I bet she's super proud of her dad :) good job dude!
  • *not going to quote because it's too long* A healthy person decides what their own boundaries are. I don't know any of you in real life, and I don't consider the internet to be my social sphere. I also don't consider this to be "intimate" or "exquisitely personal." It's what happened, and I'm not ashamed. If I wanted to…
  • Depression leads to weight gain! Your first step is going to be to get happy! And having friends definitely helps with that :) I am not on very often at all (I log in for a few weeks a couple times a year) but I would be happy to friend you. Have you ever seen "fat, sick and nearly dead"? It's worth a watch. The guys in…
  • I'm going to go ahead and say "thank you." My post was not intended to help you, but I'm hoping that my experiences will help the author of the thread. Sometimes people feel like they're alone and that their situation is the crappiest thing ever and that nobody gets what they're going through. I want her to know that's not…
  • I'm sorry, but unless you're an orphan (and I mean a total orphan, no grandparents or anything), you have family. Go to them. I hate my family sometimes but it's better than hating myself for allowing myself to be trapped in a poopy situation. You have control, you're just not allowing yourself to use it- either because…
  • I have been in relationships like this, one for 3 years, and what I have learned is that if they make you feel like crying and screaming and whatnot you need to get rid of them. "Oh, but I love him!" is a common response. The truth is, you'll love a lot of people over the course of your life. Why waste your time with one…
  • It can be really frustrating to work really hard to lose weight and not see results :( My mom's been trying to lose 40 lbs for like 5 years now and she's starting to feel like nothing will work- she's tried atkins, jenny craig, weight watchers, everything. A raw diet might be worth a try. I lost like 20 lbs in a month last…
  • after a string of disastrous relationships (and i MEAN disastrous, my last boyfriend lasted 3 years before cheating on me with a 14 year old asian transgender kid) I'm certain i've found the right guy. We started hanging out through a different ex. We both burn it, so we would meet up and burn and then spend hours just…
  • We studied weight gain and loss in a psych class I took in high school and my teacher told us that the BMI you have when you're about 5-6 (your peak physical age in terms of weight to height ratio) is basically where you're stuck. It's during this time that your body is learning your eating habits and it basically "sets"…